Thursday 10 February 2022

#BlogLife209 - I don't care what you think..

Wouldn't it be nice to utter those words and mean it? I can say it and believe it sometimes but other times I secretly care.

I just won't be forthcoming about it. I mean just because it bothers me.. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of knowing it. 

I guess a nice comeback answer to a spiteful critique would be..

Actually I like/love that quirk about me. Perfection is overrated. 

If I were you I would question, why you feel the need to point out someone's flaws instead of complimenting them??

That is far worse and makes you the insecure person, that you are striving to make me!

I'm going to make out I am unfazed by your heartlessness. I'll just strive to bring the focus on my own truths.

What I am feeling positive about?

What I am working on?

What I could do to improve myself for my overall wellbeing?

I'll just push your inane criticisms from my mind.

If I can be an even better person, I'll be leaving you in the dust anyhow.

Does my patience need work? Absolutely. I get irritated waiting for anything past 30 seconds. 

I'll still get on with another project but in the back of my mind - It will be eating me up!!

My time management could stand to be improved but not to a regimental fashion.

I'm not that type of person who has to have their entire day mapped out.

It tends to stifle my creativity, instead of making me looser and productive.

However because my brain can't seem to focus straight at the moment I am goofing off a lot.

I want to finish off another Lethal Curves Ahead chapter and the BookLife I'm working on but I'm just scattered in all directions.

I would feel a lot better if I could channel my thoughts coherently.

I have lots of ideas for scenarios but when I go to write it, I can't make sense of it. It's very frustrating.

(Lil side note, my hair still doesn't feel greasy. It's highly unusual. I'm not going to do any spritzes today).


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D