Monday 7 February 2022

#Bloglife206 - New J's sex chat

Afternoony lovelies, How is the weekend treating you? It's bitterly cold and I'm wrapped around a heated blankie or I was but I keep running (aka briskly walking) to check on the food.

Chicken pasta for the curious amongst you. I had a new chat which morphed into a phone conversation with a new random J.

Very pleasant voice, not deep deep but manly. It was quite entertaining on a variety of topics.

Then the flirting began and the insistence about narrowing down my location. Ick.

At that point I had to set the record straight I wasn't interested in hooking up for any reason. 

He seemed to understand but on further probing having a spicy chat was mandatory and knowing my almost exact location was also a deal breaker :D

If I asked a random a question and he wasn't comfortable answering it. I wouldn't keep hounding him about it. I would move on.

I was doing everything I could to put him off from any romantic notion and it was mostly working until the flirty personal questions began.

I answered some and the rest avoided like the plague. I wanted to see if he would respect my wishes to be vague and at ease.

Sometimes I say to them, this isn't an 0906 number, if you want that, call them, not me.

It's just irritating, you can have an amusing chat but if you refuse to discuss sex, you're blacklisted and kicked off further interactions.

Maybe he assumes, hmmm, if I can entice her towards a mature area, she'll be looser and agree to picswaps and a romp rendezvous.

The opposite is true in my case. If you can have a giggle with me, possible light flirting and don't push me to know everything then I'll keep you around because you're more flexible.

If not you're a tedious, short, temporary fly by night and I have no further use for you because someone with brains that isn't ruled by hormones is genuinely appetising to me.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D