Wednesday 16 February 2022

#BlogLife213 - Madam you're in for the drilling of your life

Remember when you were lil? The thought of going to the dentist horrified you. It still petrifies me.

The sound of the drill, all those sterile laid out instruments ready to poke me.

The incessant.. "Open wider, hold still, wider, move your tongue out the way."

All those orders barked at me and then at the end. "Aww you were a good brave sport. Have a brightly coloured lolly." 

After I've just brushed your teeth and told you to avoid sugar.. That never made sense to me but I always gratefully took it anyway.

I think I had 2 wisdom teeth at the back removed and 2 remain and it's one of those that is tender.

The upper jaw. I've tried binaural beats and rubbing peppermint essential oil and it helps a lil bit.

I'm just trying to chew on my left side. I can't listen to anymore beats, it's giving me ear/headaches for some reason. It must be my ear sensitivity reacting to the frequencies.

I just find it strange they don't play relaxing music, while you're in the chair and are cringing with dribble and blood trickling down the ugly apron they put on you.

At least it would take the edge off the whole undignified experience. The pain seems to have subsided. I'll see if I have any salt and gargle with it.

I feel for you, if you have toothache currently. A few other home remedies I looked up were a bit controversial so I've decided not to include them.

I wouldn't want to make you feel any worse. The best treatment is to book an appointment and see a dentist.

It might just be an easy solution and then you'll be pain-free and chewing normally in no time at all.

*Mini update*

I held a freezing cold bottle to my face to numb it and then just as I thought I had run out of salt, I spotted it.

I filled another bottle with a pinch of salt and warm water as recommended by googly woogly and did that for maybe 5 times, concentrating and tilting my head to the right.

Then I brushed my teeth again. I feel so cleansed and pain free. I'm going to keep following the above steps for a while as that truly made a difference.

It's been hard to sleep of late and I just want to unwind and switch off.

My dentist always told me about electrical toothbrushes and interdental brushes like that would prevent plaque/tartar and although I do brush twice a day, it doesn't.

I don't find those flimsy wobbly brushes don't do anything, too soft. I looked on Ebay, Youtube and Amazon and have seen an electrical teeth cleaner, with a safety precaution to avoid bruising.

I think I'm going to purchase that and try and get my mouth as healthy as possible to avoid future toothaches.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D