Wednesday 25 January 2023

#BlogLife441 - Healthy mind vs sick body

The positive thing about watching makeover shows is that it reminds me to make more of an effort in my appearance.

I don't always do that. I prioritise sleep because I worry I won't have the energy to do everything I need too while I'm out before the exhaustion hits and I'm craving my bed again.

I'm still binge watching Trinny's Takeover makeover show and the new episode is up today.

I hear these peoples stories and can relate to a lot of that. Hiding myself away and covering up completely.

Not wanting to sparkle in colours and just wearing predominantly black thinking that nobody could tell I was severely depressed.

Being ill and knowing that walking and being outdoors is extremely taxing affects my mood and it becomes less about fashion and more about, trying to keep my mind light and playful and not panicking and stressing.

It doesn't take long for the pains to set in but if I wear something particularly cute at least my mind feels a lil more at peace, than if I didn't.

Like today was difficult, pain/walking wise but because I felt smart in blue trousers and a yellow/black top, even though I didn't have makeup or my hair done properly, I felt happy and smiley.

Granted I wasn't out for long but a while ago on the bus, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in my phone and I wasn't looking for that.

I'm normally changing songs or playing scrabble rounds but it struck me that I didn't hate what I saw.

I really liked it and thought I looked youthful and dare I say lovely even.

It's a big difference between being unable to look at my image at all and just seeing all the things that I hate, bad skin at times or bags under my eyes or too round a face.

Sometimes I don't make any effort and I love makeup but lately it feels like it's left in my bag unused.

I've run out of two of my favourite lip glosses and I didn't bother to replace them.

I've been using that lip mask, which is actually great as a gloss and a balm, it's not too gloopy or heavy but hydrates immediately and leaves a nice shine on the mouth.

But previously it was all about the lip gloss and now that I have 3 due, I'm impatiently excited about wearing it again.

I took a chance as I've never tried these shades but I know if it's too light or dark, I will blend it with something else to make it suitable.

I just looked in my eyeshadow palette and never noticed a dark purply blue colour so I usually two tone, a light and dark and I sweep the lighter colour, a pink over the eye lid but because the weather is so dark I can't even see it properly.

There was no postie yesterday and maybe none today. I was hoping to wear out the purply gloss before I chickened out.

Oh well. I still have an hour before I have to meet Dic and he's already called me up to see if I'm arriving, like some bloody child that needs reminding.

I think I'll just ignore those calls, it's too irritating. Today's ensemble is a bright red top and black trousers.

What made me laugh is that I've been wanting to wear this top for ages but it's been tangled in the hanger and today I finally just snipped it free because the temperature has dropped again and it's chilly beyond reason!

I just have a touch of foundation on and that's it, that's my look completed.

Oh and the all day curlers, plus bed hair mostly made my hair stylish, it's flicked up and slightly wavy, well half of it is.

Well most of it really so I don't need to do anything with it. That's good enough for me, I just combed my hands through it to increase the volume.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D