Monday 23 January 2023

#BlogLife439 - Goodbye Friday's

I just checked my email and finally the nightie is out for delivery with Yodel/T4 but it's not telling me how many people are in front of me so I guess it will arrive in the late afternoon/evening today.

And my lip glosses are just being posted now so maybe that will arrive from Wednesday onwards.

I'm just glad nothing is arriving tomorrow as I am going to pop out for some things, which I've already forgotten..

Over the weekend I was thinking about how during the week, my focus is on writing BlogLife.

It could be for that day or sometimes I'll just churn out a couple for the current week or the next week.

I used to juggle writing fictional stories also but it felt unnatural and I would mostly end up returning to write more of BlogLife.

I had two thoughts, either I can go back to writing on the weekend which means I wouldn't give myself a break and the stress would pile up again and I would burn myself out easily.

Or I could take one day off from the daily posts and dedicate that day to purely writing stories.

I decided the second one was the best option as the tales are just piling higher and higher and I'm sick of looking at unfinished work.

As soon as I forgave myself for not doing everything at once. I felt unburdened.

At least for now while I have a backlog, this is my solution. I might re-visit my decision later on, it depends how I feel.

To put it in perspective I have 4 partly done BookLife stories and 1 wattpad story.

Plus if I have Friday's free I can probably go back to volunteering.

I'm going to try something different with the curlers tomorrow. I normally affix them the tall way and roll it but I'll do it the wide way and see if it curls better.

Sometimes only half the hair flicks up which is frustrating.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D