Thursday 14 September 2023

#BlogLife558 - How many lives do you have?

Song of the day - Forever Alone - Poonam Singh

Kitty cats have nine lives and this blog has.. Umm I haven't even counted.

We have BookLife, AgonyLife, BlogLife, Oh that's it, just three. Then the other themes are Dear Bully, Crazy Self Therapy, Chatty chicks watching ficks..

The various spoofs, fiction pieces and scattered letters. Plus I put in some self interviews, Q&A. 

My brain craves variety, so depending on my mood, I will branch out into whatever section that is most compelling in that moment.

BookLife started because I had so many stories in my head I thought it was going to be simple to transfer them onto a page.

Lil did I realise how much I was going to hate writing dialogue, that sounds phony to me.

Plus it plays out so fast in my head but getting down to it, you have to describe, every lil detail, arghh!

And then feeling constantly ill or tired makes it really hard to concentrate and find that peace while writing, that I need.

AgonyLife came about because I like problem solving so I thought would give some general advice but I tend to do that in my posts anyway, so I discontinued it.

I was blogging in general and felt rather stale. At that point I was questioning whether or not to continue.

I didn't feel I was making much of a connection with anyone and I set about trying to, looking for other blogs like mine, searching social media for blogging groups..

And the results were unsatisfying, it was an empty community, it was just people out for themselves.

That was my experience, the popular bloggers had no time to chat and the lil ones like me, just wanted views to their own site.

I was disappointed but accepted it and did some soul searching.

I came to the conclusion that I never wanted to make it big. I just wanted some regulars that would care about what I had to say.

Really and truly, as quiet as I was, I had always been this animated storyteller.

I would look at my audience laugh and their surprised expressions of joy as I took them on this journey of magical wonder.

This was only with people I knew well and I realised that with blogging, it was just me telling more stories and I loved that.

I was damn good at it! I had hoped some new or old bloggers would stop by and they did briefly, which was sweet.

But I didn't need them anymore. I branched out and BlogLife took off on it's own.

I shared it on Twitter and Facebook, although I gave up on the latter as it crashed too often.

I don't have many followers and that's alright. Sometimes there is nothing to say and I am fine with that too.

As I do find something to talk about during most days. The weekends are my own, I have to get rid of the stress and rest up.

I'm quite chatty on Twitter but that could be foodie or beauty uploads, gaming updates or just grumbles.

I stopped watching Sefirin Kizi. I found it too depressing. A physical abuser and an emotional one, was too much too bear.

And her self worth was getting lower and lower, like I said, I related too much to it. I don't recommend it.

I switched to something more lighthearted called Kiralik Ask. It's about a woman (Defne) in need of fast cash.

She's a waitress and this cowardly guy (Omer) is either breaking up with his girlfriend or saying he doesn't want to get serious.

Omer grabs Defne and pretends they are a couple and kisses her, for which she slaps him.

Omer's Aunt later on approaches her with a job offer, (she got fired by her boss).

Get Omer to fall for her and propose and then she can dump him and the Aunt will pay off her debts.

The set up is, Defne is now Omer's Personal Assistant and struggling.

Since when do Assistant's cook breakfast for their bosses?? I haven't watched many episodes but with her makeover, I don't know if he recognises that she is the former waitress..

I quite like that she's not purposely flirting and seducing him and he isn't either.

They are just naturally drawn to each other, although he is fighting it.

Chatty chicks watching flicks was targeted at films or tv shows. A more in depth look.

Crazy self therapy from what I recall was about the times when I felt really agitated and I shut down.

I decided to be my own therapist and coax it out so I set it up as a real therapy session and then it poured out without thinking about it and it was supremely helpful but very sad.

Dear Bully was about confronting my past. Instead of ignoring everything that was said and done.

I decided I would attempt to express it and try to heal. It was very cathartic but ongoing.

The spoofs I like being silly and being totally over the top. I hope they are entertaining, I had great giggles composing them.

The interviews I thought I would try and answer some questions that people might be curious about.

The letters I just find easier to write, as though it is on auto-pilot. Sometimes I don't know how I feel but through letter-form it's all laid out in the open.

The fiction can be both happy or sad. I've written some pampering pieces and on the flip side some really extreme stuff, where I have felt on the edge.

It is freeing to get it all out. I can re-read it from either a good or bad place and I can see how I survived and how things are different or not as low as before.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D