Monday 26 February 2024

#BlogLife646 - I know allllll about you SS.....

Song of the day - KI - Love You Again

I know it's been a bit random-centric at the moment but that's how it seems to be going, one minute no randoms, and the next there is an abundance of them coming and going..

I just spoke to Mama and she's happy that her thermals already arrived and she's pleased with the loosey goosey fit and style.

I asked if she wanted some more Masala chai teas and she said no thanks, she's stocked up.

One of the newer ex randoms called E somehow took it upon himself to try and psycho-analyse me.

I didn't ask him too, we were just talking about words and scrabble and suddenly he just put me under a microscope.

One of those most tedious things a random can do is think he knows me, from a brief tiny 1% of my interaction, where I share barely anything and just mess about.

This guy E spouted pages and pages about me and after the first few sentences I just ignored him and let him rant and rave.

The rest of them were much better, MC was about and we talked about fitness and stress and I encouraged him to find a healthy outlet, exercise and he said walks and drives and the gym were the things he misses, just lacks the motivation to proceed.

So I told him to incentivise it and plan a reward system, I guess we will see if he proceeds with it on our next chat.

Then there was GG or real name J, I know I thought we banned all the J's but this one snuck through.

I think we spent maybe 3 or 4 hours chatting about everything, he's quite quick witted throwing in jokes that I didn't even think of.

I better sprinkle some lemon essential oil on my pillow tonight, for some reason my eyes and throat are burning, my throat feels like it's cut up, ouchy.

He was flirty, yet polite, as though he has a brain and is not all about chat up lines but actually wanted to get to know me, as a person.

Which is a rare, that I can have a giggle, connect and be heard and not just have someone fake listening.

The scary thing about this one, is that he actually is local. He said that's he really busy and independent, which I loved.

Because he has his own life and I wouldn't be his sole focus, I need my own space to breathe and retreat.

But then he said, although he travels a lot, his weekends are free and I thought drat ha.

Though one thing he said, struck me as strange, with all the frequent sightseeing he does, why does he have an expired passport? 

I'm not sure if he was joking about that? He didn't mention getting it renewed or why lie about visiting different places?

It's just a bit peculiar and my radar goes off for potential liars.

But he didn't badger me for information or personal details, we just had a back and forth of general tidbits.

He did ask for my messengers, which I don't have so I ignored that and went to wash my face and brush my teeth, sometimes I need a break.

When I came back he had said, a few things and then goodbye.

The one thing I liked was that at one point I said something and he didn't reply, so I waited followed up and still there was nothing.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt, said I was going to refresh and message one more time and then go to sleep.

I did just that and he replied that he was messaging me and I wasn't responding but he somehow knew that I wouldn't leave without saying Goodbye, so he patiently waited for me to return.

I thought that was sweet because where possible, unless I'm in a fight, I will always say Goodnight and I expect the same in return.

In person you wouldn't just walk away halfway and not end it politely, so why do it online??

Alright it gets weirder. Y just contacted me after ages and I was really surprised.

I told him I thought he ghosted me and he seemed disturbed about that revelation,

I honestly don't know why he bothered contacting me, it was so awkward and strained.

Noone forced him to greet me, why not just ignore me and let the connection die?

Instead of barely saying two words, with pregnant pauses scattered throughout??

If you want to be in my life, great, if you don't? I don't give a damn.

Why feel obligated? I'm not gonna track you down and bombard you with questions!!

I would have already moved on. In the end I just left without a Goodbye because I felt he was taking the mickey and I don't appreciate that rudeness.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D