Thursday 7 March 2024

#BlogLife653 - Are you tasty? Ummm...No..

I don't know if I added this or not but I bought the Linda McCartney veggie mozzarella burgers.

It was 2 inside for £2.50 and I don't really like her products but I wanted to experience different brands.

As I expected it was on the dry side as all her stuff tends to be unfortunately and it just had huge globs of cheese in it, which just put me off.

I don't recommend it but at least I experimented a bit, I'm gutted Iceland still doesn't have the Quorn vegan bacon and chicken pie in stock, I hope it's not discontinued.

I still feel put off by most foods so buying groceries remains a challenge.

What's happening with the non vegan stuff is that I'm eating a quarter or half and binning the rest and I hate wasting food.

I just can't stand the flavour after a while. I took out a weeks Prime trial.

Did a bit of research, read some reviews and settled on the latest 2024 budget earbuds.

They were £20 but I paid £16 including the £1 for Prime. It made me laugh that they wanted a further £2 for same day delivery.....

Ahem I have Prime, it should have been free!! I could pay an exorbitant cost but they would probably still only last about a year or 6 months.

I don't see the point. I just want calls to be clear, the battery to last all night.

A button to press to switch it on and off, fast charge, would be great to have multi device connections.

And a really long distance so that when I'm in the kitchen, it doesn't switch off.

Oh and the latest bluetoothy, it's coming tomorrow and so are the groceries.

Also with Prime I can allocate deliveries for Sunday, which in the UK is Mama's day.

And I preferred things arriving on the special day. I can get her some more fudge, maybe some drinks like ginger beer and possibly scented cream.

I'm not getting the drinks, she is more into hot beverages these days but I did see Sarah Jessica Parker hand cream 100ml for £9 which is cool.

Plus I have never ever seen chilli plantain chips, I think she'll like that.

Got some dark chocolate and almond bar and lastly a tin of fudge, ha she'll hate me for the sugar content but she will also relish it.

Just saw some fishtail skirts, one in blue, one in black, they were about £12 each and another £2ish pounds for postage.

It just looks like a kickflare plain skirt but great for a night out or a date.

I don't have many skirts but those I do, all seem too baggy so I'm hoping these are more tailored to me.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D