Friday 5 July 2024

#BlogLife717 - Evening dance party workout/Not getting summer ready

Song of the day - Calypso Rose/Machel Montano/Manu - Leave Me Alone

I know it's been a while since I did song of the day, I just couldn't be bothered, half of me hasn't even wanted to blog, I've felt so sick but after it's written I feel satisfied.

As it's the weekend, I've just done the face brush, cleanser and have the mask on.

The party music was playing and I thought what about evening and well as morning dance party workouts?

I'm also trying to drink plain water in the evenings. I hope it will help with the bloating and overall unwellness.

I got to give myself a manicure, my nails are shockingly uneven at the moment, I keep forgetting to fix them.

When it comes to summer and my birthday approaching, I've never, well nowadays been in a rush to frantically workout and flash my body.

I think I've gotten to the stage where I can wear fitted, shaped clothes, rather than reveal my legs or cleavage and flaunt it all.

I did all that when I was younger, confident or not, I could pull that off and look good.

These days I feel nicer being covered up. Long sleeves, long skirts or trousers, higher necklines.

But there can still be striking colours or designs. I think even if I ever reach my desired weight/size (whatever that is), I still wouldn't revert back to baring my skin.

I would like to dress appropriately for my age. A middle aged woman, that still looks way younger than I am.

I think I could get away with being in my 30s, my face is youthful and my spirit and humour can attest to that.

But even though I'm not trying to be skin and bone. We can all benefit from taking care of our bodies.

I don't know if I'll do the second hair oil treatment this weekend.

My scalp isn't dry but I might cut my hair and tidy it up. I feel unkempt.

I mean't to epilate a while ago but just got around to it, I did my legs and arms.

I hadn't really been bothered about my arms but I thought why not?!

I moisturise straight afterwards because the itch is unbearable. I just put some nivea lotion on and I still had to scratch like crazy.

Soo satisfying ha! I'm still not showing them off but it will help cool me down as the heatwave hasn't ended, like it promised, grr.

That was the second night in a row, that I had trouble getting my lens out. I doused my eyes in drops but it took ages to get out.

It makes it worse that I can't see or feel the lens to put it back in place and I use the camera phone usually but I just couldn't see properly so that didn't help either.

I managed a couple hours of sleep, maybe a bit more but I couldn't sleep past 9am, even though I desperately wanted too.

The pain is getting increasingly worse, it's spread everywhere now, even typing is excruciating.

I confess yesterday I didn't eat much, just some savoury cheddar biscuits and some sweet chilli chicken and I just drunk water.

I'm not bloated anymore, Oh it's glorious to have a, well not flat, but less of a tum tum.

I was really worried about the boiler, yesterday the second engineer came, same day service and in the evening..

He located the leak and fixed it but stayed to make sure everything was normal with both the heating and hot water, unlike the previous one.

This morning, nothing appeared to be working and I thought, this is too much.

Then I turned it on higher and waited and felt the radiator and it felt hot finally.

I got to test the hot water but it takes ages to come on. I'm just relieved all seems well.

Almost forgot, just changed the phone's wallpaper to a celebration theme as me and Mama's birthday is upcoming.

I feel bad I had to delay the visit to her, she seems so enthusiastic about my trip but I just feel tender and a complete mess, with all that's occurring.

I did the last of the cleaning, the bathroom is all sorted and I'm glad because I'm in a bad way and should rest for a few days with no exertion at all.

No dance party workouts for me! I'm not sure if I will do a grocery shop this weekend.

Probably not, I still have stuff indoors and not that much of an appetite.

J is still ghosting me, it's only been two days, but the fact that he was supposed to call yesterday and didn't and hasn't texted back seems telling.

I can't see him getting in touch, unless something has happened. I'm trying not to jump to conclusions but hmm..

He seems to have been replaced by N, who I spoke to yesterday and was straightforward and polite and intelligent.

He hasn't played any games. He's funny too.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D