Tuesday 16 July 2024

#BlogLife723 - Last of the celebratory gifts

I got Mama's Just Eat giftcard and she received the essential oils, so the last thing I can think of as we are both foodies with a sweet tooth, is some dessert.

I got her gourmet fudge, she favours the Bon Bons brand it seems.

Last time was the fun KitKat variety pack. I thought I would do a Confection Cabin selection bunch for us to sample.

Peanut brittle, coconut ice, fudge ice, salted caramel peanut brittle and chocolate coconut ice.

We both love nuts and I love the coconut ice, when I haven't had it in a long time. They are in small bar form.

I've never seen the chocolate version so that should be fun or the fudge one, whatever we don't like, she can always gift to friends.

I don't want to mention the prices, ridiculously pricey but it's a treat so I can accept it.

Those should arrive this week. No sign of my contact lens, I am fed up of squinting to read.

Last night MC was texting as we swapped numbers, I've known him for months and months.

We are more like flirty acquaintances than anything else.

And I couldn't even read what he was writing, ugh the headaches and eye strain is so frustrating.

The last treat I'll get for myself if possible is some high quality cupcakes, if Mama has a lil bakery type shop online, I can have it delivered.

I just remembered that I wanted to get some spare contact lens cases.

I don't know how often you are supposed to change them. Oops according to Googly woogly, it's every three months.

But that's ridiculous to me. I think a couple times a year only. I just saw a 5 pack for £2.80 and got that.

Normally I would pay £2 and get one but I figured there must be a multipack somewhere.

I need to do some laundry later, I wonder if any of my parcels are going to arrive today?

I'm gonna eat soon. I recently discovered an old show called Land Girls.

It's really good but quite short. It's set during the war and women and girls have gotten jobs on farms to support their families and themselves.

To me it's simple but it's well written, so there are surprises and drama is unfolding gently and it's compelling.

But as with most shows, characters keep disappearing so it's a lil frustrating to see new cast members, when you want to see the old ones.

Although the acting is brilliant so you continue watching to see, what will happen.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D