Monday 30 September 2024

#BlogLife763 - Just back away slowly, I'm in no mood for your bs!

Ever since I bought the panini press I've been hesitant to cook anything messy on it, as it has raised grooves.

That's why I've cracked the egg or attempted to on bread, rotis and whatever else I've bought.

I had forgotten I had bought a 1 calorie spray oil and although it evaporates really quickly, I'm quite liberal with it, coating the top and bottom of the grill.

This time I toasted the bread first, removed it and sprayed the oil and cracked two eggs side by side and at first they seemed thin and really pressed in but then they thickened and I was able to flip them and then close the lid.

As for best results, both sides need to be cooked on the heat surface properly.

If I shut it too quickly it splatters everywhere. This time there was no mess, no cleanup to do. 

It is so fast. I'm not sure I'll see another that good, for that price, it's four years old aww. Ha.

And it cost just over £24. I remember I waited ages to get it because, the listings were three times that amount and I thought no way am I paying that much.

Even though I knew I would use it almost daily. I'm a cheapskate that's why I can afford to splurge every now and then.

I've been budgeting since I was lil.

Cripes it's now Friday morning and a very rainy cold day, which I don't usually mind.

But it's been a day of cramps and nausea and I was running out for an errand, the buses were severely delayed..

There was no seats on the bus and my stomach was just lurching badly.

Then I arrive, only to be told, Oh we're closed, sent you an email, after you left, Yea come back later!

Argh!!! You've sat on your arse doing nothing, while loads of people stand in the rain waiting for the doors to open..

You could have called, emailed, texted early so no-one was inconvenienced but Noooooo you couldn't be bothered.

Serves your backside right, that one person was angrily demanding answers for the group and you had nothing to say.

Perhaps, treat people better and then you won't get the backlash!!

Yeesh it took ages to get home, well probably wasn't that long but when you're poorly, it feels like it.

I did fancy sushi today but they are not open and I need something to settle my stomach immediately.

I'm looking forward to changing out of these wet clothes and into house ones and curling up under the blankie and munching.

Let's hope your weekend or day was a lot happier. I'm switching from anti nausea/to music.

Tuesdays reschedule clashes with something else, I hope they'll change it, if indeed they even open on next week.

I'll have to keep checking my emails. That's just rude and lazy to not contact clients and say, Don't come in, don't waste your bus fare, sleep in and stay in the warmth.

I'll be honest, I wasn't really in the mood to blog so instead tried out the brow wax strips again.

This time no real hesitation, just warmed them between my fingers for a while again, place one across and one down and ripped it right off.

They're still tender, not burning but sensitive, I applied their own antiseptic oil thing and for the first time, I think it did a good job actually.

I find it better to get one strip, use both of the sides to it for my eye and then move on and get another strip.

It seems more effective, for me anyway. On the left eye, there's a few hairs to pluck, but most seem clear.

On the right, I can't really see, the sun has gone down and my eyesight is fading, wearing only one lens.

I'll leave the plucking for tomorrow, if I have time. I chopped my nails and shaped them.

So tomorrow if I remember I might do the hair oil, I keep forgetting about it.

I'm just warming up some chicken and vegetable sweet chilli noodles and all my chocolates are nearly gone, boo, damn these cravings.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D