Tuesday 24 September 2024

#BlogLife760 - Told off by a random :)

I found a new game, Unsolved by Artifex, that's tough but interesting, nothing to do with Playtime but it's the point and click, hidden object adventure type.

Unfortunately it's horror based, why can't they be more lighthearted and humorous?

I got to admit, I've used the hints and Youtubey walkthrough at some bits, as it's really hard and the puzzles aren't explained well.

The best part is that the watch adverts for energy and hints is broken, so all that is free ha.

So I got confronted by T, who I kinda blocked as he was half hearted in his replies, only contacting me at night and lots of stop-start conversations, which annoyed me.

He's pleasant enough but I prefer finishing a conversation or them saying, You know what, I have things to do, or I need to go out, let's talk later.

(I have no issue with them being busy, I do have a problem with them habitually leaving midway, without an explanation, that's bad manners).

Instead of I reply or ask something and then silence. What puzzled me was that, if he was so invested in this acquaintanceship, why didn't he make more of an effort??

That's why I didn't think he was bothered either way and I choose to spend time with people who are more active.

Anyway he basically called me cowardly and thoughtless, which made me laugh because I didn't feel that bad, but was surprised he felt neglected.

He said that, he has feelings and would prefer to know if I'm disturbed by something so we can hash it out.

Anyway we seemed to have resumed communicating for now and I promised to let him know if I have anymore issues with him, before I disappear.

I still don't think he's a keeper though. Maybe it's the requests or the passive aggressive mumblings of, you're not doing what I expect and I'm grumpy about it?

I'm not really sure but I don't feel especially attached to him. His company is entertaining but it's like there is something missing...

Maybe it's the pushiness? He asks me personal questions expecting me to just answer easily, but some things I just refuse because frankly, it's none of his business and I don't really think he accepts that, because he continues asking but in a different way and I still refuse to talk about.

I haven't let my guard down and I don't think he's ever said, You know what, I don't want to pry and if you want to bypass this subject, that is fair enough.

I think that's what annoys me, he feels entitled to know everything,

By the time I post this tomorrow or today, I hope I would have heard from EE with a good offer and a price plan that is cheaper than my current.

I think I pay £19 a month. It would be great if that dropped down to £15, we shall see what she says, if she remembers to phone.

If not I'll have to call them and deal with someone else. She's been really friendly and helpful to my needs, so I would prefer to stick to her but I need a new phone asap.

Oh and unfortunately Iceland sent me the wrong Haribo, not the cola bottles but the stripes and they were horrible, like hard gum, yuckity.

Plus I tried the Potato Pops, Oh they were like tiny round roast potatoes but with a buttery taste so it wasn't dry.

It's different, it would still be better with herbs, black pepper or a dip but it's an interesting concept and it was tasty for a £1.

Because August was a few one day periods with light symptoms..

This month, well last night when I started has been horrendous.

All night cramps and this morning too. I'm listening to binaural beats and that is greatly helping.

My phone hasn't rang yet, but it's only just gone 12pm, maybe she hasn't started her shift.

I should have asked for a time frame. Hmm now it's just gone 3pm and still no call.

I might wait a bit more and then call up, I want it over and done with so I can use my phone and kill the battery and not worry that it's going to ring.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D