Tuesday 3 September 2024

#BlogLife748 - Sick of you and you and you!

Hmm I asked an acquaintance if the foundation looked natural and she gave me the thumbs up but when I got home and looked in the mirror, it looked a bit light.

Actually I don't know if it's the foundation or the powder that isn't quite right, maybe it's both but then on a third look, Oh cripes I can't tell.

Sometimes it looks natural, other times too dark or too light or maybe it's the phone camera filters confusing me??

This was the first day walking with the glasses, everything just looks wobbly.

I forgot when wearing glasses, I have no depth perception at all. I was struggling to fit the key in the door, see the bus, grab the rail.

Ugh I did chase up the Optician and got cut off first time, ugh I am still pissed!!

Then re-dialled and asked to speak to him personally, but got fobbed off.

Then got put on hold multiple times, to then be told. It was never ordered, then it was, then she needs to speak to someone and call me back and that was hours ago!!!

You dumb tit!!! Give me my sodding contact lenses!! Now obviously I didn't say that, I was restrained but I sure as hell was thinking it :)

Now A is vexing me. I feel like he's acting shady after viewing my picture, I wish he would just block me and get over and done with.

I feel like he's deliberately replying when I'm offline and then not answering simple questions.

If he's busy I get that but then why do you have the time to read my messages??

I'm gonna be distant and give clipped answers until he acts normally or I get fed up with him.

I don't mind being blocked at least I know, that guy definitely doesn't ever want to talk again, I know where I stand, it's far better.

The saving grace of today, while I was feeling really unbalanced and sicky, was ordering from my local cafe.

I don't know why the fries help with the nausea but they really do. I got the egg and chicken rasher muffin and then I saw they had a new cake I think..

A coffee latte sponge layered one. Oh my heavens, it's just a spongier version of tiramisu, so light and moist.

I was too full to eat it, I think I'm bloated. I wanted to order a fizzy drink but didn't, I got the fresh orange and apple juice but then they sent me a free Rubicon black cherry, I love that one, my favourite flavour.

Although the passionfruit isn't bad either, it's 13 calories. That's in the fridge because after the orange juice, all I really wanted to sip was ice water, ha.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D