Tuesday 26 July 2022

#BlogLife317 - Friendly or friendless?

Listening to stormy weather during heatwaves definitely helps trick the brain into thinking it's cooler than it actually is.

All I'm doing is constantly sprinting to the kitchen to swap icy bottles of drink.

A nice tip is storing the undiluted squash bottle in the fridge so even if you run out of cold water, you can still have a chilled drink. 

I need mine ice cold as by the time I have a few sips, the ice has melted and it's warm again ick.

I just rubbed a few ice cubes on my face, neck and arms as the tray was emptying and I wanted to refill it. It felt sooo good.

My body is not feverish anymore but I can feel it climbing slowly again and the nausea is still coming and going.

I was just thinking about the different sets of people, some are attached to their phone completely and constantly checking for missed messages and calls..

While others are more laid back and pondering....Hmm I left my phone somewhere but I'm not sure where and I don't need it, I'm not going to search for it yet.

I think getting to relax away from stress has inspired me and I feel energised and at peace.

I guess I wonder why some people panic when they've missed an alert and scramble to respond, even when they are crazy busy and it's not in anyway urgent..

Unless I've been waiting for a response or I am at a lull, I don't reply straight away. I may read it and think hmm, later but I drop everything and hasten to respond back.

Is it an obligation thing? Do you assume the person can't wait? Do you feel rude, ignoring them, while you deal with your responsibilities?

Do you get the impression it makes you a bad person or friend?

That's why for calls anyway, I firstly enquire if they are busy or not? Or if another time is better?

I have no hard feelings towards them, if they say, actually I'm tied up, later would suit better, unless they always say that or..

If they only ever repeat those words to me and don't do the same for others because then it is just taking me for granted.

Which is another trigger for me as that is a pattern of behaviour I have experienced a lot.

The person will say sorry I have to do this and that and the next minute, text saying.....

Oh I just talked to so and so. It was so enjoyable, we discussed the plans for blah blah blah.......

At this point, I'm sighing, throwing my hands in the air and thinking, what am I? Dull......?

You could have just had the same conversation with me. Everyone knows when it's a choice between texting and calls, I pick calls, unless I'm saving my battery life ha or you don't have a nice homey voice..

My question is this, would you rather have a phone that didn't stop pinging with calls, messages, messenger alerts and voicemails 24-7 or would you rather it hardly buzzed?

You can't cheat and have it in between :D For me I like the peace and quiet.

I don't have people going moody on me because I'm not in a sociable mood or I didn't respond to their idiotic forwards.

I do not miss those at all or being flooded with silly pictures!!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D