Just when you think you figured it out, nope, ha. None of them asked how many bags I had.
I'm pleased that it's basically the same price as last year, twenty-something and not thirty-something pounds.
This is much better than waiting for the last minute and hustling to call all the companies up as I only have a few numbers anyway.
Overall it's been really pleasant here, aside from the heatwave and me not bringing a fan, as too many devices here, seem to spike up Mama's electricity bills.
But next time I will bring my long lasting one, use it sparingly and not charge it.
I can use it on the low setting and maybe it would last until I left.
There was no real tension or rows, mostly as the other two weren't mentioned really, except once.
And I had this disturbing nightmare when they were and that wrecked my head for a bit but then I let it go.
I thought they are out of the picture. I hopefully won't see either of them again in my life.
They have no power over me and I deserve to be relaxed.
The edge of my hands have gone exceedingly dry and I've never had that before.
I'll do a deep moisturise on them and maybe that will fix it. The selfie picture I took before leaving had my face covered by the phone.
If I remember will do another one before I leave that reveals it. Just for my own personal use, probably.
I have to do things that I don't want too at times, to keep challenging myself but on my terms.
I know I only posted a tiny bit but July was horribly stressful with the injuries and other things.
I didn't work on the stories but I might do today as Mama is out for a while at Church.
It's Saturday at 10.51, I slept alright so no naps until later maybe.
The pain hasn't been unbearable, I mean bad but tolerable. I haven't had to lay down and retreat much.
Once or twice maybe. I did end up doing the face reveal selfie for my own personal curiosity.
My face was stripped bare, eyebrows are still scruffy. I just didn't feel like putting makeup on.
Did it amplify my confidence? Umm I'm not sure. I still look heavier than I ought to be.
I think I got away with not having foundation or lippy on. My face is clear and young looking.
It's done. That was a disappointing lunch, they burnt it and all I taste is charcoal.
Oh well. I've noticed a strange thing on my legs, about an inch above my ankles is a lil ring of smoothness where the hair has stopped growing ha.
On both of them, that's so weird. I need to epilate a bit. Oh the other thing is I called up about my lenses and still they haven't received them ughhh.
This week will be a month since they've been ordered, yeesh. I want my full vision back!!!
Tomorrow there is a lil story about one of the J's, they are all different but bring so much drama with them.
Oh and as much as I was looking forward to the Quorn fake bacon and chicken lattice, I was disappointed in it.
Just didn't taste as nice as before or maybe I've gone off something else.
The boiler scared me a bit, switched it on and nothing, then I put it really high for a bit and it finally came on but it's a hot day so I switched it off after a short while.
I'll use it properly tomorrow.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D