Friday 5 November 2021

#BlogLife160 - A face of lies

Why do you feel you have to lie and put on a happy face? 

Who are you doing it for, the outside world or yourself?

Do you think it helps to fabricate the truth? 

Do you hope that, the fiction will become a reality?

Are you afraid people won't care?

I know I don't usually bombard you with questions but it's something you should think about. I see it a lot through volunteering and general life.

I ask the question, how are you doing? Oh I'm fantastic. I delve deeper and the fascade quickly drops.

Actually, I am not doing so good, in fact, I am struggling and lost. Why not say that at the beginning?

Why is there such a pressure to feign happiness?? Why don't we feel comfortable saying...

You really want to know how I am doing? The honest to goodness truth? The heart of the matter?

AWFUL. I am burdened by the weight of it all. Do you know how rough it is, to deal with everything on my plate plus pretend that I'm cheerful?

I know, I know, it is easier, quicker and more convenient to tell people what they want to hear but to those that care and genuinely want to know..

Consider being honest and saying.. Firstly thanks for asking and secondly. I'm not sure. You can test the waters and see if they are kind enough to prompt you for more details..

At least you will know then, that they truly care and want to know, unless you sneak a peek at them and they seem preoccupied themselves..

I've been there......Too many times to count and in that case, some self healing can help and go a long way. You can step back for me-time and not bury your problems and help others..

(Which I am frequently guilty of doing)! Hey, this is a do as I should, not a do as I do :D

But I'm a big believer in venting and sharing in whatever capacity it takes, writing letters to yourself, journalling, vlogging, or finding your own medium.

An outlet through exercise or art. Whatever it takes to release it. It doesn't have to be a traditional route, just be healthy and conscious and feel safe.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D