Wednesday 17 January 2024

#BlogLife625 - Three week period

Sometimes I feel like I'm never going to stop bleeding. My cycle has always been weird and unpredictable but this is ridiculous.

I thought it was finally normalising like everyone else, consisting of just a few days..

But now it's back to the beginning where it lasted nearly two frigging weeks!

I thought with the weightloss that it would help impede the flow and symptoms but if anything I feel worse.

My appetite is still different. Never before have I just wanted bland simple food. I crave variety.

I feel like what I used to like before has no place in my tum now. The only meal I enjoy is the breakfast cheese toasties.

For dinner I switch between fish or meat or chicken but it just doesn't taste good anymore.

I'm just tired of feeling this way. I just did another mini Zoom shop as I feel like if I buy a whole load of food to make up the minimum spend I'm going to waste it.

I got some more cheese and bread, toothpaste and wipes and then the lunch deal with sushi and some sprite.

At least I only have to spend £15. I'm binging an old show which never appealed to me when it was first aired.

But now I'm enjoying it. Dr Quinn Medicine Woman. Set in the 60's I think where she faces prejudice as a female and a physician.

It's interesting the remedies she uses and of course the love interest that follows.

I feel my mood shifting where I don't want to do anything or get out of bed but I push myself anyway as I know it will help.

I know that I'm not always going to feel out of sorts, it will pass and improve.

At least there's been minimal nausea and I'm still sleeping deeply which is a rare positive as an insomniac.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D