Thursday, 30 May 2024

#BlogLife697 - Almost 3 months and no period, wooop

Song of the day - Pitbull/Neyo - Time Of Our Lives

Unusually I had a block of deep sleep. I had a bad dream, something about murder and then woke up briefly and was able to drift off to good dreams.

Even though there is no monthly, I've got cramps and slight queasiness and an increased appetite, not at the moment though, I'm just thirsty.

I was woken up today by the special Postie and I just couldn't be bothered to hustle and get to the buzzer or door.

I opened the door expecting to find a note or my lil packet of tweezers but there was something else, I had given up on.

A good start to the day. I'm sipping the orange and lemon squash and the cramps are fading, I feel better.

I'm not sure if the regular Postie has been but the tracking says the tweezers are due, hmm.

I didn't realise there was a new season of My Life Is Murder out, with Lucy Lawless, I enjoyed it so after Sistas or during that will catch up on it.

As for Sistas, I'm disappointed I thought it would feature empowered women but they keep making bad choices and settling for unhealthy relationships or men.

There was one good decent straight guy on the show that was sweet but misguided, his heart was in the right place and she treated him so badly.

She had some valid points about how he put her in dangerous and screwy positions without meaning too but she didn't seem remotely apologetic, when she cheated on him twice.

I hate that!! That she was all about herself and not his needs. The one thing he could have done is, take her out more and told her he loved her, which he didn't do.

That would have broken up the monotony.

It's infuriating that the one good guy is probably gone now, the other nice guy is the gay bestie who tries to matchmake and meddle but also support.

The earbuds are acting strangely when they connect to bluetooth.

The right one doesn't work and then I have to put it back in the case and pair it again.

Grr it's happening with all of them.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

#BlogLife696 - In the mood for food

Just tried the Marks red thai chicken curry for a change. Iceland had the green one a while back that was sublime but because they overcharged for it. 

I don't think many people bought it so it was sadly discontinued :(

The Marks one isn't spicy thanks heavens, contains I think it's green beans and red peppers.

A tad dry but when you mix it with the curry it's much better, lots of flavours, needs a lot more chicken but it's really good.

It was £4.75 for a 380g portion, not huge, not value for money but I would get it again as I enjoyed it.

I also tried the Ko Lee chicken green curry instant noodles, that was a lil on the salty side, a bit peppery but really tasty also.

There was so much seasoning left over that I kept it. There was zero taste of chicken though.

I think I would get that again. It's good to mix up new products and experiment.

My back, knees, shoulder, arm is still sore. The heat helps but the healing is a slow process.

I feel mostly alright but still getting some painful twinges. Yesterday was crazy, I got ready to go to the Market to pick up some sweet treats and I was meeting someone.

Then as I got up early and did the hair and makeup and was at the bus stop, got a call to say, I'm cancelling.

Ugh why wait until the very last second? I wouldn't do that, as soon as I knew I couldn't make it, I would call or text and call it off.

Not waste someone's time. I almost almost got on the bus. I'm relieved that I got to stay home but I still felt drained so I got KFC and munched.

Oh and I keep checking the post but I assume the second set of spare tweezers I ordered got lost again, ugh.

I like to have at least 2 at home, in case one gets lost or left behind if I'm travelling away, I ordered yet a third set.

Third time lucky perhaps?? Did I mention the purple stretch pants came?

It is cute, but really thin and a bit clingy around the mid section, it's fits though and I don't think either of them are too long.

The black set is thicker and better quality, that I might possibly wear outside but the purple, hmm, probably not.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

#BlogLife695 - Dear Future Ex boyfriends

This isn't a story more like a personal overshare.

I'm not even sure I'll post this one but we shall see once it's done.

It's now 12.50am and I'm in bed not sleepy but tired from the day.

I was hoping to click my brain off but it's chattering away so no chance of that.

I was watching The Oval and shaking my head and laughing and then I thought let's read something mature.

But then I recalled there's an audio option so I circled through some voices that I just disliked and found an expressive one that was detailed an animated.

But the more I listened, the more numb and disconnected I felt.

Maybe it was too realistic or maybe I am just not comfortable around intimacy.

Instead I was impressed at his brave storytelling, the way he captured his audience.

Something I feel I fail to do frequently. I like my writing voice but I'm not sure I feel 100% free to express everything I need too.

I just felt like, even though its highly unlikely I'll find a companion. 

I wanted to just say a few things incase I can't vocalise it.

This is for you.. New cosy stranger..

We've either just started dating or it's been a short while and you're beginning to ask me.. 

Why I act the way I do?

Why do I always seem nervous?

Why do I appear distant, as though I don't care?

Why won't I divulge what's truthfully on my mind..?

As I pull up the covers on this chilly night, I avoid your intense gaze.

I'm stalling as usual, we both sense it.

Where do I even begin? Let's put some or all of it finally out there in the open..

Firstly I've never been a girlfriend so I'm not sure how to behave?!

Secondly I have always struggled with finding my words.

It doesn't appear naturally in public, only in private, when I'm composing.

Thirdly, My love life hasn't been storybook romances..

It's been one unpleasant disaster to the next.

It was never even a lil bit right. It was fabrications, cheating, character assassinations, body judgements and disinterest in every single need that I had.

I am overwhelmed with insecurities and a fierce need to protect myself from everyone, not just you.

Both physically and emotionally.

When I feel safe and if I ever get to the stage where I like you and feel trust could develop..

Only then would I start to let you in at the basic level of who I am internally.

If we've argued and I've uttered.. Fine. Why don't you just cut me out of your life then..

I can live without you and will get over you and I won't look back and I'll block your number and forget you exist.

Well I may or may not mean that.

Pessimistic me, which I love (because my head isn't in the clouds being naive)..

Already predicted this wasn't going to work out, never long-term, always temporary so I'm prepared for it, already.

But if I'm letting you read this, it means that I do have feelings for you.

I'm just not sure if yours are deep enough or if you have the patience to work to understand me fully?

I've never been in love. Never completely let my guard down with anyone.

Never trusted that someone would consistently be there to take care of me.

I'm an independent woman who looks out for myself and is used to surviving alone.

I can't just switch and suddenly run to you with my predicaments.

I need to resolve them solo but eventually hopefully I will turn to you as a sounding board and learn to value your input, without you taking over, demanding answers or trying to fix me.

A concern of mine is being judged for trying to do the best that I can.

It might not be your preference but I would hope that you respect my methods anyway.

My confidence levels vary at any given situation.

I don't like my body but I like my face.

I've been in situations where I haven't been in control and it's been frightening.

A lot has happened to me, my childhood influences, dating, family, friendships..

It's all just completely damaged me permanently. 

There is an abundance of fears and wariness.

I am ill at ease. Always searching for the nearest escape route.

Being alone is a simpler way to live than trying to fit in, to show a softer side that is just bruised and unrecognisable. 

Explaining all this and the rest that transpired does not come close to healing me or making me feel good.

I'm just offering you some insights.

I'm not sure I'm even capable of falling in love or accepting that someone or even you could feel something in return.

This is all a bit much and I'm sure you don't want to hear it.

But I had to say it. Part of me is just unreachable and I can't promise that will ever change.

There are just too many reasons and too many people that have hurt me.

I don't know how to tear the walls down and be me, in front of you.

I don't even how to make a move on you, hug you or kiss you without worrying that you'll turn into an out of control animal who makes me want to disappear and hide.

My body desires affection.

My brain can't handle it, as it demands to be secure and won't risk re-living the past.

I guess this is Goodbye.

I don't know where we would/could possibly go from here?!

I'm only ever free to be myself and accepted when I'm alone without an audience.

Monday, 27 May 2024

#BlogLife694 - Chatty Chicks Watching Flicks 13 - Bridgerton first half binge

Ooh they mentioned Edwina finding a match abroad, I wonder if that is with the Prince, I really hope she returns and gets to wrap up her love story in a satisfying way.

That was too funny, separate bedrooms for Will the boxer and his wifey when they are a young couple, in their newly inherited mansion.

Awww Pen, it's so hard not to laugh, she was waving that fan so hard as though she wanted to fly into the heavens ha.

And the nervous laughter I can relate too. Ick, I thought that was Benedict having the threesome but nope it's romeo Colin.

Interesting point Colin made that it shouldn't matter what people think of you, only how you see yourself and that he was able to reinvent himself as he was surrounded by strangers who had no perceptions of him so he could learn to accept and be himself.

Although I'm not sure he is a playboy deep down but he is young so I guess sowing your wild oats is natural while he is unattached and not committed to anyone.

I'm not sure what his age is supposed to be, mid to late twenties maybe?

Hmm so Colin finally asked what the rift between his sister and Penelope is?

And Penelope just avoided that, to avoid lying perhaps? It was sweet that he was teasing her and it felt like he wanted to protest her leaving so soon..

I can't believe Will and his missus are sticking to the rules of sleeping apart, pfft, you own the damn mansion, do as you please.

Oh my my my ha, Colin wants Penelope to practice flirting on him, he must be clueless as to her feelings, yeesh, how could you not tell, she is into you???

Hmm from the looks of it, seems like Colin has a growing attraction and journals so that's a common interest as she writes too.

But she can't exactly say, Hey what a coincidence, I'm a writer too....... Or funny story I'm Whistledown.....

Now that was sweet, Eloise enquiring to Colin about how Penelope's state of mind is, while maintaining the friendship has outgrown.

Why would she do that, Eloise just blurted out to Cressida that Colin was helping Penelope find a hubby.

I know she is trying to protect her brother, she's in an awkward position. She's angry with Penelope or maybe hurt but still cares about her wellbeing.

I wonder if they will focus on Benedict next season or even in latter half of this one??

Goodness me, Portia Featherington, the Mama, is pressurising her kids to have babies to inherit the estate but one of them doesn't even know how babies come about ha.

The sex talks are one of my favourite bits on the show, hilarious.

If they were just to educate their daughters properly on what happens between a man and a woman, there wouldn't be this confusion.

Oof so Cressida blabbed? Or so it seems.. The whole ball is talking about why Colin an eligible bachelor is assisting Penelope with finding a match.

It's sweet though that she finally found someone who she was comfortable around and that seemed keen on her and he will see her for a chaperoned date soon.

Ooh okay, so maybe Francesca will be the new diamond. I kinda hoped it would be Penelope, that nobody would be banking on.

At least Will and Alice seem like a loving couple that communicates their happiness and fears with each other and are not playing games or holding back their feelings for too long.

Hmm I guess Penelope had to kinda write about herself, she had no choice, it was a public scandal and Whistledown is all about the drama.

Oof so it wasn't Cressida that blabbed the secret. I can see why Eloise thought that, hell even I assumed she did.

I hope that Colin and Penelope's budding friendship doesn't cause a strain on him and Eloise's close bond.

I want them to mend it and for them all to be on friendly terms again.

Go Penelope!! That is ballsy, she asked Colin to kiss her as she's been circulating 3 years in a row and hasn't dated.

And is afraid that she never will find someone and perish alone.

He hesitated not because he didn't want too. I think because he knew it would forever change their friendship and how they saw each other.

He did softly kiss her and stopped and then they really smooched and then she thanked him and quickly scarpered away leaving him bewildered....

It's caring that he just had to check up on her, that he didn't wait until the morning, that even though it was late and reckless, he bribed the maid, to let him see her.

Ha Oh my, I thought it was Pen, that dreaming of Colin, not the other way around but she's getting under his skin and the feelings soon, won't be able to be stifled!!

That was kind that Eloise just called on some inner reserve and sought Pen out to apologise and wish her the best.

Oh gosh the awkward apologies between Pen and Colin, he seems rather disappointed that she's retreating from him.

But good on her for taking his feelings into account plus the public backlash of them being seen together.

Lil does1 she know he's getting increasingly fond of her close proximity to him.

I wonder who Colin's rival will turn out to be, there has to be some obstacle between him and Pen..

I kinda thought that Pen's Mama would have been a lil encouraging or said something like I can see you have potential, it's just going to take someone looking a lil deeper to discover how truly delightful, you really are.

Ha Colin didn't take his eyes off Pen, for the whole night at the ball.

So the outcast vegetarian might be a potential suitor, what happened to the other guy??

Oof does this mean a love triangle between Pen, Cressida and the veggie guy?

Oh Pen, don't compete with Cressida, just be yourself, that's what he liked about you.

You desire 7/8 children seriously? How do you just blurt that out to a woman, a potential match? Ha!

It would be lovely if after all this time Violet, aka Mama Bridgerton found companionship.

Hmm Colin had all this time to fall for Pen and the moment somebody else is interested and she's cast her attention elsewhere is when he will screw her head up again and say he likes her.

Or ask if she likes him, which is cruel. I'm not sure who I am rooting for at the moment.

Francesca seems, it's like she's resigned to being set up but when it comes to the crunch, withdraws.

Is it shyness or if she just not actually bothered? It's her prerogative but I'm curious.

If she gets together with that guy, how are they going to communicate when something's wrong?

They seem to prefer silence. That's gonna be a hard marriage, you can't go from not talking to suddenly demanding vocalisation.

Benedict and the widow seem like they are in lust, not sure love is blooming.

I think Colin is finally jealous of Pen dancing with another man. Good.

I just realised this is the first potential match that didn't start off with animosity.

Why does Lady Danbury suddenly hate her brother, In Queen Charlotte they were quite close.

Wow that's going fast, Pen's suitor is already talking marriage. Hmm, see I wouldn't have minded the new suitor if he wasn't so matter of fact.

It's like finding an independent wifey is the thing to do, while he is travelling off most of the time and is happy and passionate about that.

As though he doesn't really want a partner, more like an acquaintance?

Work takes up his life and thoughts and heart and there's no room for anyone else, Pen deserves better, any woman deserves better.

In a way I think it's a bit of a cheek, the new suitor doesn't want his future wifey to have feelings for anyone else, yet he can't say for certain his heart will open up one day?

Well I'm not sure how I feel about him leaving Pen. Colin is not exactly declaring just trying to forbid Pen from settling down.

Messy messy. Oh my, I can't quite tell if they made love in the carriage and then when he blurted out Are you coming or what?

I was thinking is she just a booty call? Then he said it......*Squeal*

Are you going to marry me??? Hmmm I wonder if Eloise will give Pen an ultimatum?

Tell him or I will before the nuptials..

Wowser what a cliffhanger until 13th June. Oof I can't wait.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

#BlogLife693 - Not getting up

The Ocado Zoom arrived late so I got free delivery on this and the next order. Woop!

The bags were heavy so I took one and put it in my room and then just lost my footing before I could grab on to anything and down I went.

At least in the past when I've completely fallen in the bathroom typically, I can grab onto the bathtub and hoist myself up.

This time however I couldn't reach the door handle and when I grabbed the duvet, it was falling off the bed.

I couldn't grip onto anything solid and almost immediately, my hands, my legs, my feet, the rest of my was sore and I was trapped in a very lil area, I couldn't move at all at first.

I was trying to shuffle forwards, I couldn't. I tried planting my feet and grabbing the bed and I didn't manage it.

It's incredible scary and frustrating to be stuck and know that there's no help and there's a limited chance of success immediately.

I couldn't reach my phone either. I had to give myself these encouraging words.

You can do it, get up, you have to help yourself. Eventually I was able to shuffle forwards, twist to my side..

Plant my hands, push myself onto my knees, grab the bed and slowly just stand.

All that took a whole hour, the pain was unbearable in every lil shuffle.

I've lost my appetite but as I haven't eaten, I'm going to watch a KBD foodie video and hopefully it will return.

I have absolutely no strength left to do anything but lay here and type.

At least there's nothing more on my schedule and I don't think there will be anymore Posties.

I saw some chicken pakoras, they didn't have the veggie ones, so thought I would try it out.

Oh they were pretty tasty, really mild spice, nicely seasoned and I would get them again.

There's no sharp pains but I know that being on the floor has taken it's toll and I'll need a few days to be as 100% as my body allows.

The pains building but I'm under the blankie now. The discomfort is travelling, first it was my sides, now my arm and shoulder.

At least the backache is gone. I slept alright so that helped. I'm not sure if I'll do a Chatty Chicks for each Bridgerton episode, it was pretty fun.

I'm going to munch, wait for Postie and see the latest release. Oh I didn't realise they released the first half altogether, all four episodes..

There's definitely enough material then. That will be up on Monday.

I didn't read or watch any spoilers, this is going to be interesting.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

#BlogLife692 - The smart meter scam?

Song of the day - Ayo Jay - Kpa Kpa

I'm just waiting for my last appointment of the week to turn up, the smart meter changeover for the expired one.

Last October I keep forgetting which one they replaced, maybe it was the electricity one located outside?!

Anyway when they arrive, I'll just give them the location of both, ha, just as I was typing they called and said he would come in about half an hour, which is 11amish.

Well that's on time as it was due 10-12pm and I'm glad they did let me know they were on the way, just makes it easier.

I think I will do an Ocado shop today, I need to use up the vouchers before they expire, I think it's been a month and I don't want to risk it.

I need a few bits anyway like face wash, mouthwash etc. Ooh he is here early and didn't need to be let into the building, strange.

Anyway he seems friendly enough and is just replacing the electricity meter which is under the stairs.

And he just switched off the power and says it won't be more than an hour.

Oh crikey I just realised, no power means no wifi, which means I can't save this post.

I am really looking forward to comparing the prices afterwards and seeing if I am paying twice the amount I did prior to the changeover.

Mama's bills turned into twice the amount and they were ridiculously high in the first place.

I think they took advantage of her being a senior and talked her into a higher tariff claiming it was more reasonable in the long run.

They tried to do that with me but I knew my tariff was the lowest as it's a flat rate, day or night and I use mine mainly in the daytime as by the evening, the whole home is warm.

Ooh that's unusual, I think it was the special Postie, just delivered the black stretchy pants.

They seem a bit different to the picture but good quality. Oh I was wrong, the logo isn't missing.

I just tried them on and they feel lovely, not too loose and not tight, just very comfy. I'm pleased.

Venice Beach is the brand which is unfamiliar to me.

I'm in credit with EDF but they didn't even mention it, as it's a small amount though, I don't want to claim it anyway.

Ooh 25 minutes later he turned the power back on and is just doing the last bits.

That's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm sure the food and drinks are still chilled.

Hmm he is all done and talked a mile a minute about the monitor he gave me, which I didn't understand at all.

But it's been 50 minutes and I just want to relax. I don't really care about it to be honest.

I don't want to measure every second of my usage. I need heat, I need hot water and although I like the cold weather, my body doesn't and can't function.

I'm not suddenly going to use the boiler less, unless it's a summery day.

It's come with a plug and I guess I'm supposed to keep it attached but I couldn't care less.

As a point of reference the last bill which isn't broken down, one was for £33 and the other is £42, £75 altogether.

That's my monthly cost but I know it will change when my credit is used up.

Ha it's funny, he was trying to get me to change the gas one, into a smart option too and I declined.

I told him straight if I wasn't obligated I wouldn't have changed this meter but I didn't have a say in the matter as I'm wary about the price hike and he shrugged.

I'm relieved that I don't have to convert the gas one, at least for now, I'm safe.

I'll keep checking the bills and see what the next one will be, higher or lower......... We shall see....

I just find it amusing that they finally lowered the energy cost and have sneakily found a way to raise prices.

It's like the government is in bed with the energy companies and had this sneaky conversation.

Look, look I know we have to make you lower the costs but but but we've come up with a solution on how we can raise them right back up.

We've been stalling for decades on making bills cheaper, but hear us out.

We'll make smart meters mandatory and will claim the prices will decline for every household but in reality, they will climb and we will both reap the kickbacks, sound good? Great!

Ugh ick!!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

#BlogLife691 - Reverting back to a foodie?

I've unpacked the groceries and decided to try some new drinks. 

Last time I got a substitution I think it was Don Simon, a still citrus drink which is really sickly sweet and tasted of artificial sweeteners, I didn't like it.

But the same brand has a sparkling lemonade with raspberry and the other was lime, 330ml and was only 50p each!!

Now that is lovely and hydrating. The right blend and tastes more natural, not bitter or too sweet, that I recommend highly, great price also.

The lime one had that same artificial sweetness about it, not keen, will stick to the raspberry one.

The temperature has dropped a lot and it's freezing which I love because me and blankie are reunited.

I finally remembered to get some new Yoga-ish stretch pants as my other one is so baggy that it is practically falling off me.

It's still strange buying clothes in smaller sizes. I saw a nice purple one for a tenner with free postage.

The other is in black and looks thicker, I love the wide leg style. It's £12 with £3 postage ouch but still reasonable.

Originally it was £28 woop, lots of savings there, they both should fit, but sizing is always iffy.

The purple spare slippers are on the way, probably Monday or Tuesday.

I decided to do a cleaning jag today, party music in my ears and changed the sheet and duvet, oof exhausting.

But it's lovely bright colours, a plum sheet which is surprisingly thick and good quality and a red adorable duvet with lil slogans, like do not disturb, don't wake me up ha.

Last thing left is to just mop the floors. I'm going to eat first and then do it so I'm not walking all over them and they have a chance to dry off properly in the sunshine.

The slippers came yesterday and it's now nearly 3pm and no sign of the boiler guy.

I usually like to eat after they come and go and typically they arrive early in the morning but the appointment is 8-6pm grr.

They could be here at anytime so I just went ahead and made the egg rotis and had a delicious nap.

I didn't even hear the Postie either. Could they have forgotten about my appointment?

Three more hours to wait I guess. I don't think I would have missed the buzzer, it's pretty loud.

Next time I will check my phone, they text when you're the next customer to be seen.

I could have slept more, oh well.

Monday, 20 May 2024

#BlogLife690 - Subway - Is it for sandwich lovers?

I didn't really fancy what I have indoors, the groceries are booked for tomorrow morning.

One of the tweezers came today and it is the type I love, minimal grip and effort and it catches every hair easily.

Pictures are up on Twitter as I like to make comparisons.

I decided to do a sandwich order and Greggs and Pret didn't have much stock left so I browsed a new Subway menu and it seemed appealing.

I went off them when I tried them when they first landed and the hype was huge.

I can't remember what the customer service was like but it just didn't taste good, maybe they have improved or maybe they are the same but we shall see, if they deliver to me or the hungry neighbours....

Oh ok I blinked and twenty minutes later, without fuss they arrived.

Decided on the Hunter's chicken, the Veggie breakfast and the Big Bombay.

I was kinda hoping they would have labelled them but no matter.

I'm glad they had the option to toast and that brown rolls were an option, super rare. It's extremely dry and mostly salad and very lil filling.

I'm not sure if they put mayo or ketchup, It doesn't taste of much.

Alright the next few bites seemed to be where the sauce and filling was contained, much much better.

These were 3x six inch subs for just under £19, lil on the pricey side.

The Hunters chicken was chicken and turkey rashers, bbq sauce and veggies.

The Big Bombay was chicken tikka, cheese and garlic and herb sauces, plus veggies.

The Veggie breakfast was eggs, cheese, hash browns and ketchup, it was tasty but nothing special.

I can't recommend them, it's almost like I'm having a half stale sandwich. Out of all of them the Big Bombay was the nicest, but that's not saying much.

It's tasty but it's not outstanding, it's too dry and if I'm going to pay for a takeout, I would much rather it was fresher and had something unique about it.

I'm sticking to Greggs or Pret and mainly Pret because they have the egg and avocado.

EDF has been hounding me to make the smart meter appointment and as the boiler maintenance is on Tuesday.

I decided to make it for Wednesday morning, they said it could be an hour and the power will be off for that time, which is not great but necessary.

I'm dreading the skyrocketed payments that will result from it, I've heard nothing but negativity about these things.

I just hope they don't expect me to take a reading because my eyes are so bad, anything small will be impossible to see clearly.

I will definitely be comparing the bills before and after and I wonder if they will make the gas meter, smart also, I hope not.

Hmm supposedly they will call or text before they arrive but they never do that.

I find it funny that I am having the most ever views and reads to my blog that I have gotten to date.

Thank you for taking an interest, it means a lot and yet my followers are down to one.

Grins, I get it. I'm not the most interesting or upbeat writer, some posts are quite emotional.

But that's how my life is, hard and stressful. I'm not going to change to attract a wider audience.

I'm still learning how to be me. My family will always have a stranglehold on my inner peace.

The pain will continue getting severe. I'm not going to learn to trust or let people near me immediately.

But I will persevere when possible and proceed with reviews, Chatty Chicks, spoofs, fiction and stories.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

#BlogLife689 - Chatty chicks watching flicks 12 - Bridgerton season 3

I wonder who the latest diamond will be? I wonder if Eloise and Penelope will reconcile any time soon?

I'm curious if Anthony and Kate have a baby? Or if Daphne and hubby are in this series?

How is Penelope and Colin's love going to blossom? Hmm so Colin has turned into a playboy, similar to the rest of them..

Awkward, Eloise isn't ready to make peace with Penelope, although she did save her from Cresceda's cruelty.

Where did the Featheringtons money come from? Ooh Penelope is hubby hunting to produce an heir that will take over the estate.

Out of the pink and green, I think the pink fabrics suited her better than citrus.

Whoa go Penelope, softer curls and the green dress looks stunning, hopefully she feels comfortable in her new appearance.

Especially with the attention she's bound to receive. Aww bless, take a breath, she is so nervous.

Colin couldn't take his eyes of Penelope as soon as she walked in, looking the most feminine she has ever appeared and actually smiling.

Eloise is trying to be less bookish and conform to everyone else's superficiality but she is bored senseless by it.

Oh I wonder if Penelope is going to end up being the diamond??

She finally confronted Colin, she's maybe his ego boost, she gives him, or gave him endless attention, when few did.

But she wants a relationship not friendship, although that will grow anyway.

She did overhear him saying in the last season, he would never date her.

At least now he will finally know she has always had a crush on him.

Hmm I think I was wrong, I still don't think Colin realises that she is infatuated with him and now he's going to help her with the hubby hunting by giving her charm lessons? Ha!!

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

#BlogLife688 - I got you covered

I officially give up on the tweezers, it's been two weeks and they seem lost in the post.

I requested a refund and bought two others, which I hope are the same type, will try and upload pictures so you can see the difference.

I can see why people are obsessed with these eggy muffin snacks, I can't taste the chicken rasher at all.

But the egg and the muffin baked in butteriness is divine. Such a simple meal 

Oh at the end I tasted the chicken rasher, ha, highly recommended. It was £3.90 in case you're obsessed with prices, as I am.

Oh my skin might be finally clearing up, it feels less bumpy and more smooth.

Good, I just checked my emails and they are processing my refund for Popeye's idiotic restaurant plus I will wait to hear back about the lost tweezers.

I'm not bothering with Popeye's in the future, not risking losing money, it's not worth it.

Maybe at some point Mama will join me if she's in the mood for it, at some point in the future.

But for right now, I am totally put off by the awful customer service.

I feel glorious, it was finally a cold enough morning so I could put on the blankie on almost full heat and soothe my bones and muscles.

It was akin to getting a full body massage, I feel so much better. The pain is gone, I feel looser and more relaxed.

But now the sun is out so I took it off and am just having an orange lolly and sugar free orangeade with lots of ice to dilute it.

If I can I'll probably do a whole Chatty Chicks on the new series of Bridgerton that's up supposedly tomorrow or the next day.

Apparently EE has been calling me, supposedly for an upgrade, I'm not sure when mine is due, I think I want another phone to last a few years.

I'm kinda smitten with the OnePlus so maybe I will see if I can negotiate to get another one, free or with a minor fee.

I don't use my phone that much, I should switch to Pay As You Go, but then no free phones....

I'm too stingy to pay hundreds of pounds when I can get one for free.

My favourite part is the negotiating when they try to do a hard sell thinking I am naive and will readily accept a poor offering, nopity, nope nope.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

#BlogLife687 - First Popeye's experience in the UK

I'm curious about the KFC UK and Popeye's comparison. I think I read or heard or saw that our fried chicken is softer and the American one is more crispier...

I doubt I will make it for the breakfast eggy muffin, I think that stops around 11am?!

But the other thing I want to see is if they over batter the wings, it ruins the taste for me, I think because it's overcooked and tough.

It's local to me so I don't have to go out of my way to get it, but it's going to depend on how busy they are, if I can wait around to be served.

The pain has been building since the weekend or maybe just before and I don't want to make it worse.

Popeye's just opened so it's going to be a huge novelty gimmick and I'm not sure there is another fried chicken place in the immediate area..

I'll try to take some images for Twitter but it depends on how wrecked I am, when I get back indoors.

I also ponder if they use paper bags or easier to carry plastic ones, the paper ones will kill my hands.

I'll stop in at my favourite shop and pick up dessert or drinks, as they have huge sturdy bags.

Back home and it's been a disaster. I popped into Popeye's to get my order but I think it's self checkout only and I despise faffing around with machines, plus there were a few people queueing and by the time I got home it would be cold.

Luckily or so I thought, it was on Just Eat, I placed the order to try a bit of everything and have leftovers, a burger, some wings, some tenders and lastly the wrap.

I don't hear the bike or car specifically but the tracking says delivered and it isn't to my place, where I've given helpful address hints.

Just Eat doesn't have a number you can speak to anyone anymore which sucks.

I go online and request a complete refund and they say they will get back to me.

Whichever neighbour is dishonest enough to receive a free meal and not say, sorry wrong address, I didn't order this, is just horrible, I wouldn't do that.

Ugh, so much corruption in this world. I decided to just order from my sweet local cafe and they always know me and give me surplus too.

I'm too tired to move. Sorry I couldn't give you a review but I really did try.

The pain is still bad. The only positive note for today is that I finally got my Yash lip balm duo.

It has a hint of strawberries, is easy to squeeze out, it's like a creamy lotion, it's nice, I wiped it off so that I could munch and my mouth is still soft.

I'm not sure how effective it will be for the chapping but the initial sample is pleasant so I will update you later on in the month.

Monday, 13 May 2024

#BlogLife686 - Tickle your tastebuds

Sorry about the lack of BlogLife on Thursday. I feel like I'm stressed without being stressed, probably makes no sense but I feel agitated.

Casting that aside I bought some new things to try from Iceland. I don't know if I've tried these before, I don't think so..

But Cofresh were out of the normal bombay mix so I decided to try Shalimar's version for £1.20, 200g bag and it actually has cashews in it.

Wonderful plus is not excessively salty or peppery, it's lovely and understated. Although there isn't much, there are still a lot of peanuts contained inside.

I also got Pop and Pip still flavoured strawberry and raspberry 4x 330ml lil bottles for £1.50, they are sugar free and lightly deliciously flavoured but I actually thought they were sparkling, boo.

I also got the lemon and lime flavour but I haven't tried that yet. There was also Aquaroma 1 litre bottle for 75p which is good, I haven't tried that either.

The rest was Naked Thai sweet chilli egg noodles so I don't know if it's egg flavoured or made with eggs, not tried that version before, sounded interesting.

Plus Maggi Malaysian chicken noodles, not sampled this brand before, the reviews looked good, so I will see if it's yummy or not.

I haven't got a huge appetite at the moment, whether hormone related or weather, I'm just enjoying the orange lollies and ice poles mainly.

I did get some Frangipani almond cakes which I haven't had for years I don't think, they are lovely and soft.

Just tried the Aquaroma, that is great, enough citrus, not too sweet, no bitterness, it's no added sugar but contains sweeteners.

I haven't been too keen on Iceland's flavoured water range but good to check out new brands. Well, new to me.

Oh my, peeled the lid for the Naked noodles and instantly coughed, pepper just hit me in the face. Oof.

I drowned it in water and am cooking it for 6 minutes and then just going to leave it to set for a bit.

It's not strong, mildly spicy which is flavourful. A hint of eggyness, not recommended on a hot day but I would definitely get it again, it's a good fulling snack, that's seasoned properly.

I tried the Maggi noodles yesterday, it's tasty and soft but nothing special, just tastes like the others.

I would rather get the cheaper brands and save money.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

#BlogLife685 - I'm not really here, still retreating

I can't work out earbuds at all. I was just on a call and have been using the newest earbuds sparingly for calls only..

But at the other end, she said it was a bad line and could hardly hear my words.

I switched to the old earbuds and she heard me so clearly. That's so weird, it should be the other way around.

She was saying the bills have switched to an automated online system, pffft they are fading out people, no wonder, there is hardly anyone about when I call up.

When it comes to paying bills, I would rather talk to someone and have peace of mind that it's paid, what if the online system crashes??

I've also got receipts emailed to me, to cover my bases, which is reassuring. I declined the offer.

I just had a lemon ice pole, it melted so quickly ha, my drink is already warm also.

At the moment I'm having this recurring daydream where I'm going through all the stages of a relationship, maybe my brain is hinting to write fiction.

Holy cow. Last night Chromebook had an update and I thought Oh No, what are they messing with now??

But they returned the flipping scrollbar in discord, I had to use my phone to move the page around, this is so much better.

Idiots!! At long last, they shouldn't have removed it in the first place, the youtube one still remains hidden and for most pages to see it, I still have to refresh the sodding page.

I'm doing a strange midweek mud mask as my face is horribly oily and bumpy at the moment, I hate when it's like this.

Even though I'm skipping periods, maybe it's hormonal? I just finished the last of the Dove moisturiser, it was ok, it smelled lovely but I don't feel it did anything special.

I'm going back to my Neutrogena. I was just thinking about food, nothing new there..

And how I'm taking a break from cheese and enjoying the free range eggs, apparently much healthier and high in nutrients.

Then I was thinking about the first time I tried sweet mustard. I was never keen on the regular sort, it seemed too spicy and strong for my liking.

I was in Iceland (the island) and I don't know if it was a bbq or we ordered them but I recall being in the kitchen, with the various condiments and I typically just reach for the ketchup but I wondered what this yellow bottle was.

Americany sweet mustard was the reply and it sounded horrifying to me but I was encouraged to try it and probably reluctantly maybe I smeared a tiny bit on the veggy, meat or chicken dogs.

I have no idea which sort they were but I think I liked them. In Canada I was introduced to Vienna sausages which I enjoyed at first and then went off, or maybe or was a different brand?

Anyway I don't know what the flavour was, as it was decades ago but I recall grabbing the bottle and spreading a heap of it on there, as it was unlike anything I had ever tried before.

I think there was a pink bottle too but the memory fades. This is all because of Popeyes and us becoming more Americany,

I remember going abroad and returning with a lip balm that four times as big as our slender ones and everyone was fascinated by it but I didn't really see the big deal about it.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

#BlogLife684 - What was your favourite slush puppy?

I don't even recall all the flavours. I think the purple one was grape, not sure what the red one was.

I'm not even sure if I tried them all but the blue crushed ice syrup one, raspberry was my favourite, it was basically sugar water.

But refreshing on a hot summers day walking outside. I'm reminiscing because Mr Freeze just brought out the solely blue raspberry flavour of ice poles.

20x for £1.50 which is great value. It doesn't taste the same, which is a good thing as it contains way less sugar which is healthier but it's still delicious.

I don't know how but I still remember the taste from my childhood, maybe because it's associated with rare happy memories of having no responsibilities and just aimlessly walking or of exiting the pool from a glorious swim and craving a drink.

I don't even know what the cost was. I'm pretty sure there was no citrus flavours, otherwise that probably would have been a tie favourite. 

The weather is still crazy, warm, summy and cold. I'm still under the blankie but it's on low. 

Still no sign of my tweezers or lip balms unfortunately but the Bank Holiday delays everything.

I'm watching this cute lil min series Mrs Sidhu Investigates with Meera Syal about this widow who has these cute lil random chats with her deceased parents and hubby.

They had a range of series with elderly fems who were sharp minded and keen to assist the Police ha, this one is funny and lighthearted.

Monday, 6 May 2024

#BlogLife683 - Chatty chicks watching flicks 11 - Too Close To Home

Good afternoony :) How are you doing? I feel lighter and happier than I have in a long while.

I'm very bloated but there was no nausea so I'm just sipping ribena and I just had a glorious nap as I woke up early for the groceries.

Iceland had a new make of chicken samosa and chicken spring rolls. £4.50 each and 18 contained inside.

It's not bad as it will last me a while, I hope it's not too spicy though.

They are cooking at the moment, I figure 20 minutes should do it. For breakfast I cooked the chapati and cracked eggs on top and then put a chapati over it and it was delicious.

Next time I will just add some butter on the surface. Oh I am getting to like that Heinz sriracha sauce, it's very mild and I'm thinking maybe that spice will knock out this feverish feeling I'm going through.

I just finished the Delia White vitamin C face wash. It was slightly moisturising but I wouldn't recommend it for combination skin.

It did not remove or prevent blemishes, I kept breaking out and it did nothing to stop it.

Now I am using the Nivea hydra skin effect face gel and oh crikey the price.

I bought it on sale for £2.62 which is fine but the original price is £5.25, there is no way I would pay that for 150ml bottle.

The scent seems fine but generic, nothing I can place. It applies and rinses easily.

Afterwards my whole face felt smooth and deeply cleansed.

The Desime samosa and the spring roll is really spicy, it's not my type of taste, it could have done with more seasoning and less pepper.

I won't be buying it again, my face is all red and warm.

This should be a Chatty Chicks but I have to talk about the show Too Close To Home..

I like/hate it because of the trashyness of it. Season one, has mainly a white cast and I thought ok, that's different for a Tyler Perry show.

Then season two introduces black characters which made me laugh, why now??

Tyler's recurring theme is always abuse, so I was waiting for that but none seemed to occur until the end when the secrets were revealed and you think.......

Ahhh that's why you act like that. Three sisters, one is a drug addict, one is on the surface together, but chooses a bad brother instead of a good one.

The other has an affair with the President and is under his control but plays the victim too.

How do you go from brother to brother, sister to sister, there's no-one else you could fall in love with but your current/exes siblings??

Yuckity, that's what I mean by the trashyness of it. I wanna see how it ends though, who ends up with whom.

I want to like Brodie one of the brothers that is a love interest, he seems like a good guy but then he keeps flirting with them both and has slept with them both.

None of the males seem wholesome really and maybe that is what is missing.

If there are bad characters, there has to be equally good ones. You have to root for someone.

I think it was interesting when Bonnie broke up with Brodie and she said, You're too good for me, you're going to hurt me.

And he said I would never do that, you're distrustful because I treat you right, where my brother always harms you, yet you seem to prefer that and it's really messed up.

At this point in my life I wouldn't recognise a good guy either. I would question everything he said and did.

Why are you being nice? What are you after? Just hurry up and show your true colours so I can dump you etc etc.

I just think when you've experienced bad things and bad people, it's hard to be vulnerable and let someone in, to let them see you raw and unguarded.

I feel like Bonnie doesn't feel she deserves happiness, maybe a big part of it is guilt, that she couldn't protect herself and her sisters and just feels unclean and too damaged or like she will be judged.

The thought processes always fascinate me as a woman and as someone that has had a rough childhood.

Oh the last thing I wanted to add, which made me cringe so hard, was that one gay guy was involved in a hate crime that he didn't deserve but incited himself.

But luckily he was being taken care of by Brodie and his papa and instead of being grateful and respectful, he was disgustingly flirty.

To someone that didn't have to take you in and look after you and you're supposedly happily off the market, he did so much nonstop sleazy flirting.

Ick, I found that revolting. Luckily Brodie as uncomfortable as he was, took it with a pinch of salt.

Kinda reminded me of when I was trying to support females and they were inappropriately chatting me up, relentlessly, I felt so exploited.

Why is it so difficult to be faithful and respect people???