Thursday, 24 October 2024

#BlogLife780 - Taking it, one emotion at a time..

I got up nice and early for the Iceland delivery and thankfully most of it was there, the coleslaw was out of stock and for some reason there was a missing item, the sanitary towels, although I have stocked up on them, just prefer to have extra, in case Iceland runs out.

I just had a lil taste of the Chicken Tonight, honey and mustard, ooh it's quite flavourful, at first it's a bit of a shock.

It's slightly tangy and sweet, very creamy, a good sized jar and I'm just going to add it to the chicken and pasta dishes.

I was expecting the mustard to be stronger but I'm glad it isn't. It's not that sweet but it's not overpoweringly tart either.

It's funny, I thought I deleted the Heinz light mayonnaise from my order but I didn't.

I got that just in case I hated the Chicken Tonight. I rang up Iceland and got the refund, I'm so glad they didn't tell me to ring the local store, I can never get through and then the manager is never around, irritating!

I'm currently obsessed with their chicken bakes, but they were out of stock so I tried the chicken shop pies, the pastry isn't great, the filling is nice though.

Maybe I overcooked it but it seems really dry. I also got the Balconi rollino hazelnut mini cakes, I had to make up the order and I'm still craving sugar.

I'm not a big fan of the cake rolls but I do like nutty things and one reviewer remarked it was like Ferreros so I had to try it.

I also had a whiff of the Radox sleep aromatherapy bath soak, it smells nice but a lil ordinary.

So far I am underwhelmed because the few I've tried have been amazing, scent wise, really strong and fresh.

The green, the red and now this one but maybe when I actually use it, the essential oils will come through better?

I'm still off beef and cheese, but I can rotate the meals with eggs, chicken or fish.

T randomly checks up on me which is sweet, none of the others have done that.

He's dying of curiosity to know what's going on but I can't share, the personal stuff is just nobody else's business but my own.

I'm glad I've finally stopped putting in and removing my lenses near the edge of the bed, where they sometimes fall on the floor.

I've lost so many contacts that way, now I do it in the middle of the bed so if it falls I can spot it, easier.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D