Sunday 28 March 2021

#BlogLife11 - Are you content with your content? :D

It's really late and I got carried away watching half the Ramo episode and constructing the commentary and just as I was casually thinking..

Hmm I wonder what the next chapter of BlogLife will entail, an idea surfaced. Content. I'm happy with my BlogLife series from my low-key status.

I enjoy, well perhaps that is the wrong word. I find it helpful coming up with the CrazySelfTherapy posts.

But I have deleted a few posts on this platform and a lot from the others when I was copying them over.

The reason being, some of them made me cringe and maybe I just had to let it out and then delete it and the others were immature.

I feel like I confronted some demons and got it out my system so I didn't need them reminding me of the past.

Q1) If you've written something or are in the process of composing it and it doesn't measure up to your standards or you just feel unhappy with it. Do you delete it or edit it? 

Q2) If someone offered or you invited them to do a guest post on your blog. Would you insist on final approval before posting?

Grins. I don't know if that is controversial or not but it's definitely interesting :D

I don't regret erasing my posts as they served their purpose and I don't think I've ever scrapped a whole post.

The most I do especially if I write it late at night is leave it until the morning and maybe change words around, correct any spelling or grammar mistakes and format it.

If someone was guest posting here. I would definitely insist on pre-approval. This is my baby and I stand behind everything I've written so if someone came along and said something I was seriously against..

Difference of opinion is one thing, different values are another.. But hey that's just my opinion.

Q3) Aha I've thought of something. What is your favourite book or magazine to indulge in?

I loved reading but since I started writing my books I stopped. Actually I may have stopped a tiny bit earlier.

I got fed up with the same formula's over and over again. One hero and one heroine, predictable. There's always a cantankerous relationship with the mama.

Oh yea and the heroine is always insecure about weight, looks you name it which is why she let's the idiot casanova woo her.

Purlease!!! Work on yourself and get some frigging self esteem and then get a decent guy!! Alright rant over because I need sleep. 

Just remember when you hear that nagging inner/outer critic saying ugh this is garbage. I hate what I wrote. I can't do this.

Counter it with.. This may not be ideal but I will work on it until it is. I've written or I will write pieces that I and others adore. 

Lastly. Hush. I have got this under control. I am more than capable!!

For I am a writer/blogger or just a fantastic wordsmith. Either way I have a beautiful mind.

Sweet dreams :)


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D