Wednesday 31 March 2021

#BlogLife15 - Squint, blink and skedaddle

As you know I wear hard rgp contact lenses and I am really short sighted. Reading bright faint fonts, kills my eyes. There are several sites, Twitters, blogs etc..

Where I visited once and promptly left because I couldn't see a damn thing. Why oh why would you do that, to your poor readers trying to get more information or sign up or become an active member?

I think I was guilty of that with the gold font and some of the others, so I just darkened the shade and improved it. You gotta think, big picture.

It is so competitive and there are a million ways to put people off. (By not having pictures for example :D) That is why i say this is a diary-type-blog.

It hopefully softens the blow and let's people know what to expect. Less lavish, more simple.

Q1) What is your opinion?

A) Excuse moi Mz sightless, most of the people in this world have perfect vision, so why should I change my colour scheme for a few people?

B) Meh I'll get around to it one of these days. I have bigger concerns than my readers..

C) Am I the only sensitive person in the room? First I would test all my links and if they weren't legible to me, they sure as sugar, wouldn't be clear to some of my readers. 

Then I would change them lickity split to make them easier to read. I care, unlike you two!

Q2) I had to Google this, because I'm running out of questions. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

A) Laugh and the world laughs with you..

B) Treat others how you wish to be treated..

I was compared to impeccable people and I did it myself and it is the worst thing you can do. Why do all their highlights appear glaringly, smugly in your face and their flaws are diminished?

Be your own person, shortcomings and all. It's fine to not be perfect, to make mistakes and stumble. At least you are trying. Those people you see as ideal, really aren't...

They have just become experts at showing that false bravado. Pretending that nothing fazes them and they can do no wrong, while pointing out someone else's failings. 

That in itself is insecurity ten-fold. If they were really as superb and confident as they appeared, why would they need to point out someone's errors???

Just something to think about if you are feeling like you don't measure up :)

You do so. You are remarkable and don't let anyone tell you different!


I'm sorry this BlogLife turned into a mini rant at the end. It wasn't supposed to but some subjects just hit a nerve. I've trying to fix the appearance of the blog and I managed some of it, at least the title is readable.

I can't seem to separate the image and description. I'll work on it and hopefully change the font style as it is hideous Ugh. By the way the answers to my questions aren't supposed to be really rude.

They are just pretend mocking. Someone said it seems less comical and more insulting but it is just me being playful and silly to make you laugh :D


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D