Friday 26 March 2021

#BlogLife8 - Beginning of my blogging adventure

I always do things backwards and maybe this should have been #BlogLife1 but nevertheless I am sure you won't hold that against me.

This is difficult to talk about so I'll be brief because I don't want to go into specific details but suffice to say that I was stuck indoors for an extended period and writing in a diary had migrated to a huge A4 notebook.

I had given up on writing fiction and wanted to try an alternative. When the opportunity arose for paid blogging I didn't jump to it straight away but I was intrigued.

It was a small community and people were encouraged to comment purely to gain extra incentives but soon we all relaxed and got into it and there were more specific responses, some good, some bad.

I began to get more comfortable just as it shut down. I migrated to another platform and my love of composing fiction returned.

I even connected with a few people and made friends. It was such an easygoing community and again it wasn't huge just lowkey and really simple to use.

Unfortunately they also shut down :( and eventually I came to Blogger where I could customise my page, a definite step up :D

Q1) At long last I hear you mutter.. How did you get into blogging?

Q2) Was it something you always wanted to do or did you fall into it?


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D