More deliciously random insights..
Q1. Why on earth do you call the series Crazy self therapy?
I hope it's not insulting to anyone currently seeing a professional psychiatrist but for me I think the weirdest approach was to analyse myself and figure things out.
I feel too personally mentally fragile to let someone into my head. It's chock full of too many things to let a stranger mess with it.
This is just what works for me. I'm just able to be honest and tap into something and while doing something routine and not overthinking, it somehow unravels and a solution pops up.
So yea, that it why I opted for the name, probably spent like 2 seconds and thought yep.
Q2. Do you think you'll repair the relationships with your family?
I don't think so, not to a full degree. None of them are self-aware at all, at how bad their behaviour is or has been so there is no basis to even start the healing.
I have spoken to my mama yesterday. She gave me a few missed calls which I ignored and then I felt guilty so I called her back.
She already seemed bored so had a quick blah chat and then disconnected.
Q3. Do you miss socialising?
Frankly yes and no. More no than yes. I'm just very tired of it all. Being outdoors just freaks me out and it got better and now has become worse.
Then I have to deal with people not making the effort with me specifically, they can do it with others but not me and I feel bad and I'm sick of that because I'm a darling!
Also my expenses have risen so I am trying really hard to curb my spending, which I have been doing quite well at.
Lastly I'm sick of being judged for being ill. No I'm not the same as you.
I don't have boundless energy. I get exhausted so quickly and the pain pops out of nowhere and scares me because I wonder if this will be the time, it doesn't stop hurting.
Q4. Do you miss travelling?
Good question. When I was younger, I took a lot of family trips, Iceland, Canada, Florida and my parents place of birth.
I don't think I was ever scared of flying. It was somewhat exciting being somewhere different, the journey was tiresome as I could never sleep.
I had periods of fun, meeting my family from around the world. Some were nicer than others and my uncles were non judgemental and particularly sweet to me, as a shy girl so I was able to relax, not so much the Aunties, who always had an opinion on me and my life and looks/weight.
Also my grandmother who thought she had the right to enforce religion on me and from the stories I heard about her......Was no saint herself.
Maybe she was someone else trying to redeem herself. Who knows?!
The places and culture was interesting though. I felt more grown up and worldly.
I can't say I miss it though. I feel like I had all these experiences when I was younger and that sustained me.
I can't actually travel now because of health restrictions but I'm good with that, at least I got to see a part of the world, some people don't get that chance.
Q5. Tell us some fun boo boos you've made?
When I was trying out the new headphones I got for Christmas just to see if they were working. I kept trying to pair them to the phone or laptop.
Strangely enough, it just wouldn't connect. I figured it was completely dead so I charged it up a bit and continue making attempts and still nothing.
Then I realised I hadn't been doing the long press, setting it in pair mode ha!!
Somebody I won't mention who, brought me a bowl of soup and my brain was foggy so what uttered out of my mouth was....
"Are you spicy?" He just gave me such a startled look and then cracked up laughing. I was mortified but giggling also.
I kept trying to get out the words. "No, no, no I mean't, I really mean't is the soup spicy, not youuuu!"
He was just smirking at me, saying mmmmhmm, sure sure. He never let me live that down.
Probably the most embarrassing one. I was waiting to see someone and this guy came over and said..
"Hmm, you look good." I shrugged. "Maybe but I could sure do with a massage and he goes "Really? Alright, well I'll pass that onto the therapist, that's not me!"
What made that worse, was that he was a fox!! My face is still burning red remembering these :D
Final one for the road. I feel like I was having a sassy moment. My cousin was over to hangout. (This one I actually liked, he was always sweet).
I'm not sure how it came about. I was pre-teen. I think and somehow the word tequila, came up.
I in my wonderful naivete, pronounced it.. Te-quill-a. He was astounded and horrified.
"No, no no. That isn't how it is spoken. It is te-key-la." He's older and knows a lot more so I figured he was right, however I kept insisting he was mistaken this time.
No idea why I chose this silly battle but we had this back and forth and my head was like...... You know he is accurate, give in, silly goose.
Five minutes later I just said. "I don't know what I was thinking, oops you're right ."
He looks so surprised and confused hahaha :D
I just did a complete turnaround on him, after adamantly insisting I was right.
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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D