Tuesday, 18 January 2022

#BlogLife195 - The misery conspiracy

I just feel like blah at the moment but only on the surface. The temporary fix that had my boiler producing heat and hot water has now stopped.

I am back to being a frozen bunny and it's just really hard to function. I don't have any issues getting up but once there I feel like what is the point?

I am super grateful for my life saving heated fake furry blankie, which is keeping me sane.

I can't shake this cough and hoarseness without proper heat and have caught a chill where I'm sniffling.

I've lost my appetite again but am munching to warm myself up. My hair is even shorter now, above my shoulders. 

I have to see what it looks like in curlers but I have no interest in doing that yet.

Maybe I should book a eyebrow wax and pedicure or even a facial beautician appointment but I don't feel in the mood to go traipsing about.

I don't even feel like retail therapy which is my normal pick-me-up method.

I wasn't even going to write anything today but I'm hoping by admitting all of this negativity I'll feel unburdened?!

I think I'm getting slightly better at picking my titles. I'm trying at least..

I am easing back into the volunteering not daily but a few times a week.

I feel calmer doing it but at the same time, just empty. I really don't think I'll be my true self until the boiler is fixed.

I fully intended to change the theme/template, whatever you want to call it but I think it's growing on me.

A cute night time appearance. I guess I'll see if I can find anything that I like better that doesn't need tweaking to display correctly.

Forgive me if my posts aren't daily. I'm really struggling to get my thoughts in order.

Take care :)


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D