Chapter 1
I drum my fingers waiting for him to arrive. I thought I was bad, but he takes the cake. I am beginning to wonder if I adore him or his picnic basket the most?
I can't stay mad at him though. He is always apologetic and treats me like no other man has ever or probably will ever again.
I scan around the crowded coffee shop. Cutlery and plates are clunking on tables. People are talking softly and enjoying their feast.
Waitresses are smiling to each other and gossiping. It has now been twenty minutes and just like that my phone buzzes. I shake my head and pick it up.
"Mmmhmmm I see, on your way? Will be here before I know it? The car wouldn't start? Uh huh. See you soon.." I grin and sigh just as the waitress gives me a sympathetic look and pats my hand.
She probably assumes I've been stood up. It has occurred once or twice so it isn't entirely unfathomable. "Yes please a top up would be great."
Chapter 2
I pull down my sleeves and cinch in my coat a bit more. Now that winter is upon us, it is quite chilly. I close my eyes and sip my hot chocolate with flake sprinkles and a dash of whipped cream on top.
There is even a whisper of Armagnac in the cocoa and I feel warm and slightly buzzed on my second cup. Somebody grabs my drink and tastes it.
I look up and smile. He is finally here. He made it after all. He lowers his head to kiss me softly on the lips and says..... "Yum, you smell and taste terrific."
I wish I could stay perturbed at his triggery perpetual tardiness but his grin has me beaming up at him. I look at his dark black hair with flecks of white snow sprinkled around it.
"No wonder you had problems with you car. I didn't realise it had begun snowing. "Mmmhmm, I don't think it's been falling for that long as it has settled yet."
"We should get out of here though, I have to scrap the surprise I planned for us but there is an alternative for my minx."
I blush and hope noone heard that pet name. I didn't mind it but it sounded racier than I actually would ever be. Tizinski paid for the drinks and then took my hand.
I looked down at our interlaced fingers. It had never felt this natural before, to be so instantly comfortable being touchy-feely and affectionate for a man I barely knew.
This was only the third get together but anyone looking at us would assume we have been dating for months. I was determined not to get ahead of myself, slow and steady wins the relationship race..
Tizinski opened the shop/car door for me and I smiled. It was little touches like this, that made me feel like a lady. "Thanks, where are we going?"
Chapter 3
"Claudia, will you let me surprise you for once, you are always so eager that I end up spilling the secret. "Just sit back in this toasty car and let me whisk you away to paradise."
We both eyed each and laughed. Tizinski had been really sweet so far and hadn't pressured me at all. All we had done was kiss, hug and hold hands together.
I kept waiting for evil pervy Tizinski to appear but so far so good. I would just relish his company for now. "You are entirely too quiet my lovely."
"Are you thinking good thoughts about me or bad ones?" Tizinski's ability to cut into my thoughts was slightly unnerving but I grinned back and let him make up his own conclusion.
"Hmm I'll pry it out of you later but for now I guess we'll just have to head to my place, won't we?" I coughed as alarm bells went off in my head.
Oh crikey, this was the third date. What if he expected something physical to happen? Tizinski knowingly grabbed my hand.
"You can relax. I have no intention of jumping on you, this is just going to be another simple date with great home cooked food and the best company a man could hope for."
"We shall sit, eat, curl up and that will be the extent of it and anytime you want to leave. I'll drive you, okay honey?" I felt guilty for always jumping to the worst case scenario.
Tizinski had been a complete gentleman but my history with men was scary and I felt better being reassured a bit. I reached over and kissed him on the cheek, wiping away the dark cherry lipgloss on his face.
"That was unexpected but very much appreciated. Look in the glove box, I bought you something, open it." I chuckled. "Why would you do that?"
"We haven't been dating that long, you shouldn't have wasted your money on me." Tizinski nodded. "I know but open it, I can't wait any longer."
Time to put my poker face on. What if I hated it? It's the thought that counts. I gingerly tried to unwrap a small package but it was basically all sellotape and when I shot a look at Tizinski..
He blushed. "Sorry I guess I got carried away making sure it was sealed tightly." I kissed him again on the cheek, shaking my head and wondering if I needed a knife to cut through this wrapping.
Eventually I found an opening and a box shot out and fell on the floor. Tizinski cursed and we both scrambled to pick it up even though it had now been pushed to the back.
I waited until we stopped at the traffic lights and then quickly unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed it with as much dignity as I could manage and then refastened my belt.
Tizinski and I cracked up again. I popped it into my bag as soon we were pulling up to his place. He grabbed the bags and opened my door for me.
I bit my lip and thought if the worst happens I can run out. It's not like I drink heavily anymore, I won't be dizzy unless he spikes my drink.
I took a deep breath to steady my breathing. He put his arm around me and we walked ahead. I just need to breathe and stay calm.
Whatever happens I can take care of myself. My frazzled mind was soothed and I stepped into his place not knowing what to expect.
Chapter 4
I had never been here before and scanned the hallway as Tizinski helped me off with my jacket.
It was mostly neat and tidy with a stack of books on a nearby table and a notebook.
He hung my jacket on the hook and escorted me inside a spacious lounge.
There were heavy blue drapes neatly tied back a range of purply blues on all the walls.
The fireplace was soon crackling with a roaring fire and a safety guard to stop it getting messy.
Tizinski scurried off to the kitchen and I traced the books on the shelf and looked around haphazardly at a neat but lived in lounge.
Just like me, he lived alone with no pets so the place was quiet, aside from the traffic outdoor from cars whizzing by and cars being honked.
He reappeared smiling and I coyly took out the pretty red wrapped box, I had pushed into my bag prior.
At last I found an opening and tore the wrapper, which dismantled the whole tape mismash.
Inside was an even prettier violet box with a professionally looking pink bow tied around it.
I looked up shyly and inquisitively, wondering what on earth it contained inside.
Tiz looked nervous now and I grinned. I gently placed the box in Tiz's hand, snapped a picture with my phone to capture the moment and then delicately unravelled the present.
I gasped at what I saw inside. It was a stunning red butterfly brooch. It appeared to be sterling silver and had sparkling gem stones on the wings.
I was complaining that a few of my cardigans and wraps, needed pinning but I kept forgetting to buy a brooch to hold it together.
"Wow, you actually paid attention, when I talked? Thank you, it's really thoughtful and gorgeous."
Tiz finally beamed in relief. "Phew for a moment there, I wasn't sure if I had made the right choice or not."
I looked down at the gift. I was kinda stunned he would go to so much trouble for a girl he barely knew.
What was the catch with him? There had to be some huge flaw? Or why was he still available?
I shook my head sternly. I was being ungrateful. He did a lovely thing and I should count my blessings.
Dang I was so used to awful boyfriends that I didn't seem to recognise someone genuine, even if he was standing right in front of me.
"Do you honestly like it because you're scowling and now I'm just confused?"
I hugged Tiz. "Sorry my head just had something unpleasant pop in and it shook off my good mood."
"Hmm, what was that?"
Chapter 5
I shifted uneasily. "To be honest, I'm just not used to being treated this way, a guy considering my feelings and doing nice things for me."
"I'm still getting used to it but I appreciate all that you do for me."
Tiz nodded, although he didn't smile. I wondered if his patience was wearing thin.
"Can I help with anything or are you all organised as usual?" I figured changing the subject would be a good idea.
"Tiz smiled once more and I relaxed. "My dear, everything is well at hand."
"Make yourself comfortable on the sofa. Stay out of my kitchen, if you know what's good for you and I shall return shortly with a blanket, drinks and nibbles."
I shivered, not only because I hadn't warmed up yet but the blankie gave me a mini cause for concern.
I really just need to take him at his word. I leaned back, grateful he hadn't asked me to sit on the floor.
I hadn't divulged my health issues completely but he knew something was up.
Tiz returned in seconds with a cordless heated black fluffy blanket and I breathed a sigh of relief as the chill, finally seemed to fade.
"Umm Tiz, I'm grateful but I don't want to spill crumbs on your cute blankie. Maybe we should leave it to one side, until after we've munched?"
Tiz crinkled his eyes with warmth. "You really do worry too much. If it gets messy, I'll just throw it in the washing machine."
"I'll be back in a moment." I pulled the blankie up and then thought I was being a tad too spoilt..
I pushed down the blankie and headed to the kitchen to help out. Tiz always cooked and paid.
The least I could do was assist him, carrying the food, or anything else he required.
I stopped short. My mouth was open with a greeting but the sight I saw before me, had me blinking in bewilderment.
"What the hell Tiz??" I swear he jumped a foot in the air. "I....Ummm didn't even hear you come in."
"I told you to wait in the lounge." I scoffed. "You liar."
Chapter 6
The sight before me had me shaking my head and waggling my finger.
"You sneaky, underhanded.. I marched forward and shoved him in the arm."
Tiz held up his hands and grinned but with mock sincerity, said "Okay, you busted me."
"I can't actually cook this well so I sorta, kinda, bought the goods from the market and passed it off as my own creation."
"You just seemed to be so into my cooking and were so impressed that I kept up the charade."
"Is there anything else you want to confess while we are being frank?"
"You see, this is another reason. Your trust issues, now all my brownie points have gone out the window, for this one white lie."
"Don't you turn this back on me buster. I haven't misled you. I didn't say I only dated chefs. I just thought desserts are tricky to make so when you did it effortlessly. I was thrilled."
"I didn't intend to take the credit but the first time when you assumed I had made it from scratch. I just found myself nodding and agreeing with you."
Tiz put his arms around my waist. "I know it was a dumb thing to lie about. I just wanted to make a good first impression."
The wheels were turning inside my head. Dishonesty has to be punished..
"I'm really disappointed in you. This has set our relationship back and I'm not sure I can trust you anymore."
I gingerly reached behind him. Just a lil bit further... Aha I got it.
I picked up the moist baileys cake that I had loved so much with the zigzag iced topping made of ganache and smushed it in Tiz's face giggling.
"That is what you get for deceiving me. I hope you've learned your lesson."
Tiz raised his eyebrow dangerously. I stepped back and squealed as he mashed the chocolate cake in my face.
"That's what you get for forgiving me too easily." I grinned evilly. "Who says I forgive you?"
Tiz chuckled, traced the chocolate frosting from my lips and bent down to kiss me sweetly.
"I'll just have to keep smooching you until you do." He wrapped both his arms around my back tugging me until I was pressed against him."
Looking at me intently. "Despite what your brain is telling you. I'm not like your other boyfriends."
"I intend to treat you like the foodie Queenie you are!"
The end.
**I hope you enjoyed reading it. These lil side story projects are fun. The oddball mini creations.
In between the heavier wattpad stories.
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