Friday, 12 August 2022

#BookLife7 - Fighting Fate (fiction) unfinished

Chapter 1

I sat down on the bench with a book in my hand. I was too preoccupied to read it but in order to stop fidgeting I needed something in my hands.

I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, it seemed a bit ludicrous. I had joined a writing forum two months ago and sparked interest with another creator who related to me.

We had both individually published books that were unsuccessful but thought by talking and meeting today, maybe we could support each other and possibly even collaborate on something exciting.

I had tried this before and it was unsatisfying. My previous ally had no vision and I was pulling all the weight and making all the decisions which is why I terminated it quickly and didn't want to go through it again.

Something about Lautaro's manner though, captured my interest. He was sarcastic, smart, dedicated and more optimistic than I was, I suspect braver too.

He lived locally about half an hour away, which was even more peculiar that we could have met and known each other prior to this meeting.

My phone rang and I searched my bag to locate my it. "Hi.. Yes I'm already here, early for once. Alright I'll head towards the Park entrance."

It was only 5pm in the afternoon with plenty of light out but I still felt nervous. I was grateful that a lot of people were around, albeit scattered here and there.

It didn't take me long to reach the front and I bit my lip wondering if he would be the same person offline..

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whipped around panicking. "Gianella is that you?"

"Lautaro?" "Yes." We each said it at the same time and smiled awkwardly.

"I've never been to this park before but it is quite spacious and lovely."

He nodded. "Yes I find myself here quite often, taking in the tranquility and being inspired to write little thoughts and poems."

"We can come here together next time, if you like." I raised my eyebrow at his bluntness.

"Look let's just get through today first, see if you're the gentlemanly type, before I commit to another outing."

"Wow Gia you are so sceptical but whatever you feel comfortable with, I just know that, this won't be our only time together."

I remained on the fence and shrugged. He maybe determined but I would patiently see how he behaved first.

Chapter 2

"What are you reading?" He indicated to the book in my hands and my face coloured. "It's ummm.."

"Mmm...Go on." I half laughed. "Just one of those manuals on how to write a book."

Lautaro smacked his forehead. "You don't need that. I've read your work remember. It's excellent, just raw and in need of polishing."

"Don't let these jaded authors corrupt your confidence and enthusiasm. I'm happy to give you pointers."

I scrunched my nose up. "Are you forgetting we are both in the same boat?" 

"There is very little interest and feedback from our collective works and those that were somewhat keen, wanted so much editing that in the end it wasn't the same."

He held his hands up and shrugged. "It just means they were not the right fit. A publisher has to believe in you and your vision, it's not all about the profits."

"Yea right." We both chuckled. "Why don't we continue this discussion in that coffee shop over there. A lot of struggling writers frequent it."

"Okay." He held the door open and my nostrils were hit with the delicious smell of fresh coffee. 

I sat down in the corner into a soft cushioned blue chair that was very comfortable. The large square tables were a few feet apart.

It wasn't squashed at all. "I've never had such a beautiful partner to collaborate with before."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop right there. This is strictly business. Our acquaintanceship is not going to get complicated, at all."

His smile grew wider as he leaned forward, holding my gaze. "Gia I have every intention of keeping this platonic."

"However writing can be an intimate event and who knows what passions may rise to the surface during our partnership. Shouldn't we remain.... Open to the possibilities?"

I shook my head. "No! I like to keep focused and I don't have room for time wasters!"

He leaned back but didn't shake the grin from his face. "Whatever keeps you near me and smiling, is fine with me."

"Ugh! Can we just order already before I throttle you?!" His eyes twinkled mysteriously.

"I seem to stir you already, this is a good sign, it means we are a good match."

I put my face in my hands sighing and was relieved the waiter had come to take our order.

"Hi can I get a whipped chocolate coffee please and a cinnamon muffin thanks."

"I'll take an espresso and a ginger cookie thanks. It's normally quite busy in here."

I nodded and turned away. This was obviously an error in judgement, he justed wanted to flirt and mess around. I will make an excuse and leave in a few minutes.

He rustled in his bag and brought out a notebook. "I know what you're thinking Gia but I'm serious about working with you."

"In fact I set us a challenge to write a short story in a week and then submit it to Aaron's Publishing House."

"A meeting has been arranged." The waiter set down our order with napkins and a smile and I whipped my head around to Lautaro.

I scoffed. "This is a sick joke right? How do you even know a publisher, let along have an appointment set?"

"My friend hooked us up. You should be excited, this could be our big break."

I stood up and turned my back to leave. This was too much. He had to be lying.

He handed me a card with Aaron business details on it. "Ring it up and confirm it, the appointment is in your name."

"How do I know that you haven't just coerced someone into a pretence?" He googled the address and the number and unfortunately it checked out.

I dialled and spoke to a receptionist who confirmed it. I slumped back in the chair.

"What have you gotten me into?" He covered my hand in his and squeezed it.

"We can do this. It's easy. There is just one tiny hiccup.... I'm going on a business trip tomorrow for a week, which means you have to come with me in order to get this done on time."

Chapter 3

My jaw hit the floor. "There is just bombshell after bombshell with you, isn't there??"

"Do I look like a rookie to you? What makes you think I would just be careless and take off with a complete stranger?" 

Lautaro raised his eyebrows trying to look like a boy scout. I wasn't buying it.

"Nothing about you screams foolish at all. I just think this would be an adventure and would get the creative juices flowing."

"There will be separate rooms in the same hotel and not adjoining either. I won't do anything to ruin this trip and our budding friendship."

He pulled out the printed booking details and everything he said was confirmed but I still felt uneasy. I wasn't a spontaneous person at all.

However maybe my writing had become stale and I needed a jump start.

I sighed looking wearily at him. "I just want to be crystal clear. I have no intention of becoming romantically involved with you. Emotionally, physically or anything in between."

"We are just collaborating to benefit each other. This eventually may become a friendship once I know that you can be trusted and are not sleazy."

He wiped his forehead in relief. "I'm glad you are willing to give it a go, you won't regret it. All I ask is that you have an open mind."

I nodded still unsure if I was doing the right thing. We stood up having cleared our plates. He excused himself to pay the bill and I looked at the door wondering if I should escape..

I had never been to Cardiff or Wales before and I googled the touristy hotspots. There was a castle, a waterfall, a national park. I just loved waterfalls..

This might not be so bad after all. I was not a shutterbug but I could see myself taking snaps to inspire the story along and maybe using one or more as the cover or to title chapters.

I slowly began to smile just as Lautaro walked back. "I just need your address to pick you up tomorrow. We have to leave quite early I'm afraid around 6am as it's a 4 hour car ride..

"Oh I have so much to do and there is no way I'm giving you my address. You can pick me up at the local station where I feel comfortable."

He sighed. "As you wish but it would have been easier if I carried your bags and you got treated like a pampered passenger."

I folded my arms and he laughed. "Alright I give up, you call the shots. Just please try to be on time and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."

"It's going to be so much fun, you'll see and maybe once you relax you'll even see me in a new light.." I smiled as reassuringly as I dared but inside I was a mess.

We parted company and I started making a mental list of what I needed to do and on top of all that I had to wield a fanciful tale to enchant the new publisher. Ugh I was overwhelmed.

Chapter 4

I got in locked the door and began to pace back and forth. What on earth had I just agreed too?

Had I lost my common sense? Some of the excitement was being taken over by fear.

I would be trapped in a car with a total stranger and what if he was..... I shuddered at the thought of him being possibly inappropriate and me not having an exit.

However I had made a commitment to him and just because I was apprehensive I would not chicken out.

I would be sure to pack my spritz that would double as mace and I would not be wearing a skirt or dress in the car, just to be safe.

I packed a mixture of casual and smart summer and winter gear, dresses, some skirts, trousers and short/long sleeved blouses.

I wasn't really a fan of shorts because they always rode up when I was seated.

At last my leather black and white polka dot suitcase was filled and I placed it near the door.

The taxi had been booked for tomorrow morning as I didn't fancy lugging the bags on the jostling bus.

The sun was piercing through my slumbering eyelids, how had it become morning so soon? I had only just closed my eyes.

Or at least it felt like that. I squinted and looked at the timer on my phone.

The alarm had been buzzing for quite a while. I wasn't running late but I should get ready.

I looked at the stand alone full length mirror in the corner of the room.

I just had my eyebrows done recently and yet needed to pluck a lil to be as flawless as possible.

I had creases under my eyes where my bags made me look like I hadn't slept.

I turned from side to side and grabbed the scissors. I was tired of playing it safe.

I wanted to be edgy and unpredictable. I angled the scissors and snipped downwards.

Then I cut 4 inches off the ends of my hair until it sat just below my shoulders.

I repeated the same motion with the side wisps and soon it was all manner of layers.

I tossed the ends in the trash and combed through the length of my hair.

I wondered if I would be able to wash and go now? I shook my head and felt doubtful.

Chapter 5

I walked to the bathroom and tweezed the few hairs that were noticeable and then I tapped my speaker to fill the space with music.

I always felt sluggish in the mornings so I used music to perk me up.

As a random mixture of tunes flickered on my phone. On my way by Illijah popped up and I immediately smiled and relaxed.

A quick shower followed by an even swifter blow dry with a leave in conditioner spritz was all I needed to get ready.

Well maybe just a dab or two of foundation, a sweep of eyeshadow, a mild slice of eyeliner, one coat of hazel tinted mascara and some mauve lipstick.

My phone beeped and up popped a message from Lautaro. "Don't keep me waiting."

I rolled my eyes and combed through my unruly strands, it hadn't turned out too badly.

Hmm now what shall I wear for Mr Impatient?? I glided my hands through the unorganised rack of clothes that I couldn't be bothered to sort through and bit my lip in confusion.

But then my eyes narrowed on this red and white slash neck new top that I hadn't worn before.

It would pair perfectly with the plain white silky trousers that I rarely wore.

I will just slip on my thick woolly men socks that protected my dainty tootsies and follow that with my violet hiking boots.

One last check in the mirror to make sure I didn't have lipstick on my teeth and then I will grab a quick bite.

I toasted a wholemeal bagel and slapped some sweet chilli dip, unsmoked salmon and cod chunks inside and licked my lips gleefully.

Simple yet delicious. While I munched I booked the Uber and in 10-15 minutes I would be face to face with him.

I washed the dishes and moisturised my hands, then I doused a lil perfume on my neck and wrists and reapplied my lippy.

I had never travelled alone with a man before and soon I would be spending an entire week with one.

The car horn tooting broke into my thoughts, I locked up, handed the bags over to the driver and waited for him to hold the door open for me.

I confirmed the destination and tried to look settled and confident.

I stepped out from the drive quicker than I would have liked and paced along the station with my phone in my hand.

Chapter 6

"You beat me to it, well this is a nice surprise." Before I could dissuade him, Lautaro carried all my luggage to the back of his car and gently placed them in the boot.

He opened the front door and I slid inside, popping my gold and red tinted sunglasses on.

I popped in two orange tic tac mints in my mouth and cracked the window open slightly, not caring if my hair got messed up.

I hoped I wouldn't get car sick but I would try to keep from getting agitated either with the radio or possibly some banter.

"All set? Not forgotten anything? Well it's too late anyway." I tugged the seatbelt but it wouldn't budge but with one hard yank, it obeyed him and our eyes met as he secured me in place.

I quickly looked away and out the window. "I'll put the music on later, for now I think we should get to know each other."

My hand snapped away from the tuner and I flushed as though I had touched something I wasn't supposed too.

"What was your ex like?" I sharply turned to face him. "How is that any of your business? What makes you think I'm not involved with someone presently?"

His lips formed a slow smile as he turned to face me. "No man in their right mind would allow you to travel with a stranger, all alone."

Irritation flooded my face. I tilted his chin towards me. "Hear me plainly. Nobody owns me, I do as I please and my relationship status has nothing to do with this trip or you."

"All business remember? That was the deal!" His face broadened into an even wider grin.

"I'm just laying the foundation, we have to know each other a lil bit, our strengths and weaknesses, to be successful."

"Although on our downtime.....Who knows.."

I grunted in frustration. "During our various breaks, you can do as you please but I'll be savouring the time away from you."

He laughed. "I'm really not that bad and a beautiful woman, should never be alone in new area, I may need to protect you."

Ha! I scoffed. "You assume I am some weak and feeble woman? I've taken precautions, a few self-defence classes, personal alarms and pepper spray."

"Bravo but humour me, we need to experience things together so that the writing flows better."

I closed my eyes. I hated that he was probably right. I just wasn't going to agree.

Chapter 7

I needed to settle down, all this teasing he was doing was giving him all the power and he relished making me squirm.

I let my eyes close and if I slept so be it. I needed a break from being constantly agitated.

He had no idea what it was like for a woman, to be constantly on her guard.

To not say anything open to interpretation so that the wrong message was conveyed.

It was exhausting and I wanted to be straight forward because my past relationships had made me suffer.

I wasn't willing or ready to jump into a new one. I still felt shaky from all the emotional haranguing I was put through.

I just felt better concentrating on work, that was my sole focus at present, not fighting off some gigolo.

On the surface he seemed fine but I knew better than to trust my initial perceptions.

To be continued..


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D