Thursday 25 August 2022

#BlogLife339 - Penpal or pen-peculiar??

It's been a lil while since I had some penpal requests come through and they haven't improved at all.

There just doesn't seem to be any brain function there. The recent one came in a few days ago. I forgot to check and he wrote the whole email in the subject box!!

Why why why?? How could you not proof read or check before sending it off? I know we are all busy and I have done that but I corrected myself shortly after.

Then to make matters worse, he told me nothing about himself, not even the basics, like age and location.

All he was content to do was ask questions and provide nothing of himself which as you know, I can't stand!!

It shall be marked for spam and ignored. My advert that I posted gave tidbits about myself, that's the whole point of trying to connect, you put yourself out on display to see if anyone appeals or can relate.

Ugh.... I'm not really to bothered about finding a new one. I'm super busy at the moment, it's just the process of vetting them, is tedious.

I was spoilt with the Australian one, she was sweet but taxing, there was too much because I had to match the energy. I can write a medium letter but long is too time consuming.

I did rival her fervor for a long time but I found myself zapped of energy and then things happened and I pulled away but let her know the situation first.

Oh and I bumped into one of the J's a while back but instead of him introducing himself being transparent like I would be. Hi it's.. Not sure if we are on friendly terms but good to see you etc etc.

He just sidled his way into my messages pretending to be someone else and when I called him out asking if he was J? He became vague and refused to answer directly.

What a coward! And manipulative too, he knew I didn't want to talk to him, so covered his identity and tried to get a hangout with me underhandedly.

Ickity ick ick!! My reply was.... It probably is you because you never give me a straight answer so I'm off to have a real conversation *blockity block block block*

That felt very satisfying because I let him get away with twisting the truth for a very long time. It's like they turn the tables on me and make it my fault.

Grrrr schmuckity schmuck!!


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D