Friday 16 September 2022

#BlogLife355 - Happy weekend frolicking

I don't really know what to talk about. I could cheat and link to a classic post which I might do on the weekends as I have people looking to see if I've published something new..

I haven't had my pedicure yet, maybe it will be a next month event. I did give myself a manicure as my nails were chipping. 

I have a few cramps but that's mild and at least it doesn't come with any nausea.

I have come up with a new story idea, usually I have the start and ending figured out but when it comes to the middle, I am stumped.

Lots of thoughts come and and not many come to fruition or are enough to get me excited into developing it further.

It's only when it starts to play out like a movie and there's a basis for strong characters and something worth developing do I proceed with it.

That seems to be my weak points, concluding the story, probably needs more concentration and effort.

Plus I feel guilty about the 2 unfinished stories on here and the one on wattpad. I have gone back to some lunchtime naps but I still feel drained.

When it comes to 6am onwards, I think there is just shallow sleep where I am half awake and half comatose. It's just not feeling like I am well rested.

I'm not sure what's going on with Iceland's delivery slots, there is only 1 available per day now. At least I got one for tomorrow.

I think I'm gonna leave my hair for it to grow a bit. It's really bugging me to have it loose and not stay in a ponytail. 

I'm also not sure why it flicks out the ends now, it never did that before. I'm just not going to equalise it, let it stay uneven and kinda messy.

Oh and my elbows are better than they were but still slightly cracked. I'm not going to re-purchase the Aveeno, seems too thin and watery with minimal hydration.

I'm also holding back from shopping, there are a few items I need to get but I feel like saving and being cautious for the next crisis that comes my way.

Laptops don't last and I wonder when this chromebook will end up giving me problems?


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D