Tuesday 22 November 2022

#BlogLife401 - The non diet - diet!

I still hate the word diet and always will but when it suits my purpose, I'll happily use it.

I'm always consciously looking for healthier alternatives but I'll only switch if it tastes good. I'm not going to suffer through it, just because it entails less calories, fat, sugar, carbs etc.

I want to enjoy each meal or snack and know that some or most will be nutritious but satisfying.

I don't cut out all "fatty" foods as that is too restrictive and makes me crave sugar incessantly.

I have got to write these reviews while the taste is still fresh so here goes.

Ps these are not diet foods just some new items I was excited to try and thought I would share my experiences with you.

Oh and also if you're wondering why as a photo-hating person, I'm suddenly uploading so many images to Twitter...

I still despise pictures but the world loves them so to get more interest I've decided to break up the words with piccys.

1. Chicago Peppered Cheesesteak pizza

These are the deep dish varieties so there is two in a box and the price was £2.50.

I wasn't that hungry so I just took one out and cooked it for just under three minutes.

It smells soooo good. It's cheesy and has beef, green peppers and onions.

I've predominantly loved only the green peppers, I thought they were gherkins actually ha.

The beef I was really surprised at how soft it was. I thought it would be more tougher but it was melt-in-the-mouth fresh.

I really didn't taste much or any of the supposed pepper but I'm okay with that, not a big fan.

It's just a delicate steak flavour and I highly recommend it. I would definitely get it again.

2. Iceland's Apple Pie Bites

I always compare any apple products to the famous Mcdonald's apple pie and I've never tasted anything similar since.

These are not the same but the best alternative out there. They were also £2.50 but there was a 3 for £5 offer going.

You're supposed to cook it for eight minutes only, but if you like it crispier, I would say give it two extra minutes.

It's already cooked and you're just warming it up really and they are very tiny but I'm actually fine with that.

I just wanted something sweet and didn't fancy chocolate. It's twelve in a box and very soft pastry.

I find with apple products, it's hit and miss and some are sour and some sickly sweet.

This was just the right amount of sugar. The more you bite into it, the more the deliciousness hits you.

I'm so glad they added cinnamon to the recipe, that just makes it for me.

Even though they are small, it's still a rich dessert and I popped four to heat up and after two, I'm really struggling to finish the rest.

Next time I will just do two at a time but again, I would buy it and advise you to try it out.

3. Iceland's Sweet chilli chicken spring rolls

I don't know about you but in the spring roll world, I typically see duck (yuck), veggie (not bad but bland) and pork (revolting), but chicken is only at Christmas.

Why do they hate us chicken lovers?? They always add pork to spoil the limited favourites that we have.

Anyway these were £2.50 for fifteen rolls. It's not overpowered with sauce or salt.

It's crunchy, smallish but still you'll get a few bites. Looking at the ingredients, I thought I tasted soy sauce but it's garlic paste.

Plus loads of ground up veggies. I find the filling is lodged in one section, so when I take a bite, I tend to get all of it.

It's flavourful and a genuine taste of chicken. Oh I don't taste any pepperness at all.

Ha again supermarkets either drown the food in spice or there is none at all, there's no middle ground :D

4. Tango Apple sugar free

These were six cans for £2.25 each but I did the two lots for £4 offer and also bought the Dark Berry.

I have never seen or tried these before. I wanted something different aside from the vimto (£3.50) and these looked interesting.

It's fizzy as I wasn't sure if it would be. It's sweet but not overly sweetened with whatever they use. (Sweeteners) ha.

It's like Appletiser but different somehow. Probably not as saccharine.

There's no bitter aftertaste as some sugar free drinks tend to have.

It's just nicely flavoured with apples, the blend is just right.

5. Tango Dark Berry sugar free

Again I was concerned this would be a bitter drink but I saw berries and special offer and had to try it.

It's definitely helping me not to vomit. It's this subtle berry flavour.

It almost doesn't taste sweet and certainly not sour. Just fizzy, refreshing and mild.

I really do like these versions. I didn't see Orange, which would be a favourite, I'm sure.

I recommend them but as they both contain sweeteners, I wouldn't buy it often, maybe every few months or so, personally.

Plus with fizzy's they taste so good I end up finishing them quickly. I think there is only two of each version left and that's from Saturday and it's only Tuesday lol.

6. Hellman's fat free vinaigrette/Young Gastro Cod and Parsley Fillets

I tasted a bit of the sauce on it's own and I couldn't make up my mind if I liked it.

On first impressions, it tastes like watered down vinegar and that's it.

I made two sandwiches and split one of the Young Gastro's parsley cod fillets in half, added one with sauce and one without and sampled them.

The fillets just seemed like a gimmick. I got it particularly for the parsley and I didn't notice even a hint of that flavour.

Plus the cost was £4.50 for two large pieces and I can get four for the same price, minus the supposed parsley. It's a rip off!

I didn't notice a difference. It was £2 for a 250ml bottle and I don't recommend it at all.

Just because it's fat free, it doesn't have to be boring. My favourite dressing is probably Pizza Express Caesar.

I love how creamy that is but it's probably too calorific for me.

Oh the instructions did say to shake it well and I did it twice and it was still dull.

It's supposed to have red peppers, thyme, garlic powder, parsley, herbs and black pepper!!

That was the whole reason I wanted to try it.

7. Murine refresh and clean eye drops

Just a reminder that I wear high prescription rgp (hard) contact lenses on a daily basis so my eyes get very dry and uncomfortable fairly easily.

I can't wear glasses for long as I can't read with them and are now allergic to wearing them as I have an ear sensitivity to anything being close to them

I've tried various cheap and expensive drops, these were £6 including postage which is not ideal but I desperately need a good quality drop to relax my eyes.

I find these come out in big splashes not tiny controllable trickles, so you might waste some each time you use it.

It does sting a lil bit, I thought the sting was because I had perfume on my hands and then rubbed my eyes and burned them, ouchy.

I did flush my eyes out and they are fine now. It does help to moisturise the eyes but I'm not keen on the ones that sting and I'm sure last time it didn't.

I'll have to use it a bit more and see but they are making my fragile eyes tender so at the moment, I wouldn't recommend them for the obscene price tag and the stinging.

This morning my eyes are normally tender from rubbing them, tired and extremely dry but today they felt fresh and hydrated which is unusual.

Those drops lasted a long time, from when I used them in the evening.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D