Tuesday 24 October 2023

#BlogLife580 - Would you let your partner dirty dance with another?

Song of the day - Machel Montano/Patrice Roberts - Like Yuh Self


I like the beat of this one but not the lyrics, unless I have it wrong.

The message is like yourself by being slutty and dirty dancing with whomever you feel like and I as your partner, have no claim and will do the same?

Ickkkk. I would only do that with someone I was seriously dating and to be honest, I don't even think I would do that.

There are too many songs about cheating or a gateway to it, as when you get flustered, your inhibitions get lowered and the temptation is there to get carried away.

Why put yourself in that situation in the first place? I would find it disrespectful.

I remember on a first double date, the guy I was with was trying to do that to me and I stepped back and said No thank you.

I did not feel comfortable at all but maybe that was also because I didn't find him appealing.

I hold my hand up and confess, I have done it before but I think it was a more tame version.

I only recall our thighs touching and that was the extent of it lol.

Unlike what I write in my books, which is a bit more explicit. I admit when I'm on own, with friends, I can be a bit more daring.

Shimmying, wigging my bottom, swaying my hips to the music, that kind of thing and I have been dancing all day today.

Which has elevated my mood because I feel a bit off, tired and pmt-ish, bloated and uncomfortable.

Plus my gums are inflamed again, ugh. I keep gargling with salt water and I'm running out of that special mouthwash so I'll do an Ocado Zoom this week.

The dirty dancing I'm referring to is the umm, the grinding, hip to hip type of thing, which is a lil too spicy for me.

Are you inhibited? Or do you try things once? Do you say No to new experiences or push yourself to go out of your comfort zone a lil?

There is no right or wrong answer. It is whatever you feel alright doing and won't have horrible regrets afterwards.

Most of the time, I have felt split. My initial thought is to object and take myself out of this potential scary situation, which I can't control.

Other times I have tested my limits and gone for it with mixed results.

I'm not sure what pushes me to make an exception. I guess I go with my gut.

I spoke to one of the randoms, a newer one, who was local-ish and he wanted to meet for a drink and I thought maybe that wouldn't be so bad....

But then he kinda keeps insisting on coming back to my place, which I already explained was out of the question but it's as though he is ignoring my objections, which is offputting.

Plus for some reason the second conversation I had with him was extremely awkward for some reason.

Oh possibly because he has the crappiest phone and 99% of the conversation was me saying, You're muffled, which is just ridiculous.

How do you get to that point, where you can't be heard but still keep the same phone?

If money is an issue, get a second hand one, although he was saying he likes his Iphones, so he can't be that hard up for money, they cost a fortune as do the Samsung ones.

I haven't really spoken to him since and I think the other reason for that, is I can see him getting really clingy.

As I told him that the next call would probably be in the evening, when I'm free.

During the day, I like to write, nap, do any paperwork necessary, sort through my emails and whatever else needs my attention.

In the evenings, I slow down and have more free time, away from multi tasking.

He literally said, what were you doing all day, that you couldn't contact me sooner?

Which was a huge red flag. If the random isn't busy having their own life and responsibilities but waiting for me?

Ugh, I can't respect that. I would feel smothered, which is probably the real reason I didn't give him my name or number or email.

My instincts said run. As there have been times, when I've been happy to call and be called during the day or have a text session but only because the random in question, was also busy.

They were multi tasking and occupied but made the time for me because they were as into me, as I was to them.

Otherwise I am just repelled by the amount of attention received.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D