Thursday 27 October 2022

#BlogLife383 - Listen.. For a price?!

Song of the day - Rome/Destra - Lie Lie Lie

Truthfully I haven't volunteered for ages now. I've been busy and stressed and it's better to support when I'm more relaxed.

But I recently got some emails to say things are changing. You have to reapply because we're changing applications and upgrading.

I thought to myself.....Hmm I'm not sure I can be bothered. I feel less motivated at the moment with all the spam and perverted chats that I get.

However on reading further I noticed something very surprising. It's changing into a paid service so that will weed away the idiots and possibly the perverts for sure.

It's a shame about the genuine less fortunate who will no longer be able to afford it but there are other places around.

It also stated that volunteers are going to receive some sort of incentive also, which turns things around significantly.

That would definitely come in handy for Christmas, although I have been saving gift vouchers and various credits to prepare for this.

I'm sorry to sound greedy but it would be so amazing to actually be compensated for it.

Like I've said before some are emotionally scarring and others are just taxing and if they can afford it, it would benefit people that are passionate about the role.

I don't know if I'm passionate but I do throw my all into it and I am very good at it, most of the time.

I haven't decided what to do yet, there's not much information shared so I have until the end of the month to decide.

Volunteers don't pay fees. I'm not sure if we are still entitled to free chats under this new regime either.. Hmm..

Well I have just sent a note to say I am interested and when they send me the training I will either pass or fail and that will be that.

I don't see it as being owed money but if you think listening to heartbreaking stories is easy, day after day, time after time, ignorantly assuming you can walk away and not be affected pffft, think again.

It will trouble your mind. Plus all the unsavoury chats just make you feel unclean, it's a lot to deal with and there are times with no support so for regular, non counsellors, I mean it's tough to swallow at times.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D