Monday, 16 August 2021

#BlogLife118 - Nutella novella

Once upon an era, a long long long longggg time ago. Nutella came out in the stores and everyone was crazy for it. I mean who doesn't adore chocolate?

Then you improve it by adding nuts? Lusciousness in a bottle or jar. I was a peanut butter addict so that and cheese toasties were my main craving, aside from the occasional chicken sandwich.

I looked at the price tag and thought nope, not yet maybe when it is on special offer and then promptly forgot all about it, until I spotted it at someone's home and helped myself to a sandwich.

With their permission of course, I'm not a savage. I don't go breaking into someone's abode and steal their fridge supplies. What kind of uncivilised thief do you take me for??

Anyway, I was really looking forward to it but slightly nervous that it would not live up to the hype, what if the ratio was wrong and it was sickly sweet?

I took a bite and then wanted to vomit. I probably spit it out and wanted to rinse my mouth out. The jar of Nutella had gone off. It was badddddd.

I have never been so disgusted in my life. As though chocolate and nuts had betrayed me and weren't my besties anymore :( It was a sad sad day.

That was back when I was younger and I never touched a Nutella jar since... Until recently. I have gone off peanut butter and needed a sweet fix.

I spotted the Nutella and took a deep breath and thought, alright decades have passed. I feel brave enough to try it for the second time.

I tentatively scooped a bit out and thought, I can do this, be brave girl. The scent wafted up my nostrils and I felt lightheaded and then I tasted it.......

Holy moly it was like a ground up wholenut bar. Creamy, sweet and delicious. I scooped up some more and then stuck it in the fridge.

(It is a lot harder to scoop when it's solid).


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