Thursday 29 August 2024

#BlogLife746 - Parissa wax on, wax off..?

I just tried the J20 apple and watermelon, it was lightly fizzy, not sweet or sour, just right.

But it seems like the two flavours cancel each other out, you either taste the apple solo or the watermelon, sounds tasty, but not the right blend.

750ml for £2.20 I guess isn't bad. The Crespo olives don't seem salted, on the bland side, but I prefer that than Ocado's over salted types, the rest are just loaded and I'm gonna have to rinse them free.

I knew there was one more review. I saved the best for last. Muller Light has this chocolate and mint yoghurt, I've never seen before for 81 calories.

That is amazing, sweet but not sickly, gloopy and the right amount of mint so it's not overpowered or stingy.

The price is ridiculous though, 4x £2.45 as they are soooo tiny. It's not good value at all.

But it tastes like the lolly mint feast and that was one of my favourites as a kid, back when I was consuming ice cream.

I just unpacked the shopping and took out the bins and looked at the post and saw that the Parissa brow wax strips had finally arrived.

Although now I am without contact lenses and only glasses, it makes it that much more potentially dangerous.

I've never done it before and I really want presentable brows, maybe I will do it in the mirror or the phone one, although that frequently just comes off, grr.

I will get some wet wipes to remove the wax and apply the oil too, apparently it's difficult to take off...

Alright I watched even more Youtube wax tutorials, psyched myself up and went for it.

The worst day I could have chosen as there wasn't much natural light, the phone camera was going jittery and not focusing.

I brought out a compact mirror but it didn't help as I couldn't really see how to place the strips.

I desperately need my contact lenses for this. Anyway I pulled out 4 and cut them into singles.

They are double sided, but not shaped like brows so a lot of the videos would cut them into arches.

The instructions didn't mention warming them up between your fingers but I did anyway.

I only did below the brows. I found it impossible to see, to align them, I needed to push my glasses down, but then I couldn't see, argh.

I did the best that I could, it was easy to press them down and pull them off.

No issues with that, it wasn't painful but the results were hit and miss.

It grabbed some hairs but half to a quarter were left behind, so I still need to pluck a fair bit.

Which defeats the purpose. I'm not sure the wax is strong enough.

After I pulled the strip, I repeated the process a few times and going over the same area, that is what brings the pain.

The left eye is fine, as I could see better to do it, the right eye, I felt like I couldn't see much.

I had to go over that a lot and so that is burning nearly 10 minutes later.

It's not bleeding, just red. The aftercare oil did not do a damn thing.

Normally at the salon, the aloe vera or whatever they use is pleasantly cooling, this is just ordinary.

I do see a lil more of a shape developing now but a lot of hair remained.

I'm not wasting anymore strips, when my brows calm down I can tweeze them a bit but they are too raw at the moment.

Ooh let me see if I can dig out the aloe vera, I think I have some..

Ahh I just applied it, now that feels so much more cool and refreshing, still stings but I know at least aloe vera is a friend that will help with the pain.

What aggravates me is some Youtubers try a product but have hardly any hair and give it glowing reviews, just for views or kickbacks.

I had a strong feeling it wouldn't be that easy and I was right. Granted it might be a different experience when I can see clearly but I have my doubts.

I don't think I would buy this brand again. I would experiment with others first, unless they were too exorbitant.

Oh I didn't have a problem with wax lingering and the strips were fairly easy to pull apart.

Next time I think I'll see if they have any with the arch shape as then you can use one strip, instead of two, or in my case multiples ha.

I admit I'm a novice brow waxing virgin. Ooh most of the stinging is gone but it still feels delicate.

If you're desperate for brow care, give strips a try but if you have a competent beautician, I would go to them first.

I just don't so stuck with this treatment for a while, until someone professional comes along.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

#BlgLife745 - The same food presented differently

I just got yesterday's post and saw that the mini powder puffs arrived, so soft and cute. Plus the Joy lippy's.

Unfortunately they are unscented but the price was great so I don't mind.

The only thing left to arrive is the memory foam fake fur slippers, the brow wax strips and the contact lenses.

I had a lovely pampering session yesterday. I finally remembered to do the hair oil and massaged it into my scalp for a few minutes and then rinsed it off.

I actually managed alright without the glasses. I laid it all out and although it was blurry, I coped.

You can leave it for longer if you want but I don't want it to be tough to wash out and my hair is well conditioned but flat as a pancake ha.

I also trimmed it too because it felt scruffy. I'm still going off food but I decided to get the cod again and this time, didn't hate it.

I trick my brain and get different versions so before I was buying the breadcrumb type and this time, I got the battered ha.

It sounds really daft but it works, my stomach thinks it's a different food and doesn't reject it.

I think it's just overall stress and pmt. One minute I adore something and the next, I just can't fathom eating it.

The craving at the moment is olives, whether black or green. I just eat them on their own mostly.

Although yesterday I paired it with the plainish cheesyish pasta and it was lush.

Sometimes I don't want chicken or meat in a meal, I want simplicity.

I decided to my last Zoom shop for the £15 reward as I didn't realise I was completely out of shampoo.

I got 2 more bottles of Badedas as that's lovely and silky. It's very small though.

It pairs well with the Vatika conditioner. I also got some some Muller light chocolate and mint yoghurt desserts, 81 calories per pot I think.

Goodness they are teensy weensy sized ha. Then I saw J20 drink apple and watermelon that's less than 200 calories.

I don't know if that's fizzy or not. I'm trying to be sensible now and stick to the still drinks more often and the sparkling only occasionally.

I was fed up so loaded the Amazon page and saw that I could apply for a guaranteed refund.

The seller was no help whatsoever, delivering my top to goodness knows who so I wasted my money and didn't receive it.

Amazon replied and said my money will be sent soon so that's a relief.

I thought maybe I had lost out and wouldn't be compensated. The slippers came yesterday nice and soft but quite big ha.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

#BlogLife744 - Mistplay alternative - Playtime app

I was just gaming on my phone and saw this cash app and thought hmm, which led me to the Playstore and then this recommended app popped up, Playtime.

I used this and was a big fan of Mistplay until they started being predatory and demanding more and more personal information.

Aka email and phone number and the last thing was a photo? What the hell for??

Anyway uninstalled that because it's too much like identity theft and you have to be careful these days about what you share and with whom to avoid scammage.

I read some reviews and what I liked was that the minimum payout was £2 and you can choose Amazon, Paypal or Playstore.

I downloaded it and got a welcome bonus but there are only 4 games to choose from and none of them appealed that much.

Then I allowed the setting, to share what games I downloaded so they can track and reward me and 4 different games showed up.

The other 4 left ha. But I still need to download one of them, to open up the gallery to hopefully see a whole load more.

It's kind of annoying but I suppose that's how they get you to engage with the app..

I'll let you know how the cashout process goes and if I find a game that appeals.

It's one of those things where, it tracks how long you are playing the game and then rewards you.

My sneaky tip would be, find a game with autoplay and if you can spare the battery life and don't need your phone.

Or like me have an alternative phone, then it's more convenient.

Actually I should have probably downloaded it to the Samsung but then again, that doesn't have a memory card, so it's always on the full side.

I decided on Word City Connect, those games with the roundy grid, where you twirl and make up the words.

Ahhh they cap your coinage at 600 daily. They say there are daily challenges but don't tell you what they are.

After downloading that one game, now there are only 2 listed options.

Not really keen on the setup. Basically you download these crappy games and then get a trickle more options available?

Why the hell don't they just say, Hey You, here is our entire range, pick for yourself..

And the games are always riddled with adverts, that I just refuse to watch.

I press the home or minimise button and then click on the app to restore it and boom, no commercial.

To cash out for £2 I need 11200 coins, my balance is 4289. I think I will cashout once and then uninstall, there are loads of alternatives.

For these things, you need a game that you actually enjoy playing, otherwise it's uninteresting.

Effortless gaming, you'll lose interest and not get rewarded otherwise.

Surely there must be an app with endless games to choose from??

Oh after downloading the 2nd game, more games were available but still, it's a small variety.

The bonus challenges, are just climbing higher levels. Hmm actually found 2 cute games.

One is Thief Puzzle, you play a thief trying to bend your hand and arm to pilfer things.

Basic graphics but funny images. Play might be unlimited, I'm not sure.

The other is a competitive game, Horse Shoe 3D, where you toss it and have to hit the score thingy.

I don't know if you're playing against the computer or online players but once you get the hang of it, cute.

Overall I'm not sure if I recommend it or not, it's too early to tell. At least the cashout is low and there is 3 methods of payment, that's something at least.

Monday 26 August 2024

#BlogLife743 - Are you cheesy or just a nut?

Before I forget again, I have some mini reviews. I bought the Schwartz black pepper and hated it.

It just didn't taste the way I expected and I will bin it. Then I saw the italian herb with parsley and thought great.

Then that was out of stock and they delivered the mixed herb, which is marjoram, basil, thyme and oregano.

Oh I just realised that doesn't have black pepper, but each time I open it and smell it, that is the scent, that is so weird.

That blend is delicious though. Mama said she makes her own black pepper, which is probably why her's is superior, might ask her to make me some too.

I add it to rice or pasta, maybe will do it to fish and chicken dishes also,

The other thing was have you ever tried the nutini aka fake nutella on a mini cheddar or full cheddar biscuit?

It is delicious, the sweet and salty mixed taste. The biscuits just seemed so bland and I didn't want to toast some bread.

I only wanted a lil snackie so I paired them together and thought, hello taste buds, you're in for a treat.

The limited edition blue raspberry Mr Freeze ice poles are my new favourite, they taste more natural with slight sweetness and are apparently only 20 calories.

I just read the box and all the other flavours are 17 calries each. You would think the cola one would be higher.

I tried the Slush Puppy brand, the red version and that is horribly sickly sweet. I don't recommend it at all.

I ordered some blue fake fur slippers for just under £7, mine have gone flat and I need a bit of cushiony support when walking.

Oh cripes I just realised something else, wearing glasses in the bath is also going to be a challenge.

How do I see the shampoo and conditioner bottles? How do I see anything really? They might fall off my face.

Screwing the cap of the Radox bottle and trying to find it to screw it back? Ughhh!

I'll just have to lay everything out and probably not wear my glasses in the tub. It's not worth the risk of not being able to locate them.

I decided to do something different and bought hash browns and paired it with a red pepper hummus.

At one point Iceland had the mini potato croquette and I loved those but they discontinued them.

So I thought I would try this, quite tasty, very delicate. I'm gutted that they were out of the extra crispy ones.

Maybe I need to cook it for longer than 21 minutes. The hummus is ok, I wouldn't buy it again.

The original has much more of a stronger flavour to it. I'm glad I bought both.

The red pepper version just seems understated and dull. Lastly I just tried the strawberry Sunbest fruit and grain cereal bars.

I like these least of all, it just lacks taste. It's not very exciting. I know it's only just over a 100 calories but they could season it more.

Out of the chocolate, the strawberry and the apple and cinnamon, the apple blows them all out of the water.

Plus it's only a pound for 4 bars. I totally forgot today was a Bank Holiday.

Both a good thing and a bad thing, people can get some extra rest and spend time with their loved ones.

But on the negative side, the post is even more chaotic.. Ocado said they'll send me my £15 off in September, which is nice.

Thursday 22 August 2024

#BlogLife742 - Avoid me? Self red tagged and flagged

Good evening or morning, depending on the time you're reading this but actually it's the afternoony.

Last night I was watching asmr youtubey videos to relax before bed and I saw one about types of people to avoid dating.

And curious me, thought, I bet some of my traits are listed and low and behold they were.

Someone said avoid the friendless, just because they are loners that's no excuse not to socialise, everyone needs people around them or some nonsense...

I only have online and not real world friends and that's based on all the experiences that I've had, surrounded by users out for themselves and their needs.

I think that's a huge assumption, all of us independents are needy and attention seeking and don't have people skills because we don't have fans around us.

Alright to play Devil's advocate I have spoken to a wide array of people and some are like that, but not all.

So am I to be avoided? I personally don't think so. I'm just careful about what information I share and the speed at which I'm comfortable around strangers.

I do concede I have an excess amount of baggage. The need to feel physically and emotionally safe in my sociable surroundings.

The need to limit any physical touch because I would be on edge, the whole evening.

I'd like to be able to set boundaries and not receive a disgusted look.

I don't want to be forced into a hug or kiss or to tell my life story or personal details.

Those things should flow naturally or not at all. When everyone is relaxed and intrigued and having a good time.

Why must things go at lightning speed? Why do I always feel pressured?

Why can't I be myself, without someone push, push, pushing me?

The lack of patience is off-putting and surprise surprise, not all of us are the same!!

Anyway had to get that off my chest and last night was a disaster.

I had been so careful with my lenses. I had only one contact lens left and no spares.

I was taking it out and getting ready for bed. I thought I had screwed the lid down, after I had placed it inside.

But nope I didn't and as I tipped the case, the lens flew somewhere mysteriously.

I used the phone light and squinted and felt the bed but no sign of it.

In the morning, where there was more natural light, once again I scoured the area and no joy.

You need your bloody contacts lenses in, to see properly. There is very lil hope of finding them without it.

I am down to wearing my glasses. I have one pair and it's so weird to use them.

I'm allergic to wearing them for one. My ears have this burning sensation after a while.

Luckily today is fine, although I am getting a headache. Plus ugh, I forgot how much I have to push them up my nose.

They always slide down ugh! Then there is the overall vision loss, which is 50% worse with glasses.

It's almost like someone has smeared gloopy liquid on them, you can still see, but not well.

Whereas contact lens, give the most freedom and clarity and sharpness.

It's not a perfect solution, where the short-sightedness no longer bothers me, I still struggle to see far away, signs, buses etc.

But it's the best that my eyes can be. Where I am, there are two buses that are similar.

Let's say it is 00 and 01. I can't tell them apart until they are almost nearly in front of me.

With the glasses, I am not even sure I will be able to see it at all.

Makeup is going to be tricky and the brow wax strips, I'm not sure how I can do that with my glasses in the way.

That also means no sunglasses protecting my sensitive eyes and when the sun is shining brightly, I can't see in front of me at all.

Will the spares ever arrive, it's now been 6 weeks. What if I am stuck like this having partial vision??

What if the glasses break or I lose them? That would mean blindness.

I can only make out shapes, not details. I have no backup so I feel uneasy.

I keep wanting to take them off, it's just so unnatural wearing them longterm.

I raced to get contacts as soon as I was 16yr and I think it still took a while.

As much as they burn my eyes, and sting them and are uncomfy, I would not survive without them.

Getting contacts was almost like seeing for the first time. I miss that :(

Wednesday 21 August 2024

#BlgLife741 - A lil more me, with a touch of beauty

Last evening, I finally got to use the new fan but it wasn't hot hot, just humid and stuffy as per usual.

The lowest setting seemed to be too strong. I haven't tried the power saving mode but it appears to be better suited in the heatwavey inclimate scorching weather.

At the moment it is mild and I feel chilly so I grabbed the blankie. 

I don't even know if I'll get a refund from Amazon, the customer service is automated and there isn't space to follow up with additional input.

Pretty crappy for a large company not to have a phone line where you can speak to a human and get assistance, grr.

I'm not sure how long the Joy lip balms are going to last, I use them liberally a few times a day.

I looked and saw that there is shea butter and almond oil one, 3x pack for £3 and a tiny bit bigger at 12g instead of 10g ha.

I just went ahead and got it. I wonder if it will be scented, the raspberry one is really nice.

Oh I got it about a month ago and I still have another one to use as it was a 2 pack.

It seems to work better than others I have tried, it doesn't prevent chapping but keeps the mouth softer for longer time frames.

Eeek the wax strips and powder puffs have already been posted.

They predict it will arrive by next week, maybe Tuesday and then I will become an amateur beauty therapist.

I wonder if I'll recall that I need to pull the skin tightly before ripping the sucker off?

It's funny because I used this treatment in one of the fiction pampering posts and I had to Googly the instructions.

And I was literally cringing and laughing as I was writing it because I knew that was how I would be in real life.

Now four years later, I will be doing it to myself, eeek. The tables have turned.

One thing I have to get back to doing is the hair oil procedures, that was lovely and I somehow just keep forgetting to do it.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

#BlogLife740 - I am made up to see you :)

Truth be told that was a fibby. I'm excited to see you but I haven't tried out the makeup yet. 

It just came yesterday I assume, I checked the post today and was hoping it was the lenses..

But nopey just the Occuz foundation £3.05 with postage. which took a week to arrive, dang.

It's soo tiny. I can't see the size, it's like a big lippy tube, but small for a foundation and for that price.

I would have got 3 in Poundland, boo :( but still way cheaper than Rimmel.

It actually does look like my shade, thank heavens. Plus there is the regular size of the compact powder, which again appears to suit my complexion.

I didn't do my face today, I would have been late and there was a lot of traffic.

I'm not sure I can be bothered right now as I just got home and out of the blazing but peekaboo sun.

Ooh I did wear the new blue wrap top with a black slip under it. I felt way more secure doing that.

It looked really good actually, for a slim fit top. As I am plus sized and heavy set.

I feel really smart in it, as it feels silky and shiny and premium, compared to my usual budget-ish style.

I can't wait to wear the flashy red but at the moment, too much crampage and nausea.

The top itself come just past the waist but not quite over the hips, but the slip was pretty long.

It covered my derriere, woop. I think it's coming up to a year now, since I got my last eyebrow shape.

There's not really any professionals that seem to do it accurately around here.

I so miss my local beautician but it seems like she has gone for good.

I've been thinking about this for a while but it kinda freaks me out.

I am eventually going to get some pre cut eyebrow home wax strips to use, as I don't see any other solution to tidying my brows.

I was just watching some Youtube tutorials, they make it look so easy but I'm already struggling with my vision.

How long do you keep it on for? I read that you warm it up in your hands.

Maybe looking back on my salon ones, it only seemed to be left on for a few seconds.

If the strips are too long and I don't feel I can control the direction, maybe I will cut them in half.

It would be great to have some definition at long last. I actually miss her shaping them, she make me look stylish.

How am I going to achieve that? From a cursory glance Beauty Formula and Pretty brands don't seem to be popular.

Nad, Veet and Parissa seem like they have good reviews. Parissa is the most reasonable-ish price.

They sell them in huge batches, 32 strips for £6. Ouchy but 16 usages will stretch quite a while.

Apparently they can be stored for a long time too, that was my other concern.

Buying something that will expire shortly, is a waste of money. The other thing with the Parissa make, is that it's natural ingredients and it comes with the after care product..

Azulene oil which is antiseptic, similar to what I'm used too, which is the aloe vera.

I'm going to get it before I chicken out. Done and saw a bundle of two mini black powder puffs for £1.70 so got that also.

Right now that the sun is out, decided to try the foundation and powder.

The powder is so light, wow. I just had to press down a lil with the tissue and a lot came out.

It blended seamlessly onto my face, I don't feel it all. My face just feels smooth.

I don't think it's my exact shade. I can't tell, I even used the phone camera and I'm still confused as to whether it is too light or dark.

But I have a feeling, it's as though it's colour corrected itself, as after a few seconds or a minute.

I look evenly toned and as though I'm not wearing makeup. The same goes for the foundation.

It didn't appear to be my natural colour. I have this inkling that if I got a shade lighter or darker in both, it would not have looked this good.

They have both just blended into my face so well that I feel naked and I'm not rushing to remove it.

I don't feel the normal suffocation that I usually feel. I recommend them both for the high quality.

This is how it's supposed to feel so your pores aren't clogged up and combination skin can breathe!

I would probably use both of them together. My face when perspiring tends to get really shiny, maybe this will help?

Full disclaimer, I only put on a light layer for them both. The real test is when I'm going out, I will put a lot more on.

Oh oh oh last thing. The Occuz foundation, has a perfume scent that is just amazing.

I have never experienced that before. I wish they did a bigger tube, but that's an added bonus, if you forget to put perfume on, like I did today.

I just put some moisturiser on and washed off the makeup. It was easy. I even went over my face with a wet wipe and practically all traces were removed.

Normally I find a lot still lingers.

Monday 19 August 2024

#BlgLife739 - More 1 day periods/Fan specifications

I received a response from the seller, not taking responsibility on Amazon, no mention of a replacement or refund.

Just stated the tracking on their end said it was delivered Wednesday at 12.53.

Again to whom? Nobody came knocking and I was at home. I spent the morning waiting for Royal Mail to answer and they did and said the tracking wasn't recognised.

Maybe they used a different courier? Who knows they didn't mention that and I'm not bloody calling every courier company to do their homework for them!

This is the first time I've realised Amazon has a guaranteed refund policy like Ebay.

Unlike Ebay though the seller only has 2 days to reply. I guess I'll wait and see what happens..

The next merry go round is the fan from Ebay, which Yodel are supposedly delivering by Monday.

It's Saturday now, and it's been out for delivery since 9/10 or 11am and then the time frame slot passed between 11am and 1pm.

Contacted the live chat, who said it's still out for delivery today up to 9pm.

Ugh useless as it is now 6pm. Then looked at the Shop tracking parcels app.

It said at 11.45am, delivery delay and then at 4.24pm, arrived at transport hub...

Um doesn't that mean it's gone back to the bloody base?? How can it be delivered today then??

I'm having no luck with parcels at the moment, there isn't any sign of the makeup either.

Oh and that EE guy phoned back about the early upgrade deal but wasn't very forthcoming about good deals.

Just said you'd have to pay more or wait until your contract ends or come and see them in person.

Pffft. I've been negotiating phone contracts since late teens or early twenties, there's no way I'll just agree to pay more.

Besides which over the phone, they are much more willing to give in to my demands, ha!

Oh and to clarify, yup for some reason they stopped doing the OnePlus phones.

They had them 2 years ago, hmm, he recommended Google Pixel, not sure about anything other than Samsung.

Will have to do some Googly wooglying. Now that it's Monday morning..

Yodel website, still doesn't say Out for delivery but states that there are 18 stops ahead of me.

I wonder what delays will occur today or will it miraculously show up?

Ugh I'm having nonstop crampages this morning. Well well well, at 12pmish the fan finally arrived.

I'm glad he called as he was automatically going to leave it with the neighbours.

Ughhh, the parcel has written all over, Don't do that!! I quickly added that I was home, tried to give directions and he was like Yea, yea yea got it.

I swear if he had delivered it to the wrong address, heads would have rolled.

Why not listen to the instructions that are helpful to make your route easier??

It's a pity, I don't think the fan is a fast charge device but it was only £7.65. GF07 is the model name by JW.

I just got it in boring black ha. It is powerful on the lowest setting, that's what I wanted so it will last ages, supposedly.

It's a 5k mah battery, 12-18 hours running time. 4 speeds, although the last one is energy saving, so that just seems low.

I rarely run the medium to high speeds, it's great but kills the battery, I stick to the lowest setting.

What I will make a note of for next time, is the power variables, now I know this is the type I am searching for..

On low, it's 2.8 m/s and 1350 rpm. On medium it's 3.6 m/s and 1750 rpm. On high it's 4.5 m/s and 2150 rpm.

And lastly on the energy saving mode it's 2.8-4.5 m/s and 1350-2150.

I'm not sure how that works really. Does it randomly fluctuate? I think the more power, the louder it becomes.

The instructions were too basic. According to the website, low is supposed to last 18 hours.

But energy saving only lasts for 15, um, shouldn't that be longer?

Ha, oh well. I got it and the heatwave will probably disappear now. I'll eventually experiment.

At the moment the humidity is around the clock. I'm running the fans 24-7 and that's why I wanted a third one.

It's hard to function, no matter how much I drink. I still feel a bit dizzy and empty.

Plus tired as though I'm constantly out in the sun, all night and all day.

This will be another weird month, period wise. Came on the 14th and finished on the 14th.

It's nearly the end of the month though, maybe it will wait until the last day and say Cooee, getting a bit too relaxed are we??

I'm backkk, with crampages, nausea and bloating, did you miss me??

Or it could be nice and forgo the rest of the month and leave me in peace...

Thursday 15 August 2024

#BlogLife738 - 4.53am delivery? Stop lying Amazon!

The tracking for my Amazon top finally updated today and then went from going to the local courier on the 13th at 10.47am..

To delivered yesterday at 4.53am. To where though? Nobody rang or knocked today or yesterday aside from the other parcel.

I've been looking at the updates every day and it wasn't moving for ages.

I just complained to the seller or Amazon, not sure which that it didn't arrive and that I probably want a replacement.

It is a nice top and I may have bought another if it fit nicely. Will see what they say this week or next.

I had Niknak rib n saucy crisps for breakfast. They are small, thin and puffed, crispier wotsits but crunchier and tastier.

i was just unpacking the groceries and wanted something simple, although now it's 11am, I want something substantial.

I went different, as I've gone off cheese for the moment. I thought I would try Nutini chocolate hazelnut 300g spread for a £1 and some Hartley's strawberry seedless jam 300g too for £1.50.

I don't really have any cravings and my appetite is waning, but I have to consume something.

I would have preferred to sample the blueberry jam but it wasn't in stock or blackberry actually.

Lol, you're not supposed to mix those together are you? I'm not even a jam person but thought I would try it.

It's probably easier to spread if I make toast. It's nice and cooler today, for now anyway.

I kinda wanted to temper the sweetness of the chocolate spread but then jam is sweet also lol.

Honestly this weather is not making me think straight at all. I think jam is one of those things, I like in theory but in reality, don't enjoy.

I remember wanting to love orange marmalade but despising it.

Let's see if my taste buds have changed? Lil disaster. I kept forgetting to put the bread in the fridge, especially with this heatwavey weather and it's expired :(

I did have some mini cheddar biscuits and applied some jam but it's so sweet, it's offputting.

I always hope that, the jam will be a lil tart and not so sweet but I don't recommend it at all.

Even with someone that has a sweet tooth, certain things are just too sugary to be appealing.

Second thing is, I don't know how to open the Nutini tub lol. There's no easy access that I can see.

I don't know if you're supposed to cut it open? Googly and Youtube are no help.

I cracked it. It has one of those tabs on the side, you press firmly and then pull open the top.

Pretty nice and creamy. It doesn't taste sickly sweet at the moment.

I'll get some wholemeal bread from Ocado at the weekend and olives.

Right had a nap, and munched some grapes, now I feel refreshed and alert.

Amazon pinged me on Twitter asking me to message them but as soon as I did that....

Twitter said something like we are locking your account for suspicious activity, wtf???

All I do is ramble, post blog updates and have mini rants, what is unusual about that??

Wednesday 14 August 2024

#BlogLife737 - Colours are hotting up - Embrace your loveliness shapliness confidenceness ha :)

Hmmm ok, Blogger is acting up. The wifi is being slow. I was just about to give up as nothing was saving either but it seems alright now, thank heavens.

Got to admit I do feel a bit cranky. my chest is tender and just started monthly so not in the mood for any disasters.

The good news is, the blue version of the £12 wrap top arrived and I tightened the bra and put it on and that felt more secure, yet looser around the waist, ha it's weird.

Even though I'm really bloated, it's the blue one in the same size feels more roomy and less snug that the red one, although I can get away with them both.

I think my only objection is that it sorta gives a strange impression that I'm wearing shoulder pads. It has a bit of an old fashioned look at the shoulder top bit.

Maybe it just needs to be pulled down further or adjusted? Or maybe it's just not fitted enough up top.

Honestly it is strange but it's a different style, I'm branching out and changing things up, so that's good.

Plus the quality and feel, seems like it's silk. I feel way posher than I am in this.

I just snapped a picture of the models wearing it and how it should look.

Hmm at the bust bit it looks so tight and secure and on me, seems loose ha!

Maybe I'm supposed to pin it in place or something. I can't be bothered. I'll just try to flatten the top and scrunchy up the bottom,

Anyway I think everything else is out for delivery this week, possibly.

The fan, the foundation, the powder and the top is with the courier so maybe tomorrow.

I don't know what the hell is taking so long with the contact lenses, yeesh.

Oh crap, I forgot to tell him to do the blue shade, it's not coloured, it's just the way it's made, in either grey or blue and silver is impossible to see, when it's lost.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

#BlogLife736 - Foundation - liquid or powder?

Afternoony all. Goodness it took me ages to get some energy to write this.

I just feel lifeless at the moment as though life in an oven is the norm now.

This is the UK, we're not supposed to have good weather, where are the rainstorms and thunder?

Anyway I realised that I'm down to my last foundation tube. I used to get them from Poundland but now that's gone.

I must have bought about 3 or 4, wow, they lasted ages. I only used a bit each time I guess.

Before that the only shade that suited me was from expensive Rimmel and now I just have to chance it online.

It's pure guess work and there are a thousand names for Brown from every different brand.

Way back when I was a teenager, the powder compact with the lil mirror was very popular but it just didn't seem to suit me.

Or maybe I was purchasing from a poor ineffective brand. The powder never seemed to blend in, it just sat on my face and felt heavy.

I don't think it looked natural unlike the liquid version, so that put me off.

But now we have come a long and I thought I would try it out again.

I saw Phoera, whoever that is selling a powder pot for £4, ouchy I bet it's a tiny thing.

It doesn't have a mirror or puff or spongy applicator with it and I chose the shade Tan.

Oh it's a matte finish. I had forgotten what matte and sheer mean, it's been so long.

From Googly woogly, here is the explanation. Sheer is lighter and tends not to cover scars and has the least pigments, whatever that means.

Matte on the other hand, is more suitable for my combination skin, as it controls shine and absorbs oil.

That was a happy accident. The Ocuz liquid foundation cost £3.05 including postage.

It doesn't seem to be oil free, I can't see the size and doesn't say if it's sheer or matte, only that it's waterproof.

I got the cinnamon shade. I'm not planning to go swimming in it or take a shower wearing it.

That's the least helpful bit of information. I feel I am in-between the scale, colour wise.

I'm not dark dark and not light light, ha. I remember once getting the wrong colours and having to blend them together.

One was too dark and the other too light. I don't even know if I have any brushes.

I could always use a tissue, I guess, that's what I use with the foundation.

It's simpler as no bacteria can collect. I was going back and forth as to whether or not to get a 3rd fan, which seems really over the top for this country.

But I finally ran one, during half the night and it was blissful, I was able to get into the covers, have a light breeze on my face and it was perfect.

But usually it would kill off the battery so I saw one on sale for £7.65 and they are normally twice that amount.

I only get the 5000mah battery as that's a guaranteed all day or all night. The brand is Pecco.

And it's a small 5 inch fan, probably only 3 blades but the option of 4 speeds is good, usually just three.

I think the more blades, the more power, but the other one with 5 blades was weaker, so bang goes that theory.

The two tops might come tomorrow as the tracking indicates they are near the end, soon to be handed over to the local courier, I think..

Monday 12 August 2024

#BlogLife735 - Wrap me up

Busy morning but I'm glad the two deliveries came early. I was tracking the red wrap around top and he just came and left.

Tried it on thinking, oooh it looks small. Weirdly enough the bust bit was a lil baggy, even from someone like me, who is top heavy..

The waist bit was snug but fits. The colour is lovely, the fabric is high quality and the sleeves are wonderfully long, wooop.

So I just ordered the blue version. I can't get a size down as it wouldn't fit.

I will probably just wear something under it. I just realised, the thing about clothes which are plastered to your skin is, that they have a bad habit of riding up.

Ideally I wanted something that I could wear as a solo top for the summer.

Oh well, at £12 and me being fussy about clothes. I do like it. I think I will just have to spend time arranging it properly.

It's one of those on the short side, whereas I prefer a bit longer and where you have to create creases, as that is the style.

Almost messy and casual but at the same time smart. Ha, it's hard to explain.

I was gonna take a picture for Twitter but not sure I could arrange it properly.

Then Ocado Zoom, sent me another voucher, 25% so I bought nibbles, moisturiser and mouthwash and saved nearly a tenner, ha.

Two more shops with them before September and I get £15 woop.

J is still acting peculiar, short bursts of texts, one at 2am and now nothing for 5 days.

It's as I suspected, he's only contacting me when he's bored and I kinda wanted to hear whatever dramatic thing happened to him.

Although maybe that's why he's not phoning, because he was telling fibbies..

Who knows really?! I just shrug at why they are so keen to reconnect, when they can't actually be bothered to talk....

Sorry about the delay, the wifi was acting up all morning so I finally restarted the router and everything went blank lol.

Laptop went off, router didn't spring to life, mini panic and then it was all working normally.

I think I might stick with the Joy lip balm for now, it's the best I've tried for a long time.

It's not perfect but I like the faint raspberry scent and when I use it, it keeps the moisture for quite a while even when it's sunk in.

But when I don't use it, my lips go really dry again. The price was really reasonable.

At some point maybe when I see it on sale, I really want to try the Dr Paw Paw..

Thursday 8 August 2024

#BlogLife734 - Down with naps

It's kinda unusual, every since I've been back home, everyday I've been napping, it's healthy but normally I can't manage it.

Plus I've been sleeping fairly well. Today I was up early to get the groceries though and I still just woke up from a glorious nap.

I got something different the 7 days chocolate croissant. It doesn't really look like one but it's generous with the filling and it's a better standard of chocolate from the bland supermarkets.

I'm not sure I would get it again. If they had the almond croissant one, most certainly I would. I generally prefer croissants with cheese as a savoury snack, maybe that's what it is.

I feel horribly bloated and sicky. I'm surprised I haven't started the monthly yet.

I got that mini cheese and onion flatbread pizza again. I missed that, lush.

Hmm that's a bit weird. I just checked my phone, it was on silent and there was a text and missed call..

From whom? Supposedly EE, but it wasn't from the sister company, it was from the local store.

I don't think I have ever encountered that before in my life. They claim to have an offer, tailor made for me.

You would think they would co-ordinate, knowing that I'm due to be called next month anyway for an upgrade offer.

I wonder if it's legitimate and I wonder if the deal is any better. I'm curious but hesitant to call back, in case it's a scam..

I guess everyone is being cutthroat and trying to make their quota..

I can't respond to the text, so the number is probably only incoming also..

Yep it is, I checked the official notice board and it is genuine. Maybe they will call back at some point.

I feel a bit guilty listening to other offers but if I can save money and get a good deal, then it's worth it.

Ooh I wonder if the local stores would have the OnePlus phones...

I wonder if they would charge for delivery? Or offer any extras. I did previously used to upgrade in person and sometimes do the trade ins..

But then, they stopped being helpful and only gave rubbish deals, plus pushed the insurance, so you felt obligated to get it.

Maybe times have changed? They could be back to being generous again??

Oh I did see another top to buy, this one looks more looser and flowy.

It says the shade is black but it looks more reddy purply. It was £15 on Amazon but the delivery is long, not until 2 weeks time.

At least the postage was free though. I don't even know if it will fit.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

#BlogLife733 - You're not sick, I am!!!

Song of the day - Ava Max - Sweet But Psycho

This song came under my Youtubey recommendations and as soon as I read the word Psycho I chuckled and listened to it.

Pretty catchy. I'm just waiting for the sushi to get here, I missed that.

Oh Just Eat has a new policy a code you give to the delivery driver to make sure it's really you.

Hmm, sounds good in theory, my food would stop getting stolen. However the driver just got here and just as I was about to show him the code...

He said Oh don't worry about it. Either he has been here before.... Or they just don't care, pretty pointless system then..

I'm happy though, saved £25 with the 20% off and the stampcard loyalty programme, ha.

I am stuffed from the starters alone. Anyway I saw someone today and he was complaining about something.

And I said I can't help it, it's a side effect from being ill. Straight away, instead of replying...

Oh sorry to hear that, it's understandable, not all people are affected in the same way by the same disease...

He was like Ohhhh, well I can't move my hands at all. I have bad knees and a bad back and need checkups and operations etc...

And I thought ffs. Don't bloody dismiss my health conditions, just because yours are worse.

You complete insensitive tit!!! I'm still as ill as you, I'm just not complaining about everything, just the relevant details.

Asshole!!! I hate being dismissed as though, my voice doesn't matter and my problems are inconsequential.

I am used to that and it angers me! As a fellow sick person, you should have empathy for others.

You shouldn't be competing to say, Oh your issues are nothing. Mine are so much more pronounced.

Screw you!! And the bloody condescending looks you were giving me, like stop being a drama queen!

Anyway I'm all calm after that rant and I realised, it doesn't seem like I have many thin summer, long sleeved tops..

I bought a wrap red one yesterday. I don't think it's a real wrap one, just the style, looks really smart.

I don't like that style on me, only because it doesn't stay in place and I don't want to flash the world.

We shall see, it was also available in blue so if it turns out to fit well. I will get that too and some others.

It wasn't bad for £12 but it does look slim fit. Sizes are still peculiar. I never know whether to get my exact size or go up.

And I'm sure I'm in-between at the moment or maybe even down a size, hard to tell.

I don't want something overly baggy or too tight, just maybe a lil loose.