Tuesday 5 October 2021

#BlogLife144 - Compliment me

Do you fish for compliments? Are you being purposely negative and self deprecating to get a boost from someone.. Anyone?

You do realise that whatever they say will soon be meaningless to you right? 

Following the seconds after they utter it. You'll think awww so sweet but then you'll find a way to dismiss it entirely. 

Hmm they were just being kind for the sake of it. I helped them so they just popped out easy platitudes.

Why cant I take them at their word huh brain? Maybe they actually mean what they say? Quit overthinking it.

No you're right brain, I apologise. You weren't mistaken, they were just saying nice words out of obligation.

Big sigh :(

You want to know why you can't tolerate their words? It's because you need to believe in yourself first and foremost before any outside voices can make a meaningful impact. 

Let's start afresh from today, shall we? You and I will do this together.

I can't do this. I don't have it in me. I tried for a bit but it's too complicated and there is so much of it to process. I give up. I quit!

Take a deep breath. In..... Hold for a few seconds and then exhale. Again, a few more times. Alright so you have this big project and it's too much to handle?

There's no need to panic. You can easily get organised and break into down into sections and keep dissecting it until it becomes manageable.

If you keep at it, you'll see how well you are progressing and before you know it, you'll be halfway through and just supremely proud of yourself.

Fine fine fine. I'm starting to see your point but what about this one. I hate my figure. I just feel so aware of myself. Other girls are so slender and have so much going for them. 

Why can't I be skinny and be just as good as them? You tell me why??

Hmm. You're telling me there is nothing you like about your appearance?

That's right zilch. I mean....... Well I guess I do appreciate my hair, it's long and versatile and everyone just tells me how much they love my different hairstyles.

Actually umm.. I like my arms too, they are toned and I work hard on keeping them looking great.

I see so it turns out, there are some likeable characteristics after all. Good job on reminding yourself. Focus on these wonderfully positive attributes.

Treat yourself to hair accessories or new hair products to keep you feeling good. To showcase your arms, some short sleeved or sleeveless tops would work wonderfully well.

Lastly come on. Think about it rationally for a second. You truly believe someone's life is perfect because they are slim??

They have problems and insecurities just like you do. We all struggle. They may have just become experts at concealing theirs.

You are just as great as anyone else. The only thing that separates you from them......Is confidence. They have it and you don't.

However you can build that up over time, by moving forwards and achieving goal after goal. Put your all into it and work hard.

That is how you'll start to believe in yourself and feel oh so gooood :)


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D