Thursday 14 October 2021

#AgonyLife1 - Dear SS how do I like myself?

Nobody actually wrote me a message like this. I like to fancy myself as a cool Agony Acquaintance.. 

(Don't you dare call me Agony Aunty, refer to the previous post for an explanation).

I even wrote it into one of my books because how cool would that be a blog but also people writing in with issues and I could be like whoa..... I could help this person out..

Anyway back to today's lil musing. Wait just one more thing S has dumped me I think. I heard nothing and didn't see him yesterday and today has been the same.

Looks like he didn't approve of the blog because he disappeared without a goodbye and hasn't been around since. 

Full disclosure, I haven't been around as much as previously either, but still.. I thought he would have been more mature and ended it like a civilised human being...

I could kill him frankly but meh......Next!! He could have emailed an excuse but whatever..

Back to the topic at hand, let me flip it back on you..

1. Do you compare yourself to others?

2. Have you always felt this way?

3. Do you surround yourself with good people. I mean those that would tell you the whole truth because they know you would thank them for it and appreciate their candour?

I don't know you at all so I can only talk about my experiences. I don't recall envying other people until my parents starting pointing fingers and saying....

You know this person is nice and slim, why can't you emulate her and she is very bright, why can't you be the same?

I do remember feeling there was always something wrong with me. I was too introverted and really couldn't fathom how I couldn't make friends even way before when I was just small back in school.

I had this bubbly girl inside of me, waiting to showcase herself but I could not open my mouth at all back then. I waited for someone to see my potential, my uniqueness..

I was overlooked and I think eventually maybe I had a pep talk with myself and just found the courage to branch out and make the effort and when I did, it paid off and I was more able to engage.

I think finding out what makes you tick as an individual is a great start to liking yourself. For me it's music and words. I have always loved them both.

Other people like different things and that's fine. You don't have to copy X, Y or Z. Have fun figuring yourself out and trying new experiences and interests.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D