Thursday, 30 November 2023

#BlogLife603 - Confessions of a beautyholic

Song of the day - Myron B - She Eat It All

Let me ease into this, the guilt has finally caught up with me but first let's do some beauty and food reviews.

I'm still working my way through the Foxes sweets and they have unfortunately changed the recipe as most companies do to their downfall.

I probably would not purchase it again. Out of the couple I have tasted, only the lime green one tastes nice.

The rest don't taste natural or fruity at all. I will let you if I like any others.

I tried out the Nivea face wash on the spin brush which brings me closer to my revelation..

It dried out my brush, it was peculiar, I doused the bristles in water, spun it, added the face wash and it did not foam or mix well.

It sat on the top and after a few rounds on my face just disintegrated and I had to apply more.

Mostly my face feels soft, a tiny bit dry and bumpy but it's not dehydrated anymore.

When I first bought my face brush, I wasn't really knowledgeable about them.

I think spin and rotating brushes are the same thing. I'm not sure what I was trying to compare.

The only thing I can think about, that I mean't to discuss was, non spinning and spinning. I like the spin for the massage properties.

Plus it feels like a deeper than normal cleanse. It just needs a foaming face wash, then it works better and more evenly.

Oh I think I already amended it, ha. I just re-read it, expecting to be horrified but it makes sense.

Okay my conscience is clear and I should probably scrap this post and start again but I'm not going too.

Oh the eye drops that had the different packaging are definitely different.

These sting a lil bit and the other ones didn't but these ones seem to be more concentrated.

More like re-wetting drops and and they go more precisely into the eyes and I blink a few times and they dissolve.

It seems almost as effective but I'm developing a headache which the drops are supposed to prevent.

My hair has already grown long enough to get trimmed again but I'm going to leave it for a bit more.

I don't know which story to work on next. There are times when I write myself into a corner and am not sure how to develop the next bit.

It should really be between I Hate My Fiancee and Fighting Fate because those are published but incomplete, whereas the rest are in my drafts begging to be finished.

But it's great to have 7 or 8 fully composed stories, seven being on wattpad and the eighth being too weird to put on there.

Quite a change from the girl whose stories just lived in her head to putting them out there for the world to see.

I know they are not perfect and expert could have told them better I assume but they are still precious to me.

There's always going to be that apprehension about tidying them up and putting them on wattpad but it's good practice.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

#BlogLife602 - I'm married to myself

Song of the day - Bon Jovi - It's My Life

Sleepy morning greetings everyone. Actually I'm pretty much awake now.

I woke up properly about 8 or 9am but I think I was softly awake, way before and I wanted another hour but my brain was up and raring to go.

I still feel a bit drained but last night I went ahead and copied Paloma's Holiday Hijinks to wattpad and made a book cover.

I hate all that crap. I'm not the best at it and I usually have a vision on what the cover should be and I end up having to compromise usually as I borrow free images.

But it's done, although I always get too excited and promote it on twitter, just to show the layout and then forget to add the blurb.

So I pasted it and then remembered and deleted it and re-posted ha. I'm still such an amateur still.

As it's such a short story, 1957 words, I decided not to split it up into chapters but make it one long one.

Plus if they choose people can like it once and have done with it.

I did actually get my first read and vote on there, which was lovely, plus two new followers.

Hmm I mean as this is a holiday story, technically I don't have to be in a rush to finish the other one but I'll see..

You know I hate personal questions and the randoms are full of them.

I know some of them can't be avoided but a couple of times you can say something to halt them in their tracks, especially if they are overly keen.

Saying I'm married to myself, is better than saying, I'm single and not looking.

That is akin to folding my arms and having that unapproachable look on my face, that says, avoid me and save yourself the hassle of being rejected.

The other question is Where in the UK are you based? Now I just say, All over, ha.

I don't want to narrow down my location and a lot of the time, they don't know it anyway or they keep asking for a more precise area.

And I think, Why are you asking? It's not like we're going to hangout and become buddies.

I don't do meet ups. Nobody gives me enough time to take it slowly, it's always, let's get together tomorrow, or next week and that's wayyy to soon for me to be calm about it.

I was considering getting another heating blankie, after seeing all the discounts but today the prices have gone up again, ha.

That was quick. Mine is still very much on and off and some parts don't seem to heat up but it works, so that's something.

The more I use the Badedas shampoo is the more it reminds me of the Henna shampoo I loved.

It doesn't colour the hair but it really softens and moisturises it. It's like I've just had a deep conditioner or just been to a competent salon and had a treatment done.

Oh the next Christmas binge is Christmas Caper, it's not anti-holiday, it's just not schmaltzy, more of a dramedy.

The black sheep of the family returns home, hiding out and is babysitting her niece and nephew.

Now the niece is quite rude and unwelcoming and I suspect the Mama/Sister bad mouths Kate to her children because of their attitudes.

The nephew is actually happy to see her and tried to bond with her because he too, feels out of sorts in his surroundings, stifled and misunderstood.

I love that the ex-flame is around also. It's a great watch. I wish she did more hallmark or comedy roles.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

#BlogLife601 - You think too highly of yourself..

Song of the day - Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name

Ha! If he only knew!! I was on chat and one guy DD, asked me for a date and I said no and then he did it again and I blocked him.

Then CP of the quote above came along and he was regular, nothing stood out.

We suddenly talked about multi tasking and he said he had loads of women he was taking too.

And to be honest I didn't care because I was replying to D's text, even though he was busy and tired and Ohhh I haven't told you about him ha!!

Plus I was watching my Christmas binge, A Very Merry Mix Up Christmas and though oof even if it's a comedy, one of the leads is sooo controlling ick.

I just realised that her beau was well off and could easily have said, Let me be a silent investor or pay for employees or a financial advisor to help you out for a bit..

But I guess his first love, was collecting money and not spending it, with his lil insensitive cruel digs at her expense.

Anyway I digress. I said something like, Oh I love multi tasking, it makes things more interesting. 

I even multi chat, although I got rid of all my pms because they weren't suitable.

Someone has to be really enthralling or I have to be too sleepy to only have one conversation.

Now I assume at this point he got offended I wasn't smitten with him.

The funny thing was I was making more of an effort, just to pass the time until I could sleep.

Then he switches too, Umm actually I'm only talking to you. I prefer one on one.

Then I followed it up with, Well you're my only pm now also.

Honestly I can't stop giggling. I wasn't trying to be mean. I was just matter of fact answering all his questions but I guess brutally directly.

And this is where he should have said I take offence to that or left or said Um I'm going to find someone who wuvs me lololol.

I can't recall exactly what I said next but he kept pushing for answers, as in to rate him.

And again he reallllly shouldn't have because I came out with..

I'm not hooked on you but you're alright. You don't make me want to scratch your eyes out.

So I suspect because women weren't falling over themselves to talk to him and men always chat women up..

He didn't appreciate me having options. That is when he said it.

You think too highly of yourself. Instead of him making the effort to be interesting or cutting the discussion short.

My retort was Some people are that good and can afford to be. Then I blocked him.

I suspect he wanted me to feel bad and definitely be less confident so I would have become attached to him.

But I see through that tactic and I was feeling good about myself so he couldn't spoil it.

Then he bombarded me with messages and I suspect not to apologise but to be nasty.

I made the right decision.  If he didn't keep bugging me for praise I would have kept my feelings to myself.

Anyway onto D which is a far better tale. I checked my other phone for accuracy and this occurred on Thursday night.

This name popped up in chat and even though I rarely remember names and conversations.

My brain said you know that name but I didn't know if he and I were on friendly terms or not.

At first I ignored it and then maybe I checked my notes on the randoms to see if there was a blurb about him.

Or maybe I replied and then checked. Anyway there was a note.

He and I had swapped numbers at the end of September, got on well but he ghosted me.

Four days went by and I suspected he just didn't want to contact me any longer so I blocked him.

Then as we were talking he apologised, remembered my name which was sweet and explained.

His friend I think was hospitalised and on the fifth day he had texted but of course I didn't receive it and then he tried a few more times.

Plus sought me out but we didn't see each other at all until now.

So we basically ended up talking and reacquainting for hours.

And it struck me that he wasn't angry or accusing or even passive aggressive. 

He was just happy to see me so I pretty much instantly forgave him but didn't divulge it ha.

Then at the end he asked me and I said Yea I made peace with it ages ago and I'll unblock you.

I've only done that a few times as it's generally not worth it.

But he had a good attitude and we blend well together. 

It's effortless but I forgot what he sounds like. Ugh and I don't want to say call me lol.

He's not local but he seems decent. He's not taking me for granted.

He'll make the time to text, even if it's not straight away, which is not expected anyway.

He'll apologise say Sorry was blah blah but even before that he'll mention he's busy.

So when I hear that I'm thinking, right he's occupied for the evening so I won't disturb and his response is probably going to be the following day.

And I so prefer that. Than thinking Oh he just can't be bothered to get back to me, even though he's free.

Now on to today. Ugh what a horrendous sickly morning. In my head I was still partially buzzing that I managed to compose and publish a story out of thin air in about three hours.

To be frank, I was stressing about it and I didn't actually think I would be successful in completing it.

I even had a nightmare last night and that usually occurs when I'm frazzled.

My mind was totally blank but in the morning I thought, wouldn't it be nice if it had a Christmas theme?

Then I thought something about water, I always knew it was going to feature a girl. I just wasn't sure about the age and once I got going.

My brain was like okay, do you want to go here, or there, how do you want to end it?

My hope was to make it upbeat but in the back of my mind, I had a sneaky suspicion that it would be an unhappy fable because I feel a bit up and down at the moment.

Somehow this year I'm excited about Christmas but that also entails spending time with family and they have a tendency to be unkind.

Although it might just be me and Mama, who knows, or I might not even travel down there..

Anyway I just feel really weak and sickly today. I thought I started my period, which would explain it but nope.

I was going to order sushi today but the place I usually get it from doesn't have ordinary drinks, just bubble tea and that has no earthly appeal.

So I saw some pistachio tiramisu that I have never known existed.

It's not my favourite dessert but I knew tomorrow or later I would want something sweet and I felt so rough today..

I didn't do any shopping, just power walked to the bus stop to get home as quick as possible.

Oh I did try the new purple Rimmel lippy. It's not as bad as I thought.

I put on a dark lip liner, well actually it's an eyebrow pencil that I double up as an lip liner.

Then I put on lip balm, actually no, the lip balm was the base. Then the lip liner and then the purple lippy.

It did look quite nice. I think I can get away with it. it's not too too light.

It is quite thick. I got away with wearing one coat, normally I would double up but I kept wanting to vomit all morning.

Everything took ages and I wanted it over and done with. Now that I've munched, I feel much perkier, although a nap would be ideal.

I'm not happy with the title and I've done some more editing on the story. I'm going to copy it onto Wattpad eventually.

Monday, 27 November 2023

#BlogLife600 - Blogaversary challenge *600th post* BookLife7 - Paloma's Holiday Hijinks

Song of the day - Whitesnake - Here I Go Again

I put way too much pressure on myself to be more and more accomplished and when I don't necessarily achieve that, I get pretty down on myself.

That's why I haven't done much each BlogLife milestone but 600 seems like a big number so I want to make the effort to challenge myself.

The Christmas story isn't ready. It will be a miracle if I can publish it before the year is out so that was not an option for today.

Instead I thought what if I did an on the spot mini BookLife, that I compose tomorrow and publish tomorrow.

All fiction, although there is probably an element of truth in all my stories.

It has to come from somewhere right? I'm only writing this bit and will begin tomorrow's tale when I wake up properly and freefall any subject that springs to mind..

Wish me luck and happy reading :)

Paloma's Holiday Hijinks

"Hi my name's Paloma and as it's Christmas I wanted to share a special story with you."

"My age and looks don't matter because I'm not a Princess, I'm just an ordinary girl!"

"I grew up surrounded by water in a small coastal beach area, simply referred to as Oceana."

"I didn't like it as much being on land, but being in the water splashing and frolicking felt more natural."

"I always remember throwing a tantrum whenever I was lifted out of it."

"Calua, my sister and I were at the beach collecting shells, when it all started."

"I saw it first, give it back to me." I snatched it out of Calua's hand and sprinted away from her grabby sandy fingers.

"You're always stealing from me. My clothes, my snacks and now this."

"Er m-my o-our parents.. She twisted her head and looked at me amused and smugly.

"What rubbish are you spouting now? We both have the same parents!"

Calua's smile widened in that moment a big toothy grin followed.

She chuckled. "Yea, yes that's what you were supposed to think but last night I heard Mama and Papa talking about how they found you abandoned on the beach."

I stepped back in a daze. Dropping the beautiful shiny shell I had just fought over.

I shook my head. "You're lying to get me back because I took the sh-shell from you."

She fumbled around in her pocket. "I knew you wouldn't believe me so I brought proof with me."

My eyes widened and tears were already falling down my plump round cheeks.

Shakily I reached out and took the paper reading the note.

Darling Paloma,

I hope you never have to read this before I can explain myself. Your Papa Tur abandoned us.

We tried so hard to have a baby and began fighting a lot. It was a tough time all around.

I couldn't get myself together, to be the parent you deserved. I knew a family that always picnicked at this time, would find you and care for you, the way I just couldn't.

I will be back for you I promise on December 24th 2023. Wait for me by the beach.

I'm sorry. Don't hate me and be well, live your water-baby life. 

Your loving Mama 



I dropped the note and ran into the water screaming. I swam and swam, letting the icy water splash and numb me.

After what seemed like eons passed I finally swam back to shore and shivered on the beach, exhausted and raw.

I heard skipping behind me but I was still too out of it to comprehend much of anything.

My parents pulled me up scolding me. "Where have you been? Haven't I told you to stay with your sister??"

I stared up at them blankly, tuning them out. Their scowls no longer affecting me. I was near exhaustion and my legs wanted to collapse.

I closed my eyes and let my legs give way and felt myself carried home by who I thought was my Papa but now I knew different.

The scary thing was that tonight was the 23rd and tomorrow was Christmas Eve.

I rubbed my eyes and blinked to see my surroundings getting clearer and more in focus.

I was back home? I guess, the place where I had lived for most of my life but everything seemed new and scary.

I felt Papa touch my forehead. "Phew you don't have a fever." He hugged me and seemed genuinely concerned.

"What's for dinner?" I croaked the words out and everybody laughed. There was never anything wrong when I had an appetite.

I shivered and Mama put a purple shawl around me. I mumbled a Thank you, feeling too choked up to speak further.

We ate chicken and barley soup in silence or at least that's what I assumed as my thoughts were on sneaking out tonight and not being caught.

I excused myself without having dessert, mumbling that I was too tired.

I saw my parents shoot themselves a worried look but I wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

It struck me that I didn't look like either of my parents and somebody had always made a running joke that I was kidnapped.

But nobody paid attention to that, although sometimes later on when I glanced over at their faces my Mama had seemed particularly disturbed by it.

I climbed on my bed and rested on my knees looking out the window. I saw the lanterns flicking on and heard the waves, which always put me to sleep.

I turned around as I heard a soft knock on the door. Mama stuck her head around the door.

"Are you alright sweetie? You are very quiet today?" I felt guilty but nodded.

She took my hand and led me back to the living room. My eyes widened as I looked up at the tree. 

It was only half decorated as my parents were swamped with work and other responsibilities so tonight we were finishing it off.

I had completely forgotten about it. My eyes went fuzzy from all the neon bright party decorations, it was a sight to behold, with all the walls shiny and festive.

Christmas cards in a wreath on the door. Gold, silver, red and blue ornaments covering the tree.

A gold and silver star at the very top that my sister and I had made together built out of paper and glue and a bottle of sparkling glitter.

Could I really leave all this behind I wondered? I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of apple juice and wiped a tear away.

Time passed and my sister and I yawned in unison. My parents carried us to our separate rooms, kissed us goodnight and swept the hair from our foreheads.

I snuggled in and pretended to sleep but as soon as they each closed the door I perched upright.

I set my alarm for midnight, laid out my favourite red dress with a bow in the middle and a bow for my hair.

My shiny red shoes with a mini bow. Yes I'm obsessed with bows and then fell into a deep sleep.

I sleepily swotted a buzzing fly that would not be quiet and then remembered it was my alarm clock.

I shut it off quickly and got dressed and looked around my room that I probably wouldn't see ever again.

I bit my lip and quietly tiptoed out of my room. I shushed all the squeaky floorboards nervously and made it to the lounge.

My hands were shaking. I quietly grabbed the red glitter pen to write a farewell letter.

Dear family,

I love you all and thank you for helping to raise me but I can't stay any longer.

I need to be with my real parent.

I'll never forget you. Please don't forget me.

Goodbye forever.

Ps don't look for me at the beach.



Oh and don't punish Calua for telling me...

I wiped my face clean and sternly told myself to be strong and brave.

I stood on tiptoes and unlocked the door and took one last breath, scanning the warm cosy home I once knew and then shut the door behind me shivering.

My teeth were chattering and I smacked my head. In my haste to not wake anyone up. I had forgotten my warm wooly coat.

Oh well, it was too late to go back and get it now. I was halfway there.

Maybe my new Mama would have something. I smacked my mouth. What did I call her?

I was so mixed up. All this was hurting my brain and my heart. I got to the beach safely and it was very quiet.

Nobody was around and I sat huddled bringing my knees up and unclutching the shell and note that had been tightly resting in my palms.

I wondered how long I would have to wait. Would I recognise her? Would she know me? How would I feel? How would she feel?

I swept the sand away from my clothes and hands, wanting to be as smart as possible and make a good impression but I was fading fast.

I couldn't stop yawning. Soon I had curled up and fallen back asleep again, resting my head on my lil hands.

I was abruptly awoken by the sounds of screaming and my name being shouted.

"Palommmmmmmmma Palomaaaaaa. Where are you??" I covered my eyes as the flashlight bore into me.

"Oh thank heavens she's safe." My parents scooped me up and covered me in kisses.

The shell and note had fallen out of my hands and I looked guiltily away as Mama picked it up.

She blinked away the tears, trying to focus and read it. She covered her mouth in an anguished cry and buried her head in Papa's shoulder while handing it to him.

He scanned it and crumbled it angrily. I was put down and I bit my lip.

"Umm are you angry with me? I have to leave you. N-not because I want too. I think it's the right thing to do because I was only loaned to you for a while and now. Umm I have to go back where I belong."

My parents made a gargled sound of frustration and pulled me closer.

I had never seen my parents so upset that they were actually both shedding tears.

"We were worried sick about you and you belong with us." I shook my head.

"Listen darling I know this must be terribly confusing for you but we can explain it."

"First though we are going to get you inside, warmed up and out of this freezing weather before you catch a cold."

I stubbornly folded my arms, while my Papa wrapped me in a blanket and bundled it tightly around me.

I didn't even realise I was shivering. I saw my parents looking at each other, wondering how much they should reveal to me.

I sneezed and broke into their thoughts. Papa picked me up despite my protests and carried me home.

Mama put a warm jumper on me and Papa brought me some hot chocolate to sip on to bring my temperature up.

But I had a few gulps and then petulantly pushed it away.  Papa's voice broke as he said...

"If something had happened to you.. O-our hearts would have broken and never been the same again."

"Promise us you will never try to leave and run away ever again."

Mama's voice interjected this time. "Despite what you think, you are our daughter but the letter has some merit."

My eyes widened as I listened. "Your Papa and I desperately wanted lots of children but the Doctor's said it would be a miracle if we could get pregnant."

"Um do you remember when you were very lil, a woman named Aunty Rocy?"

I shook my head. "Sh-she wasn't really your Aunty, just a close friend of the family and she cooked you in her tummy, from parts of err your Papa and Me."

I scrunched my face in disbelief? "Like an omelette?" They both smiled. "Something like that."

Papa cleared his throat. "See the problem was that Rocy started to think of you as her child and wanted to keep you."

"She became confused and wrote you this letter but you completely are 100% a member of this family."

I thought about this long and hard and thirstily drank the remainder of my hot chocolate.

I stood up ready for bed. "So Aunty Rocy was a microwave that cooked me but you're still my parents and I can still call you Mama and Papa?"

They both shrugged, laughed and nodded. "We'll always be your family and we are incomplete without you."

I hugged them both. "It's been a really long day and I didn't have dessert last night, tomorrow can I have pancakes shaped like Christmas trees with lemon, maple syrup and blueberries please?"

They both gasped at my outrageous request and said "Bed!" In unison.

I walked off turned around and giggled. It was good to be home, where I had a place that almost seemed magical and full of love.

The end

Thursday, 23 November 2023

#BlogLife599 - Introducing my phone, the trampoline

Oof what a morning! I was sleeping cosily and then thought it was morning at 6amish and then couldn't get back to sleep.

Then about 9amish I was drifting in and out and forgot I left the phone on the bed, instead of to the side..

I kicked or flipped over the covers and the phone went flying. I spent 10 minutes looking for it as I didn't have my lenses on.

Luckily found it, intact in my wardrobe of all places. I just had a huge breakfast which is unusual but at least now I feel awake.

A veggy hotdog and a fish sandwich with the cucumber minty raita and a small amount of cheese, they were so tasty.

I emailed that penpaller K and just told him, he wasn't the right fit for me.

I'm glad he didn't respond. I didn't appreciate that he went for the sympathy vote, he divulged something deeply personal straight away, which I thought was peculiar.

It's as though he was saying, don't reject me because I'm vulnerable, icky icky.

Add to that, the whole flirty nonsense and he was unsuitable. Why can't they be honest and say, well what I'm looking for is attention and some kissy kissy, yuckity!

I have a new random J, I might ask him to change his name, so this post sounds different but he's fun, he makes me laugh and is a lil sarcastic like me so that's nice.

Mama's drinks got delivered last night, actually they were just left outside her door because she texted me and said nothing arrived..

But when she checked they were all there. Well she hasn't opened the boxes but at some point we will check to see if everything arrived as normal.

She did open the fudge and shared it with friends. I'm glad she enjoyed it, I'm not bothered at all. I'm not keen on it.

Plus the main gift is the rug. I don't recall trying the dark ferrero hazelnut in the block form, just in the regular round sweet version.

I don't know what's happening with the tea, from yesterday it's been saying Out for delivery and hasn't updated. Ugh.

Hopefully her Postie will bring it today. I don't think the Ferreros or rug is arriving today maybe Friday or Saturday or perhaps they are waiting to deliver it together?

As it's all Royal Mail. I will wait and see. Alright the face mask just arrived and I did the same mistake as before.

What is up with me?? I mistakenly thought it was 2 of them but it was one. I have a feeling they do that on purpose, add x2 to the description to make you assume, two are going to be sent.

Instead of the actual thing, which says x2 clearer skin. Nevermind it's still a good product. I just would not have paid that amount.

I've just changed my theme to a Christmassy red baubel and looking to change the desktop also.

It doesn't display properly but I don't care. For the desktop I found a snowy lantern, tree one which does look sweet and shows up correctly.

I'm a lil jealous that all the fun fruity drinks are at Mama's, if I was inspired I might have mixed some together to make mocktails...

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

#BlogLife598 - Amazon is good when it's good and bad when it's bad!

Song of the day - Susan Macio - Daisy Gone

It is freezing today, I just had some cheesy croissants for breakfast but I want something hot so warming up some snacks.

It feels like a couple months since I've bought condiments. I don't buy ketchup, mayonnaise any longer, too much salt and sugar.

I stopped using butter decades ago, all to shave off those extra calories.

But I was missing a dip so I bought the cucumber raita again and dipped it into the salmon breaded crunchies, what a difference it made, delicious.

People advise me to give up dairy but I'm addicted to cheese so that would never work.

Eggs as well I like every now and again, you don't need to be extreme just sometimes substitute a healthier version.

I'm heavily distracted by Amazon again as they failed to deliver the drinks and promised to do it today late afternoony/evening or else I could claim a refund.

At least it's switched to Out for Delivery now. I strained my shoulder/arm exercising it.

Then I banged it and it's only now just stopped hurting a week and a half later, yeesh it doesn't take much to strain my muscles/bones.

I just tried to pay a bill over the phone and it's the usual response, sorry having problems with the computer or noone available.

Yeesh these companies employ less and less people so that no-one is around, cheapskates!!

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

#BlogLife597 - Peekaboo penpal

Good morning. My stomach is doing that unsettled thing so I thought I would go ahead and blog in bed.

I'm tired but not sleepy. I just took out a Prime trial to avoid postage fees.

I found what I was initially searching for, Mama's soft fluffy rug and she wanted it in a red shade.

The price was reasonable and then I added homemade fudge, Ferrero dark chocolate, and various orange, lemon, blackcurrant and possibly cherry drinks.

There were quite a few offers but I spent more than I planned.

Although it is for the holidays so it can't be helped and I'm looking forward to reviewing them.

I got a new penpal request last week and only noticed it today.

He seems relatively normal, but didn't include his age and he is from the UK and made it clear he was single. Hmm..

I made enquiries and then equally as blatant I gave my usual speech about ignoring the romance inspired emails and that I was a bacherloretta for life.

Ha! He got the message and didn't dwell on it, which would have irritated me a lot..

He was somewhat candid and I thought I will proceed at my own slow careful pace.

He already asked to peruse the blog and I declined. I'm sick to death of being judged and bombarded with personal questions, straight away.

Nobody has earned that right, to think they know me entirely from skimming a few bloody words!

Had to get that rant out of the way. I'm getting this really umm uncomfortable vibe.

Maybe I am overreacting? I feel like he (K), is indirectly flirtatious.

Yea I am not wrong. He has started putting kisses at the end of every email and emphasising on what a romantic he is.

I will cut him loose soon. No matter how clear I am about wanting a platonic penship, it's usually the same mushy crap that I receive.

It's very off-putting. I think I need to eat and drink, the anti nausea isn't helping for once.

I'm not even sure if Postie has come and gone because I felt so tired this morning, I fell back into a deep sleep.

I finished the other two moisturisers and now I'm using the Cien Q10 Intensive.

It's a bit heavier than the other two, the Derma V10 and the Neutrogena.

It seems to sit on the face and wait to be really rubbed in, I'm not used to working that hard, normally they absorb easily.

But I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my face was white ha.

It does leave my face soft but less is more and I feel it weighted on my skin.

I will leave it on for a while and then rinse off the surface layer with a face wash, otherwise I will eventually rub it into my eyes. Ouchy!

Oh I just got an email to say the purple lippy arrived and it was in my mailbox.

It looked dark enough but it isn't, it needs to be mixed to make it darker.

It's quite thick and not that moisturising, I would definitely need a lip balm or clear gloss under or over it.

Amazon is driving me nuts today. The first message that popped up on my account was..

There is an issue, we had to cancel/recall an item and I thought Oh No, which one??

But my wifi wasn't on. I always take it off at night so when I put it on, the message disappeared.

Then they said, there was a problem with a delivery but my account said received.

Arghhhh what is going on?? At least Mama mia confirmed she got the fudge, well I doubt if she will open it but I'm tracking the rest of it.

She probably will think I'm nuts but at least it saves her from carrying large quantities, hopefully her housing manager can help her out.

Monday, 20 November 2023

#BlogLife596 - I broke up with Postie

Song of the day - Olatunji - Kaya

Alright technically we're not romantically involved but the dodo delivered my weekender bag to the wrong address.

Ugh I was so stressed seeing that Delivered message but luckily once again they took a picture as proof....

And I can again prove that is not my door or foot. My door is a different colour and clearly shows the itty bitty number.

But then an hour later they decided to return it to me. Postal theft is a criminal offence after all.

They must have wet themselves when Postie said so your name is SS? 

Great, let me just snap a quick picture and then I'll be off, toodles.....

Bahaha! I was literally reporting it and saying give me a day and if it doesn't show up, investigate it, report it to the cops do whatever because I am not wasting money on a stolen item!!

I am pleasantly surprised, it looked really small at first but it was flattened and folded up so once I put it together, it was longer, deeper and wider.

Plus I'm glad they included the shoulder strap, the less things I'm holding, the better.

I think it sorta looks like real leather, it certainly smells like it and I'm pleased with the overall look.

The real challenge will be with packing it up to the brim. The slippers are supposedly coming on Monday, (today).

And hopefully the purple lippy also. Oh I tried the Chickeny Yorkshire puddings.

Wow out of the whole range, these are the best things. I think I read that included in the ingredients is parsley but it is properly seasoned and very tasty and soft.

I want to grab a drink but Postie is due anytime. I'm not sure if it's the regular or the special van one.

The regular one is normally around lunchtime but this said up to 4pm.

Yesterday I ordered Mama's masala chai tea, I got a big box of 100 tea bags Wagh Bakri is the brand.

I have no idea if it's caffeinated or sweetened, the details are vague but the reviews seemed positive.

There was something about snow mentioned so I'm trying to shop early and avoid the delays but the tracking said....

There are already congested reports, maybe only for the regular post? Or maybe all of it?

I also saw 2x Eclat mud masks for £6, apparently the regular price for one is a fiver.

I don't normally buy the same thing but it proved to be really effective with my skin.

It replenished all the moisture and my face is smooth again. Plus I love mud masks anyway, they are the most hard working product for me.

Gel and standard cream masks don't do anything beneficial for my combination skin.

I'm mostly liking the replacement binaural beats anti nausea video.

I don't really like the noise, to me it's a lil creepy sounding but I'm surprised at the short and long term effects of it, that I didn't notice straight away.

When I feel sicky, it's usually because I need to burp but I'm not able too.

Drinking fizzies was the only cure for me, since the other video was deleted.

Now I put it together that whenever I listen to the video, sure it calms my tummy and I don't feel nauseated but later on it's started aiding me to burp naturally.

That to me is astounding. I'm not even listening to it and in the evening I was burping and this morning I was also.

People would normally pop antacids for this treatment, for the other nicer sounding video, I had to listen to it, in that moment for it to assist me.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

#BlogLife595 - Tell me your fears?

Song of the day - Mary J Blige - All Night Long

I think I woke up at 10ish properly and it's now 1pm and the cramps and nausea have finally stopped.

A horrible morning but blocks of sleep and I had a very creative evening, last night.

I've started vocalising my thoughts on Twitter and it helps the writers block and makes me feel less burdened so last night I wrote nearly two chapters of last year's Christmas story.

I have no idea if it will be finished for this year but I feel more comfortable with the direction, although once again it's changed.

At least I had a way to develop it and what the initial conflict should be.

The Weekender bag and my slippers have been posted already which is nice but only the bag gave me a tracking number.

Oh, my lippy is also on the way, most of it is due by Royal Mail, aka the regular Postie.

I hunted but I've now finished the Perfectil bundle. I think it was 3 or 4 months supply and I'm happy to have a break from it.

My hair is in better condition but I do cut it every month-ish and at least 3 inches get trimmed easily.

Before when I had long hair, it took ages to grow back. My nails are not stronger but they are growing fast too.

My skin is the same, up and down with the moisture and dryness at the moment it seems back to normal.

Ugh the bloody neighbours have been banging all freaking morning.

I hate them!! Ugh they have finally stopped. I started the Christmas film binge.

First up is The Flight Before Christmas with Mayim and Ryan. It's a romantic comedy about timing and second, third and fourth impressions.

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

#BlogLife594 - What's next buttercup?

Afternoony, no song of the day today because I'm running late and can't be bothered to scour through the playlists.

I felt really empty and sluggish today. I slept, woke up and repeated that pattern until the morning.

I finished off the salmon pasta which was sublime, some places only cook one dish really well but they seem to have a really good cheffy.

I'm trying to cross things off my to-do list so I went ahead and bought a new pair of counterfeit sheepskin slippers, they didn't have red so I bought black.

I'm still using this blue pair but I'll relegate that to slipping into when I come out of the shower/bath.

I also wanted another purple lippy and hope this Rimmel one is really dark on my caramel skin.

It's called Stay Matte and it was a fiver so not that grand a price to pay.

The last major thing was the Overnight weekender bag and I saw pu leather and faux leather.

Apparently according to googly woogly, the pu downgrades quicker, where as the faux is more durable.

As much as I would love to buy real leather and I can afford it. I don't want to pay that obscene price tag.

I found a mock leather to buy for £19 and it looks great. I only hope it's big enough to carry everything.

I dump so much into it, makeup bag, clothes, chargers, sometimes face brush, electrical toothbrush and whatever else I need.

I never know where the measuring tape is so I typically use my 17.5" laptop as a guide and my latest phone which is the Nord Ce2 Life.

It appears to be a bit bigger but I'm still nervous. My old bag seemed bigger than it is.

Anyway that's done and everything is due at the weekend or early next week.

I guess it depends how rainy it becomes and how much hibernating the Posties do.

I spotted something at Ocado searching for spreads for my sandwiches.

It's called Jim Jams no added sugar hazelnut spread for £2.77, usually it's £3.60.

It claims to have 83% less sugar than other brands like Nutella for example.

I had to try it out today and I see absolutely no taste difference. Except the Nutella is more sickly sweet.

The Nutella is £3.40 but the Iceland version Impress is £1.75 ha.

I guess it depends what you are searching for. I try to find low calorie versions.

I'm not aiming to drastically cut out all salt, fat, sugar and carbs, I just reduce the amount.

That's why I'm not putting the weight back on, it's more realistic this time.

I know that I have a sweet tooth and have to indulge once in a while.

At some point I will try again to get my brows done and that's basically the last thing on my list.

Oh and get Mama's gifts, she wants a red bathroom rug so I said I would sort that out, plus some drinks, maybe I will get her some fudge or those knock off ferreros.

I'll see later on.

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

#BlogLife593 - Curiosity killed garfield 5 (Q&A)

Song of the day - Jason Derulo/Meghan Trainor - Hands On Me

Q1) How do you feel after writing something poignant? 
Sometimes still teary but at the same time pleased that I let it out.

I'll usually do something relaxing after, game or watch something.

Q2) How do you switch from sad to funny to angry so swiftly?

It's natural to me. I'm used to it because I'm not typically open so I change moods to something humorous easily.

Plus when I've shared something personal in blogging form, I feel lighter.

Unless it's a recurring theme. I tend to be in a good mood afterwards. 

Q3) When writing fictional stories, what stops you from continuing? Confidence or ability?

Ouch, getting kinda catty, aren't we? I thought this was a nice interview.

I typically have a lot of ideas and have completed some stories on here and wattpad.

Ahem shameless plug. I just keep hearing that voice in my head.

You're no good and your writing isn't either. Sometimes I have the strength to ignore it, other times I don't.

Q4) When are you writing a new Spoof?

I have no plans, those just randomly come out of thin air and I write it quickly and it's done.

Q5) Can you talk about something other than writing?

Umm you're asking me the questions dodo.

Q6) Oh yea I forgot but I mean for example, share with us something juicy?

Juicy? Like what? I don't know what to say. Oh I get it, what is my favourite juice drink?

Well it's apple, no wait, blueberry, no umm it was the one I grew up with Five Alive citrus mix, although the Berry one wasn't bad either.

 Q7) For Pete's sake, you know what I mean't. I want to hear your secrets or something you've never told us before..?

Oh well, hmm, that's a bit personal isn't it? A tad intrusive? I don't have anything spicy, I'm a goodie goodie, remember?

But there is something possibly interesting and I don't know if I have divulged it.

It's not every woman in the family but a lot of the females have an unspoken tradition.

I think I asked my Mama about it and she shrugged. A lot of our female names rhyme and sound similar to each other.

I have no idea how it started, nobody has ever discussed it openly.

It's baffling why it's only for the women and girls but it's kinda cool at the same time.

My Mama and one of her sisters actually called their daughters the same name.

Neither talked about it and found out afterwards so I have a related namesake out there.

Who I think is the same age as me, we're not close but I feel like it bonds us all together in a way that is different.

It is raining and thundery at the moment. I'm surprised I didn't get soaked but I was lucky to miss it.

My breakfast/lunch is delayed but I don't mind that. My stomach is not settling down at all today. I decided to go all salmon.

A salmon burger, which I've never seen before. Please don't let it be smoked salmon yuckity.

Plus creamy salmon pasta for later or tomorrow. Unless it gets cancelled.

I also picked up some honey gingerbread which is unfamiliar. It was just £1.50 for a nice sized bag so I thought I would try it when I fancy some nibbles.

I'm on a classic binge at the moment. Dracula Dead and Loving it spoof.

Now it's Murder By Death spoof. I'm a bit late but it's taking my mind of the recent events.

I almost forgot to add the chickeny reviews. The mini chicken pizzas were tasty, extremely tiny but packed with flavour.

The chicken samosas I found to be bland. They had a lot of filling but needed more seasoning.

Iceland's spring rolls were the most disappointing the salt and pepper was again not bursting with flavour.

Last years sweet chilli or sweet and sour was amazing in comparison.

The Blue Dragon chicken version is better but it has a slightly weird aftertaste.

I'm not sure if I would recommend any of it. Food arrived 3 hours later. I am so bloated.