Sunday 5 February 2017

It pays to flirt

I had a bit of a rocky start this morning when I discovered to my horror that my oyster card had jumped ship from the safety of my cocoon handbag to somewhere else.

 I was rushing out to get the bus and thought I had just left it carelessly on the bed as I had tipped out my bag earlier to make sure all the essentials were packed.

I did an about turn when I found out it wasn't in the front pocket of my bag and quickly did a mini search as I had already missed my bus and the next one wasn't due for a good ten minutes but it was frustratingly nowhere to be found.

There was nothing I could do and I hoped the driver would take pity on my few bits of cash that I had in my purse.

Last time I had to pay £3 and I had just under that amount or a £20 note which I didn't think he would accept either.

Then I discovered that cash was no longer accepted and i just had to swipe a card against the machine which cost only £1.50. 

I'm not sure how they went backwards on that but at least I got my bus and wasn't embarrassingly kicked off.

The journey home was much easier as the machine on the bus wasn't even working so saved another few quid. 

Then I got home and really checked everywhere I could think of, my kitchen, my bathroom, my other bags, even my bed but alas either someone stole my card or it fell out of a zipped pocket.

I called up London Transport with low hopes that they would help me and the first woman I spoke to, did in fact think I was a child and wanted to charge me £10 for a new card.

Then I explained I was in fact an adult and she transferred me to a man who had a very deep sexy voice.

I played the frazzled overwhelmed victim to a tee and no fee was ever mentioned. 

In fact he went out of his way to explain the process while laughing hysterically about my naivety in not knowing that buses no longer accepted cash payments. 

Afterwards he remarked that I was the nicest person he had ever spoken to in his whole career working at London Underground. I then thanked him, wished him well and disconnected.

My shiny oyster card should be received within a week and the money will be transferred, which is a relief as there was just over £20 registered on it. 

The really strange thing is I had just given away my spare oyster card to my mum who said she wanted it for guests and then she found an old oyster card today so she will be returning my spare.

The day could have been much worse but I'm grateful that it wasn't.

*A little update (18/8/16)*  I've already received the replacement oyster card that was sent first class delivery. 

I assumed it would be standard as he said within a week It should arrive and not only did he include a complimentary wallet for my card.

He also paid the £5 new card deposit fee for me, so basically the man saved me £15 plus the cost of a protective case. 

It may not seem like much but to me it's these random acts of kindness by strangers that make the world go round.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D