Saturday 4 February 2017

The unbiased wattpad vote

There is a lot to like about wattpad, it certainly gives new shy writers a chance to upload and share their work with others. I'm so glad there isn't a registration fee. 

They have clubs and tools to help you if you are unsure and they explain most of it so that it becomes clearer.

I signed up to read the vast array of stories and wondered if I would ever publish something of my own. 

The view system they have is really screwed up. Every time you upload a chapter save it and then see it, it counts as a view, so basically you will wonder if someone is actually reading your book or if it is just yourself editing. 

(The same with blogger even though I had checked the *Don't track me views* box).

Today however I have gotten my first random read and vote for chapters one and two. A vote is basically just a thumbs up to say they liked it. 

It so took me by surprise because I wasn't expecting it so soon after yesterdays name change. 

The original title was too long and clunky and I was never 100% happy with it but everything just seemed taken so I left it for the time being, until I began brainstorming and out of nowhere thought of a name that sounded intriguing (I hoped).

I do have a good friend of mine reading the chapters and giving me her take but a part of me feels she might be the slightest bit bias and a stranger is more likely to be brutal and tell you straight, *Hey I loved it or I despised it*

It does give me a warm feeling and fills me with confidence because that is the scary thing about sharing a part of you to the world, someone can just bring your world crashing down in one sentence.

I'm relieved my first wattpad read was a supportive one.

I don't think I'll mind people disliking it, I'm more afraid of being called *talentless or fraud* Call yourself a writer...........blah blah. 

I think that would sting more than someone saying, *Ok well I read some of it and it wasn't what I'm used to, so thanks but I think I'll go elsewhere...*

Despite all that can or will happen, I will risk it all with a brave face and a silent hope that there will be more people that enjoy it and get into the story and characters that I've developed.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D