Sunday 5 February 2017

Unclog your ears

You are important to me. I always strive to do my very best for you whenever I can. I have time and patience and the willingness to listen to your woes, but damnit even I have my limits.

You asked for my help, that's fine with me. I try my best but this isn't the first or second time for this issue, this is like the tenth time I have taken time out, dropped everything to explain it to you. 

I even emailed instructions yet again, tried to break it down as simply as I knew how and still you come back to me asking me to talk you through it once again, which I did and afterwards you claimed I didn't.

Try switching off the music, the games, the television and everything else you have switched on and LISTEN, focus on what I tell you and maybe then you will finally get it and understand what I have been saying time and time again.

This isn't fun, this isn't normal. I am annoyed and it takes a lot for me to be snippy with you but I am. 

I hate confrontation and pointing out your flaws but I know you must have heard my voice slightly raised and an irritated edge to my tone.

You called me again after the conversation ended and I looked at your name and ignored you. Honestly I just wanted some peace and quiet. My night was ruined, I felt really frustrated and fed up with you. 

I doubt you will apologise or realise how wrong you are but from now on, this is your problem, not mine, fix it without my help.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D