Sunday 5 February 2017

Where are you?

I used to be quite careless, even though I felt I was mostly responsible and alert. I would use something, cast it aside and then misplace it completely. 

It was if it magically became invisible because the spot it should be in was empty. I keep going back to it puzzled that it doesn't suddenly materialise.

That was my life constantly searching for trivial things and getting frustrated when they upped and disappeared. 

I read an article a few years back on this very subject which suggested a simple but obvious solution that hadn't occurred to me but I now swear by it, as it works.

Leave items in the same place all the time. I always lost my keys, so now I place them on the window sill.

My tweezers seem to play hide & seek a lot, so now I leave them in my handbag.

The world is a better place when I can reach for my essentials and be reassured it is exactly where it belongs, right where I left it. 

No more turning my home upside down mumbling curses and being unfashionably late.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D