Sunday 5 February 2017

The plot thickens

The temptation is there to just race through and get to the nitty gritty juicy plot twists and turns, the screw-with-the-audience storylines and tamper with all the hum drum details and time frames but apart from some exaggerated occurrences I would like to make it somewhat realistic also.

People seem astounded when I tell them I've composed 18 complete chapters so far and I think why? To me it just doesn't seem that much. 

I have barely scratched the surface of my characters and layout. I'm still figuring out, what they should say or feel and how they should act.

I don't want to concoct a perfect book. I want my mark as an amateur all over of it. 

In some ways I don't want to conform to the proper ways and rules of writing. I want to be carefree and get the words out and let that speak for itself.

My secret wish and hope is that my characters, well the main one is liked, just like me she will be flawed and impetuous but she will also be a real woman, trying to carve a niche out of life and making mistakes and trusting the wrong people at times throughout her life.

I have a long way to go until I know if I can unearth something authentic. For now though I will keep trying to write something interesting and decent enough to follow.


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D