Sunday 5 February 2017

You are my escape

From cheesy soap operas to lively tunes, when I've had a bad day they're just what I need to get me back on track and feeling less low. 

I hoped to have another long blissful sleep again tonight but the stomach cramps just won't let up at all so I think I'm gonna continue my Beauty And The Beast marathon until the pain subsides.

Life is so burdensome that there are times when I wish I could have this giant sleep and be unaware and unconscious for a few days just to get my bearings back.

Also to have a break from the pains, discomfort, constant stress and insomnia. I hate feeling tired all the time and close to emotionally breaking.  

I wish I was stronger, roboticish. I wouldn't want to be totally numb, been there - done that and that was ten times worse somehow.

I catch up on my soaps and all the unrealistic dramas and wonder if I'll ever achieve that level of greatness. How can I possibly write about love, when I doubt I'll ever experience it. 

Will my readers be fooled into thinking I'm writing about past experiences or will they see through the charade and think..  "She is blatantly unqualified to write..."

I am both physically and emotionally broken. Physically, well that's beyond repair but emotionally, I just keep trying to fight the feelings of despair and hopelessness. 

To be lost in some soap opera world is a breath of fresh air. Those minutes where I'm not haunted and my body is totally relaxed, why can't I maintain that same control and composure when the pain washes over me spreading everywhere? 

Why dammit?

Who am I trying to kid? I am not nearly as tough as I make out I am. I'm weak and despondent and tonight. . I just feel lost..


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Something on your mind? I am all ears, I mean eyes and l will get back to you inbetween rants :D