Monday 30 September 2024

#BlogLife763 - Just back away slowly, I'm in no mood for your bs!

Ever since I bought the panini press I've been hesitant to cook anything messy on it, as it has raised grooves.

That's why I've cracked the egg or attempted to on bread, rotis and whatever else I've bought.

I had forgotten I had bought a 1 calorie spray oil and although it evaporates really quickly, I'm quite liberal with it, coating the top and bottom of the grill.

This time I toasted the bread first, removed it and sprayed the oil and cracked two eggs side by side and at first they seemed thin and really pressed in but then they thickened and I was able to flip them and then close the lid.

As for best results, both sides need to be cooked on the heat surface properly.

If I shut it too quickly it splatters everywhere. This time there was no mess, no cleanup to do. 

It is so fast. I'm not sure I'll see another that good, for that price, it's four years old aww. Ha.

And it cost just over £24. I remember I waited ages to get it because, the listings were three times that amount and I thought no way am I paying that much.

Even though I knew I would use it almost daily. I'm a cheapskate that's why I can afford to splurge every now and then.

I've been budgeting since I was lil.

Cripes it's now Friday morning and a very rainy cold day, which I don't usually mind.

But it's been a day of cramps and nausea and I was running out for an errand, the buses were severely delayed..

There was no seats on the bus and my stomach was just lurching badly.

Then I arrive, only to be told, Oh we're closed, sent you an email, after you left, Yea come back later!

Argh!!! You've sat on your arse doing nothing, while loads of people stand in the rain waiting for the doors to open..

You could have called, emailed, texted early so no-one was inconvenienced but Noooooo you couldn't be bothered.

Serves your backside right, that one person was angrily demanding answers for the group and you had nothing to say.

Perhaps, treat people better and then you won't get the backlash!!

Yeesh it took ages to get home, well probably wasn't that long but when you're poorly, it feels like it.

I did fancy sushi today but they are not open and I need something to settle my stomach immediately.

I'm looking forward to changing out of these wet clothes and into house ones and curling up under the blankie and munching.

Let's hope your weekend or day was a lot happier. I'm switching from anti nausea/to music.

Tuesdays reschedule clashes with something else, I hope they'll change it, if indeed they even open on next week.

I'll have to keep checking my emails. That's just rude and lazy to not contact clients and say, Don't come in, don't waste your bus fare, sleep in and stay in the warmth.

I'll be honest, I wasn't really in the mood to blog so instead tried out the brow wax strips again.

This time no real hesitation, just warmed them between my fingers for a while again, place one across and one down and ripped it right off.

They're still tender, not burning but sensitive, I applied their own antiseptic oil thing and for the first time, I think it did a good job actually.

I find it better to get one strip, use both of the sides to it for my eye and then move on and get another strip.

It seems more effective, for me anyway. On the left eye, there's a few hairs to pluck, but most seem clear.

On the right, I can't really see, the sun has gone down and my eyesight is fading, wearing only one lens.

I'll leave the plucking for tomorrow, if I have time. I chopped my nails and shaped them.

So tomorrow if I remember I might do the hair oil, I keep forgetting about it.

I'm just warming up some chicken and vegetable sweet chilli noodles and all my chocolates are nearly gone, boo, damn these cravings.

Thursday 26 September 2024

#BlogLife762 - All fog, no clarity

I should put up a Song of the day but a depressing one.

I just feel frustrated when nothing gets crossed off the to do list. I hope tomorrow will be more productive and less blocked.

It still amazes me I couldn't get a phone deal, I always weasel one.

I guess my last opportunity is to talk to the leaving EE department and see if a deal pops up that way.

There's a change upcoming in my life and I hope it will be for the best..

Although it will mean parting company with someone that was really nice and understanding. 

In another light, it should make one aspect of my life easier.

I'm not sure if I'll pick up breakfast on Friday or wait until I get home and order it.

I'm not even sure anything will be open that early. I soaked my lens last night with the protein tablet and that made an immense difference.

For a new lens it shouldn't have been needed but maybe as it was three months without contacts, my eyes probably watered and were overly dry, more than usual.

I kept dousing them with eye drops but nothing helped. The protein worked fairly well.

There is much less blurriness, although still foggy at times but at least I'm not struggling and squinting as much.

This is the best that I can hope for, unless the Optician gives me a second lens but he's being a right pain at the moment. Yeesh!

I was up early to unpack the groceries so I managed all my calls and now I'm mostly obligation free.

Just one thing to do later and one tomorrow and I can finally switch off and enjoy the weekend.

I used to love the chocolate bar Picnic, nuts and chocolate so I bought a pack and a Cadbury's one, Delights, hazelnut and nougat, lush.

I'm glad that I've done what I could. I haven't been exercising as much. I've felt empty with all the problems but I'll try and get back to a routine.

At least the pmt isn't too bad, that first day was a horror show but it seems mild at the moment.

And the weird thing was today I put the glasses on briefly to see and they immediately started hurting my ears severely.

It's so random and strange how it hurts sometimes and not at other times, for the duration when I was wearing them, I wasn't in much pain.

Now they are back to aggravating my ears. Crazy how allergies work.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

#BlogLife761 - Upgrade no go

Afternoony all. How are you? I'm kinda fed up, the one highlight I was looking forward too, just crashed and burned.

I didn't get a callback from the super helpful EE representative that gave me a discount on my broadband and landline bundle.

I spoke to someone that wasn't open towards a single offer. Very by the book and not what I was looking for.

Just to remind you, I'm currently paying £19 a month for my phone plan, the first offer was to pay £44 a month.

No way in hell! Today when I rang up, it went down to £37 but still basically double what I pay now.

I don't think so!! For once they had all the colours for the A15, I'm surprised, black, blue and yellow.

I would have gone for the blue shade but not at that price. I'm not sure what to do now.

The wfi calling seems alright although still dropping calls and the reception is iffy.

The problem is, if I switch to another network, my reception is much much worse.

BT and EE were the best options for me, so I would rather stay and my contract is up next month officially.

I guess I could stroll into an EE store and ask about any deals but I don't like doing that, they are very cold and pushy.

For now I'm not going to do anything, except pretend I'm leaving them. although eventually, I might actually have to do that...... Yikes!

Ugh long day, I even forgot about blogging as I spent the day on the phone, trying to get various information and noone was available grr.

I chased up the Optician and she said she would ask him about why only got 1 lens, as usual they were supposed to call me back.

Did they? Nopeee. Then I have to pop out Friday so might get some choccies as that is what I'm craving.

I don't know why this lens is so uncomfortable but it is. Maybe it's not wearing them for a few months.

I feel like I'm seeing worse, than when I was wearing the glasses.

Looking forward to unwinding this weekend where I will put it all behind me.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

#BlogLife760 - Told off by a random :)

I found a new game, Unsolved by Artifex, that's tough but interesting, nothing to do with Playtime but it's the point and click, hidden object adventure type.

Unfortunately it's horror based, why can't they be more lighthearted and humorous?

I got to admit, I've used the hints and Youtubey walkthrough at some bits, as it's really hard and the puzzles aren't explained well.

The best part is that the watch adverts for energy and hints is broken, so all that is free ha.

So I got confronted by T, who I kinda blocked as he was half hearted in his replies, only contacting me at night and lots of stop-start conversations, which annoyed me.

He's pleasant enough but I prefer finishing a conversation or them saying, You know what, I have things to do, or I need to go out, let's talk later.

(I have no issue with them being busy, I do have a problem with them habitually leaving midway, without an explanation, that's bad manners).

Instead of I reply or ask something and then silence. What puzzled me was that, if he was so invested in this acquaintanceship, why didn't he make more of an effort??

That's why I didn't think he was bothered either way and I choose to spend time with people who are more active.

Anyway he basically called me cowardly and thoughtless, which made me laugh because I didn't feel that bad, but was surprised he felt neglected.

He said that, he has feelings and would prefer to know if I'm disturbed by something so we can hash it out.

Anyway we seemed to have resumed communicating for now and I promised to let him know if I have anymore issues with him, before I disappear.

I still don't think he's a keeper though. Maybe it's the requests or the passive aggressive mumblings of, you're not doing what I expect and I'm grumpy about it?

I'm not really sure but I don't feel especially attached to him. His company is entertaining but it's like there is something missing...

Maybe it's the pushiness? He asks me personal questions expecting me to just answer easily, but some things I just refuse because frankly, it's none of his business and I don't really think he accepts that, because he continues asking but in a different way and I still refuse to talk about.

I haven't let my guard down and I don't think he's ever said, You know what, I don't want to pry and if you want to bypass this subject, that is fair enough.

I think that's what annoys me, he feels entitled to know everything,

By the time I post this tomorrow or today, I hope I would have heard from EE with a good offer and a price plan that is cheaper than my current.

I think I pay £19 a month. It would be great if that dropped down to £15, we shall see what she says, if she remembers to phone.

If not I'll have to call them and deal with someone else. She's been really friendly and helpful to my needs, so I would prefer to stick to her but I need a new phone asap.

Oh and unfortunately Iceland sent me the wrong Haribo, not the cola bottles but the stripes and they were horrible, like hard gum, yuckity.

Plus I tried the Potato Pops, Oh they were like tiny round roast potatoes but with a buttery taste so it wasn't dry.

It's different, it would still be better with herbs, black pepper or a dip but it's an interesting concept and it was tasty for a £1.

Because August was a few one day periods with light symptoms..

This month, well last night when I started has been horrendous.

All night cramps and this morning too. I'm listening to binaural beats and that is greatly helping.

My phone hasn't rang yet, but it's only just gone 12pm, maybe she hasn't started her shift.

I should have asked for a time frame. Hmm now it's just gone 3pm and still no call.

I might wait a bit more and then call up, I want it over and done with so I can use my phone and kill the battery and not worry that it's going to ring.

Monday 23 September 2024

#BlogLife5759 - EDF's prolonged gobbledygook!

Ugh I've been on hold all morning with the phone cutting in and out, trying to find out if I need the Gas meter changed into a smart one.

Silly me, I thought I would get a straight answer. Nope!! Here's what EDF had to say.......

Yes we replaced your gas meter last year, no it wasn't the smart type, but it wasn't replaced with a new meter either.

So it can go bad anytime and your best bet is to get a smart meter that is designed better....

Hang on, you replaced an expired meter with an almost expired meter?

WTF is wrong with you???? What the hell is the point in doing that??

Just to force me into a smart one? Nope not going to work, I'm keeping it as it is, unless you send another threatening letter, saying I have no choice but to change it.

Then again, a whole other level of double talk, if it does need to be replaced, it probably would be with a smart meter, but if you didn't want that, I guess we don't have to do it.

Holy moly!!! I asked him to desist with these letters saying I legally have to change over, when it turns out, I do not!!

And he said for some reason you're getting Business address letters and I thought he would say, well I'll cancel them but he said, you gotta call this number and they sort it out call those people and ughhhhhh.

I just wanted to know simply, do I have a choice with the meters or not and turns out I do. End of story!

The line was really bad so I removed my bluetooth earbuds and it was still cutting out.

I thought there was an easy way to switch back to 3g because at the top it says Volte and that's the 4g symbol right?

But I can't find any settings to change it. Googly woogly is not helping, it's listing steps that aren't there.

After doing a bit of research I realised OnePlus is phasing out or probably already has gotten rid of 3g, argh, why??

Some of us aren't in good coverage areas, 3g was lovely and simple to use and had reasonable good service, we could be heard and could send and receive texts easily without it failing.

Now people on the other end of the call are really struggling to hear me, with or without the earbuds and that's really bad.

I'm trying out Wifi calling, to see if that's any better as it's supposed to be free.

When I get my upgrade call next Tuesday, I will ask her if EE, still does 3g phones.

Ooh I might have to buy another memory card, hmm I guess I will see..

There's been no sign of Postie with my lenses all weekend and even today, nothing.

Boo, I thought they would have arrived by now. At least tomorrow I'll hopefully get the phone upgrade call and she can offer me a good deal.

Otherwise I'll be stuck, EE/BT seem to be the best network for me.

I'll probably go back to Samsung. Oh over the weekend on Youtube I was watching this incredible sand art and I always wanted to know how the Baristas did the coffee art.

They make it look so simple, but it's talent and steady hands. It was very relaxing watching these creativities.

Thursday 19 September 2024

#BlogLife758 - What to munch?

I was looking to see if there were any new interesting shows to watch and something caught my eye, High Potential.

It's an old recycled theme, of the brilliant amateur stumbling across a crime scene and instinctively knowing more than they should.

It looks fun though, plus some familiar stars are in it, Judy Reyes from scrubs, the guy that had a cameo in Sex and The City.

I just finished watching the Pilot, it's pretty good. Oh that's what it reminds me of, Erin Brockovich.

I just tried to open a packet of cashews and it won't tear properly, so I ripped both ends and it's stuck ha.

I will just get the scissors and cut it open, yeesh, everything that is supposed to be simple, it's tricky.

When I bought the Chinese the other day, that's the first time I had seen the pancakes sold on their own.

I think that's the same as what Hindu's called puri, a really thin dry roti type bread but it's very tasty.

I typically used to see it at the Poojas, which was like a big religious party gathering, with prayers and family and lots of food.

It was always a very smart dress code and probably an all day thing.

I think it was paired with pumpkin or maybe curry or both? Oh shoot, I have the wrong name.

I just Googly wooglied it and no the picture isn't the same. Puris were mini thick and yellow breads.

This was white and thin. I give up, there is a particular name but my brain is fried.

Anyway, these pancakes I got were not seasoned at all, they were tasteless.

I always remember the other ones being really yummy. Well sorry about that, I'm confusing myself at this point.

I got some new things to try.. The club mint chocolate bar, isn't that great either.

The Terry''s mint crisps are tasty, that's a proper sweet tasting mint.

I also saw Nashville hash brown chicken fries, which looked fun, 400g for £4, pricey.

Mini potato pops for £1, not sure what those are, mini potatoes or something more seasoned?

Then because the Gullon is out of stock or discontinued, I saw Gourmet garlic crackers 185g for £1.

I got some hummus and the onion and garlic as dips. Oh the other thing I spotted was Maoam fruit and cola chewy sweets, 140g for £1.25.

At least it will be an interesting experimental weekend. What are you upto?

Alright I get it, none of my beeswax. I hope it's a chilled weekend for you :)

Wednesday 18 September 2024

#BlogLife757 - Things will work out, won't they?

Song of the day - Kes The Band - Fallin

Good afternoony, How's the day treating you so far? I think I slept a bit more than yesterday but I still felt drained so was a bit of a rough morning.

Now I've rested and cleaned my glasses for the billionth time so I can see, I'm ready to talk to you :)

I just did this tomato herb pasta and added olives, parsley, black pepper and more mixed herbs to it and it was soo good.

Then I just had some popcorn chicken on the side. I'm stuffed and finding it much easier to drink plain water at the moment, I'm actually craving more and more simplicity.

It won't last and I'll be back to pining for fizzies soon but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Quick tip, after you've had a pedicure, keep moisturising a heavy cream or body butter to your feet to keep it soft for as long as possible, thin lotions do nothing, at least for me.

I forgot to epilate before the pedicure but I don't have much hair on my legs anyway. I no longer feel embarrassed now, I shrug it off.

I just remembered to massage mine in and it was glorious. I used the American Dream body butter that I bought in June and about three months later, there is more than half the tub left.

Talking of pedicures, I watched an asmr one and that was the first time I was profoundly affected as though I was receiving it, I was dying of laughter, I couldn't stop.

No other foot treatment video has ever made me chuckle, it was so unusual. It was very good, I just felt personally tickled.

I need to trim my hair again, I look unkempt. Part of me wants to ring up the Optician and ask if they have put the order in for my lenses yet and half of my can't be bothered to deal with the bs, that flies out of their mouths.

It's frustrating to be stuck relying on someone, when there is no progress at all and I know if someone asked me to do something I would help if I could.

Other people are so annoying!! I think I'll just cut my hair, while I remember and it's light out, at least I don't need my eyes for that.

I just trim the excess of whatever strands seem too long, then I wash my hair and see how it falls and snip a bit more possibly and then done.

It's better to get things out of the way. I feel a lot tidier now. There's not much hair, surprises me that I can cut 2/3 inches off easily each time though.

Last night I saw GG, and I've known him for maybe a few months or 6 possibly but off and on so we caught up and that was nice.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

#BlogLife756 - Match Masters/Fishy olive bread

Oh that was hilarious, one minute I don't have water and the next the sky is flooding me.

I went out to take out the bins and it was just raining hard, yikes, got in soaked, hair drenched but I still love stormy weather.

I remembered to check my bank balance and the refund from Amazon definitely came in and for the full amount too, woop.

I joined about 20 Match Masters teams, I always thought it was Marsters ha, and none were welcoming and friendly that much.

They wanted stickers and boosters but just didn't feel the need to return them to me, say Hi or even Thank you.

So I created my own group called Competitive Cuties and aimed it for the giving daily players.

I play on two phones so added my other name to it. The game is basically like Candy Crush, you're making matches.

But the twist is this is live against a human player and it goes pretty quickly as each round is timed.

There are solo games too. I like gaming, it distracts me from the aches and pains and every day stresses.

That's one of my aids to stop sinking into a less than ideal mood.

I ended up abandoning my team as I couldn't send my other name stickers.

Then I also realised no-one is going to join a low level group, they want goodies too.

Oh well back on the merry go round of trying to find generous team mates.

Another weird foodie concoction I discovered when pairing the contents of the freezer together was, olives, cod and garlic bread.

The fish blended so deliciously with the garlic, it made a tasty dinner.

I feel slightly better today, but cramping hard and my body is still aching a bit.

I was gonna grab a toastie to go from the cafe but I realised, I've got no energy today.

Oh that's what I was gonna mention. Well two things, On the Playtime account, I've passed the £2 cashout milestone..

I have 13605 points and need 28000 to get £5 which I prefer or higher maybe.

If you've downloaded it, keep an eye out. I don't know if it was a glitch but suddenly the downloadable games said....

Get Klondike Adventures Farm game, for 134 points per minute or something like that..

And the usual is maybe 10ish possibly per game. I didn't read it and assumed it was a solitaire card game ha.

But it's those clearing the path with diamond energy and doing daily tasks, with skippable dialogue types.

It's not bad as it makes it easy to direct you where you need to go and you're not confused really.

Not a favourite but I don't mind it, seems like it will boost my balance.

This has nothing to do with the rewards app, Playtime but I discovered that there were dominoes apps.

The family and I loved that as a kid, we had the proper heavy ones and it was the thing to slam them down on the table and sorta gloat Yay, I won a round.

It was all good fun and probably highly competitive, so I downloaded Domino Duel and although it's hard, it's quite fun.

As per usual, you can play against the bots or humans. There are daily gifts and missions too.

I couldn't really remember the rules and tips. Googly woogly, said, play your doubles first.

I guess because you can be boxed out and limited. 

Try to block your opponents when possible, say like having 2x3's at either end to stump them so they can't play and have more tiles than you.

And I think because it's normally a couple of rounds and the points are tallied at the end of each game, try to have the smallest amount remaining.

I guess and try and read your opponents and the board and have fun.

I think my tum is settled now, I'm gonna try eat something and relax.

Monday 16 September 2024

#BlogLife755 - Shady pakora drug deal

I'm just waiting for Mama and her bestie to finish up their dual beauty treatments. They were running late as the trains weren't running.

I didn't really sleep at all or maybe for a few measly hours but I doubt it was that much so by the time they got here, my whole body was seizing up.

Oh I didn't get the pakoras, he was acting so shady when I enquired about it.

I just said Oh, no pakoras? And he was like Ummm and acting shiftily

As though it was illegal or he couldn't talk about it, in the open.

It's just food, you twit! Just say I'm making more for later.

It's like they don't want my business. I wish women were running it, they would be friendly and open.

Sitting in this hard chair my backs stiffening up.

I can't wait to get back home and rest. I do feel peckish though.

Oh and my pedicure was ace. He gave me about three massages.

Soap or cream, scrub and an oil one to finish and it was both feet and leg.

I'm not a foot person at all but there is something relaxing about a professional taking care of you, especially when you're fed up and delicate.

And what made me laugh, as they know us as regulars, he just put my socks on ha.

I struggle with bending so I hate that part of it because it's straining my body and it's starting to build, so that was really sweet.

Brunch was extra good. Mama did her halloumi toastie and we got served quickly as the place was emptyish.

I saw they had turkey rashers, which was new, so I got that and chicken mayonnaise, I was meant to get egg and forgot.

But that's the first time, I've had it delivered, smothered with rashers, usually it's just 2. It was probably five on each side.

Thoroughly delicious :)

So offered Mama and I think that was the first time she tried it and she loves it also.

We just can't seem to buy it in the supermarkets, it's never in stock sadly, only in restaurants.

That wasn't bad, about £16.50 for two sandwiches, coffee and my appletiser drink.

I gave Mama £15 and she came back and said she only had to pay a pound or £1.50 I can't recall and she asked me if I wanted change haha.

Oh forgot to add this bit. I don't have a huge appetite first thing usually so I thought I would get through half the sandwich but it was so packed, once I finished a quarter I was bursting.

I pushed it aside and would get a doggy bag to have it later. Mama and me were talking and the chef or the owner, gave me a double take.

And I thought weird, I didn't call him over, so he walked over to the table and was looking at the half eaten sandwich and Mama said, Oh he thinks you didn't like it.

I said Ohh, and I was just giggling, saying No No No, it was super tasty, I'm just full and will get it to go.

That appeased him. Ha. I thought I was going to get banned lmao.

He wasn't angry just had this crazy expression, like a teacher looking at a student.....

(I half expected him to run to the kitchen and back again wielding a butcher's cleaver).

Care to explain this?? It was the fact that he wasn't saying anything, that made it peculiar.

I've never experienced that before. It did tickle us though.

Now to the fun bit. There were no nearby benches so we went to the bus stop and I pulled out 1 set of double sided wax strip but I didn't warm it up between my fingers.

Bless, she was nervous, she didn't want to rip it off so I did it and the first one did nothing at all.

The wax congealed on one strip, so the other was useless. I found it so funny, that all during this, a woman was watching, she sat down right next to us, when there were seats free all over.

Then when we started ripping it off, she moved away, like, who are these weirdos??? Bahaha.

You knew what we were doing and you still sat down, ha!

Anyway, with the other strip, I warmed it up, closed my eyes, removed my glasses and she pressed it down thoroughly, aww.

And removed it and this time, there were some hairs on the paper.

I'm still not recommending Parissa wax strips though, it's too weak in my opinion.

Plus having to use multiple strips at a time, they won't last long at this rate and they aren't effective at catching all the hairs, just barely a quarter.

If I go over it, that's gonna kill my eyes, they'll go red and bruised.

So I have to pluck, although how? I can't see what I'm doing?? They are just super messy at present.

I'll either wait a week and try again or just leave it and hope my contact lens are ordered and arrive before next year. Ugh!

By the time I got home, my whole body was in critical pain so had to lie down, couldn't sleep, but had the blankie on almost full heat and it really helped.

That's why this post is late, though if you followed my Twitter, you would know this.

Got to loveee a good guilt trip ;)

Thursday 12 September 2024

#BlogLife754 - I turned it on, nothing happened, Plumber needed?

Yesterday all was fine, I used the taps and the water was pouring out as usual.

Then last night I turned it on and barely a trickle came out. I tried both taps and it was the same and I wondered if the boiler had broken again.

It was too late to call a Plumber so I hoped that maybe it was Thames doing maintenance or there was some sort of late night road works going on.

They didn't mention it, although the door did buzz, I was just too sleepy and figured it was the neighbours anyway.

Maybe they just called to say, don't worry, it's only temporary, as this morning, thankfully, I nervously tried the taps and it worked flawlessly.

I have to admit, I didn't sleep that well, due to the ongoing stresses.

I'm so glad the temperature has dropped and it feels like winter again :)

I can use the blankie all the time now. I don't think I used the fan yesterday, maybe briefly.

I'm waiting for Iceland to deliver the groceries. I didn't get the morning slot boo.

But that also mean't at 8.30am when I woke up, I could go back to sleep and I did actually and re-woke at 10ish.

I tried to pay a bill but as usual no-one is available. I think possibly Monday, me, Mama and her friend are going for pedicures and massages.

She hasn't booked yet and I warned her that this side, the weather is rainy so wrap up well.

Prior to that I'll pick up veggy pakoras for us and gulabs or ladoo dessert for me as she doesn't like that.

I know it seems boring, the same thing every time, but we don't travel that way often, every few months and we both enjoy it, so that's why it's our treat routine :)

Then maybe we'll all go to lunch. As I sometimes don't have an appetite that early, maybe I'll try a hot pudding instead..

This time I can guarantee there will be no damsel in distress moments or hot totty rescues!

Wednesday 11 September 2024

#SpoofLife1 - Maltesers Headquarters Meeting

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our weekly sit down session.

Our own Malteser branded hot chocolate and biscuits are at the back, no outside snacks please.

We need some ideas on a new flavour, Cadbury's, Ferreros swan around like they own the place and is always doing exciting mix ups and we want to smash the competition.

So come on, some of you must have some ideas. You at the back, stop stuffing your face on company time."

*Raises hand* "Yes what it is, speak up." 

"Have you considered white and dark versions?"

"You nitwit, that's already in production, don't you read the company newsletter?"

*Raises hand timidly* "Yess? And this better be good or we are cancelling the trip to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory."

"Umm how about mint flavoured?" 

"Hmm, well everyone is doing that already, it's not exactly unique, we would just be copying everyone else."

"So it seems but ours would have a unique twist." 

"Oh Yea and what is that then?"

"Mouthwash flavour!" 

"Have you lost your senses?? We want to entice people, not drive them away."

"Look, think about, everyone has cornered the market on the sweet minty dessert flavour, what if we did the opposite and made it tart instead?"

"It would be unexpected. It would be a shock to the senses. It would be unique."

"People would tell their friends and family and they would try it."

"Mouthwash though....... You don't think it would put them off our range entirely?"

"Nooooo they would grow to love it and never have to brush afterwards.

We could market it like this.....

New and improved Maltesers, the fresh minty chocolate, that sweetens your smile and cleans your breath.

You never have to gargle again."

"My word you're a genius, we will steal all the mouthwash customers and turn them into Teser consumers.

Crikey all the gum manufacturers will be out of business too. 

Now if we could just make nicotine family friendly, we could take over the universe....."

#BlogLife753 - Am I cracking up? Crackers for crackers (bad language)

I've gone off bread, rolls and rotis for a while so I thought I would get some crackers and dips.

I've been buying Krackawheat and Ritz and thought I would see what else is available.

I saw this 250g Gullon tub for a pound. I didn't know they did savoury things too.

And it was the garlic and herb version, the other one is cheese, but the first one sounds tastier and I was right.

They are tiny crackers but it's a huge tub that will last, who knows how long.

Hooray for once these crackers are not over salted, plenty of flavour and having just tried the Primula sour cream and chive, which I had a feeling I wouldn't like much but it's something different....

The garlic and herb one is strong but so tasty. I recommend that one. The sour cream and chives is bland, although it went well with the celery sticks I bought.

Plus when the dips finish, I still have the Nutini chocolate hazelnut which although is kept in the fridge, it spreads fairly easily.

Ha I know it's weird to double up on the garlic and herb but it's just so moreish. I can't help it :)

Just tried the malteser mint thingy. I wasn't really peckish but I thought it might ease the crampage.

It did a bit. At first there is no mint taste and then it hits you and you think hmm, why is this familiar?

It's not the best at all. Would I buy it again? Nopeee. It's like mouthwash and maltesers had a baby, that's the quality of it.

Not good as a dessert mint at all. I don't recommend it but then my taste buds could be different to yours..

As usual with some of the foodie and non items, will try and upload some photos.

Some still come out blurry though. Oh my that was a chore. I decided to do the Ocado mini shop as I had two vouchers and wanted to see if I could get away with using them both ha.

It's a shame, half my favourites were out of stock, love the samosas, the pakoras, hummus but all that was unavailable.

So at first the voucher, automatically displayed the discount but only £10 worth, it was supposed to be £15, then when I saw a lot of things weren't there, I went back to get alternatives.

I went to checkout again and this time no money off. Hmm I rang up customer services, got cut off, ughhh.

Called them again and at first she didn't really seem helpful, she said she would chase it up with their marketing team.

I was disappointed in that uncaring response and then maybe hearing it, she said, Actually you know what, I'll just send you the coupon straight away.

I thought Yay as I will get the full amount this time, but that also mean't no double greedy savings ha.

I would rather have £15 off, then £10 though and then went through fine.

I got my mild chicken sushi, sugar free drinks, Victoria sponge minis, that Muller mint yoghurt that tempted me, lol.

And of course my pitted black and green olives, that I just love snacking on throughout the day.

I did half my weekend pampering early. Massaged the hair oil in but this time, I didn't fancy using a lot, so just a bit, gave myself the usual relaxing scalp massage.

Oh and I've just done the washing and used the scent booster. Seemed like a whole capful.

I love that it uses essential oils. I'm not drowning in the fragrance though, it doesn't seem that strong.

Bit gutted about that. The next test when the clothes are dry, because I thoroughly soaked them in excess water, just to avoids stains by the fabric conditioner...

Is to see if the wonderful smell lingers for a while. Otherwise it's an expensive prop that I will not buy again.

My clothes takes ages to dry so I will hang them and see later..

It's the same typical thing, on the first day, the smell is strong but then it gets faint.

Up close, I can sense the fragrance but it's faint. I don't know if it's worth it, the clothes haven't dried yet lol.

I'm used to the perfume filling the whole room that's why it doesn't seem strong.

I picked up the clothes though and still smell it so maybe it is long lasting, just not how I pictured it.

Quite deliciously overpowering the whole room. Hmm.

Once again I chased up the contact lens, as she said call back on Wednesday when the person is dealing with orders will return.

I don't get how anyone just can't look up records and what pisses me off further, was that he the owner was there and too "busy" to talk on Monday.

When I called back, she left me on hold for ages and I thought you're brave, leaving someone irritated and keeping them waiting.

She finally returns and says Oh Yea, they've been miss-placed.

The owner isn't back until next week, he will re order them then, is that OK?????

Like fuck it isn't, but what choice do I have?? It took me badgering them, to realise it wasn't there??

Why couldn't you take the initiative and check during the 2 fucking months I've been calling to find out what the hell is happening???

Useless idiots!!! If I hadn't of called, I would still be waiting. Now I have to continue being messed around.

So I just added the least you can do is send it next day delivery when it arrives......

Silence! Bitchhhhhhhh! I am not a happy bunny!!! Considering I've been a long term customer, since I was a teenager, you would think there would be care for loyalty.

Like fuck there is!!

Do your fucking job properly. I'm sick of the blurriness!!!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

#BlogLife752 - Washing booster scents

I'm a huge fan of Comfort Blue Skies fabric conditioner for the smell and that it gets my clothes clean but the scent doesn't linger.

Whereas at Mama's place I can come home, open my bag and the glorious perfumed clothes hit me, days later.

I'm not a fan of powder or the balls as that tends to stain the clothes, unless you melt it with hot water first.

I wanted a liquid version, when I rinse my clothes, all the scent goes and if I don't rinse it, the conditioner doesn't wash off completely ugh.

I was looking in Iceland, will probably search Ocado too, but I saw a Comfort Heavenly Fresh booster 460ml going for half price at £3.

This is the first one I've seen that isn't a powder, it's apparently a gel according to the reviews.

I wonder what it smells like? I had to get it and see what it's like. I'll just add a small amount at first.

The laundry fragrances are so uplifting, it's like the clothes have been professionally clean, it definitely lifts my mood.

It's coming tomorrow, stock permitting, so if I have the energy will try it sometime in the weekend maybe.

All the laundry is mostly done, might do some handwashing. Ugh I'm baffled, some say it's liquid, other says it's beads.

I guess I will see when it arrives. Oh I hope it's not beads. I've just unpacked the groceries and thought I got bonus maltesers.

But I think it was 5 substitutions. I ordered the Christmas reindeer mini mint treats bag for £1.50 59g, oof pricey.

And got 5 singles but they were priced at 75p each and 29g so I got 3 extra haha!

I fancied some mint chocolate and have never tried these before.

Actually my first choice was Aero but I don't think it was in stock, then After Eight had a dark version but at £3, no way!!

I didn't even realise there is now a malteser spread, doesn't appeal though.

I'm not keen on plain chocolate, more the nutty kind. I opened the Comfort scent booster, ooh it does smell nice.

Thankfully it is a thick liquid, woop. Most people said less is more, so I will only use half a cap maybe..

I was going to leave the latest random news until next week but this post doesn't seem long enough.

T texted me out of the blue last night. I found that peculiar. Maybe he was bored?

I still feel like he's looking for validation or something... Perhaps that's why 30's men find me appealing.

Mature? Wise? Experienced? Nope, not me, I'm still youthful at heart.

Although I can be an absolute grumpy guts. I sense a chilliness about him.

As though if you displease him or don't tell/act the way he prefers, he would have no issue cutting you out.

He did ask to read the blog and I shot him down, point blank. For the usual reasons.

I told him he was the wrong targeted sex, which is true, this is mainly for females.

Secondly, I don't want to be exposed completely, here read all about my childhood, the fluctuating lack of confidence at times..

My past traumas...... No thank you, I will share in my own good time or not at all, live with that!

My stomach is flip flopping again, not cramps, just nausea, I don't think I'll eat yet, although my tum is rumbling.

It is still so dark at 10am, the weather has cooled, but the weatherman keeps threatening heatwaves ugh, no more.

Monday 9 September 2024

#BlogLife751 - What is J after?/ The reason I'm not attracted to younger men..

This weekend I thought I would observe T's behaviour. I just found him peculiar.

It's almost like he was keeping tabs on me but from a distance. He wouldn't say Hi on chat, but when I left, an hour or so later, he'd text and start a conversation.

Almost as though, either he didn't want to compete with others I was chatting too or he himself was trying to find someone, failed and then I was the slim pickings/default/leftovers??

I didn't like that at all. Plenty of half text sessions, where he would leave part way through and then randomly text really late and continue it.

I want someone to text me if they are missing me, have news or fancy spending time with me.

I don't accept someone is bored and everyone else is busy so you're left to entertain them, nope, nope, nope.

I ended up blocking him. I didn't tell him honestly because I doubt he would care either way. I certainly don't.

Next, ha, last night up pops J's text, with a new number and yet another explanation.

Honestly that cracked me up. I just looked at it and thought, Why do you keep texting me?

It's obvious you don't want to stay in contact but yet you can't keep away? I couldn't stop laughing.

Do I reply? Do I ignore? This is what he basically said in the text at 10.30pm at night..

Hi, this is J. I love that he is the only one to re-introduce himself, he wants me to know, exactly who is texting from this new number.

That makes me laugh, as no other random does that, they just say Hi and not, Hey it's X..

Anyway, he said the company makes him change his number, every time he travels home, aka America or New York, can't recall exact details.

But he lives over here, part of the time. (I wonder why, he never contacts me in the day time)?

Does he conscience only bother him at night? Ha.

He said Sorry I didn't call, I'm seeing someone now but it wasn't you.

I just thought Hmm, I should be gutted at this double rejection. As though he's screaming, just to further clarify, I Don't Want You!

But actually the whole thing just tickled me so I thought, Alright let's just reply and make him know, I'm doing just peachy without him :)

I just simply said. Of course it wasn't moi. I'm too fabulous, (which I am)!

And I thought right, that's reassured him, I'm not weeping or pining over him, that is that and he won't reply.

Then somehow, he kept texting, I kept replying. I shared some vulnerabilities, without the context, as I thought, well, I won't be hearing from him again and that was the sombre mood I was in.

And I think he liked that human side of me. Then just before 1am, he called and we ended up having another sorta heart to heart.

He seemed to think I was devastated by the rejection but I wasn't.

I think because previously we had gotten on well, had a laugh and so forth and I was convinced he would want to stay in touch but he didn't due to personal problems and so forth.

Then I was going through hardships myself, with multiple injuries.. It was just more surprising than anything.

He seemed to care about what I thought of him?! He wanted to be in my good graces.

Still not sure why? Maybe he needs to be liked  by everyone? Or maybe he senses the type of person that I am.

Not really giving of myself or my time that readily but when I do, I want to know, it means something.

He did say that He liked me and didn't want to part on bad terms so I guess I made some sort of semi lasting impression.

I'm not hung up on him anymore. He's too flighty and unreliable.

We parted company and I think he said Do you want me to contact you tomorrow?

And I replied, That is up to you because either way. It wouldn't change anything.

I'm unattached, I can do as I please. He isn't and I'm not chasing someone that's not my preference.

I doubt he will be in touch and that will be that. The air has been cleared.

Although he did say....... Am I forgiven now? I feel like you wanted vengeance??

And I just laughed and said No, Maybe, I did but that he wasn't completely off the hook.

I wasn't upset but there are times when guys let themselves exist without a conscience, treat women badly and are okay with it.

I think I wanted him to be aware, how he treats people, can impact them, so try not to mess them around or lead them on because it's not respectful.

That was it, I didn't say the above to him but I think he gets it and I think he was kinda shocked and disappointed, not to have his apology just blindly accepted.

He's not a keeper but even the fly by nights, still have to be made aware of their behaviour.

All this game playing and I want you, I don't want you. I'm just bored or I'm telling you what I think you want to hear..

Is the reasons that I don't like younger men at all. They don't know what they want.

They are fascinated with older women, that are mature and have lived and have had lots of varied life experiences......

Yet, they never bring that maturity along. It's always, Oh yea, I'm playing the field, am interested in casual hook ups.

They don't listen to what I'm saying, they just wanna fix me and be the hero.

Well with me babe, things would be different, blah blah blah. Zzzzzz

If I was to date properly again. I would do the same thing, I did in my past.

Get to know him slowly, talk over a period of a few months, if all checks out, aka, he is single, local, respectful and really listens without judging, then I would consider possibly, arranging a get together.

But before that? Nope. I need to be comfortable. I need to know that if I'm putting myself out there, it's worth it.

It's all quite scary still, even decades later. I still sense that air of danger of being cornered..

Enough rambling, enjoy the rest of your day, see you tomorrow maybe :)